
After having a child, do you want your mother-in-law to "pay" or contribute? The answers of the post-90s generation are surprisingly consistent

Text/Little Snow Mom

In many family concepts, after the daughter-in-law gives birth to a child and sits in confinement, it should be the mother-in-law to help take care of it, after all, the children are with the father's surname, and the child will be called grandparents in the future, so the mother-in-law has the responsibility that must be assumed.

Especially in the countryside, this is also a "conventional" rule, if the mother-in-law does not help the neighbors will also gossip, accusing the mother-in-law of harsh daughter-in-law, not a qualified mother-in-law and grandmother.

After having a child, do you want your mother-in-law to "pay" or contribute? The answers of the post-90s generation are surprisingly consistent

But we also know that since ancient times, "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law" is a big problem, and now more and more young mothers are reluctant to let their mother-in-law help, which naturally leads to a topic, that is, "After giving birth, do you want your mother-in-law to pay or contribute?" ”

This question Xiaoxue mother also asked some friends around, everyone's answer is surprisingly consistent, that is, more hope that the mother-in-law "pays", a friend explained that he does not like to live with the mother-in-law, because the mother-in-law has a son in the husband's family, and the mother-in-law manages the husband's life more.

After having a child, do you want your mother-in-law to "pay" or contribute? The answers of the post-90s generation are surprisingly consistent

After giving birth to the child, the mother-in-law has been living with the couple, and the mother-in-law has to manage the daily life, the confinement mother-in-law has to manage, the child eats and drinks Lasa's mother-in-law also has to manage, and there is no mother-in-law in the whole family who does not worry about things.

Some problems can be backed down, but some friction in life, as well as some small contradictions in taking care of children, make friends feel very tired, although they have not quarreled with their mother-in-law in the open, but this small contradiction has accumulated over time and has become a big problem for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along.

After having a child, do you want your mother-in-law to "pay" or contribute? The answers of the post-90s generation are surprisingly consistent

Friends have also discussed with their husbands about this, the children themselves can take care of, I hope that the mother-in-law does not interfere too much, the elderly are also very worried, through some of their own lives, do not have to circle around us every day, help out of some money on it, but also for our small family support.

For the views of friends, others also agree, it can be seen that everyone has certain problems with their mother-in-law, so most people choose to "pay" and "contribute".

After having a child, do you want your mother-in-law to "pay" or contribute? The answers of the post-90s generation are surprisingly consistent

After giving birth, do you want your mother-in-law to "pay" or contribute?

The most beautiful answer is definitely to pay and contribute, I thought that the choice of the comment area would be a lot, but after reading it, it was a bit unexpected, and everyone seemed to be more inclined to "pay".

Netizen Qishan: Baby or bring it yourself! Two generations together with the baby, the key is not the general word is difficult to say, the mother-in-law pays well, willing to help, willing to give money to give money, free, everyone is good!

After having a child, do you want your mother-in-law to "pay" or contribute? The answers of the post-90s generation are surprisingly consistent

Netizen simplified: I think the mother-in-law pays, the mother-in-law contributes better, first, the mother and daughter will not go to the heart if they have any opinions, and the second is that the mother-in-law can give money and also value the grandchildren, and the daughter-in-law can also reduce some burdens.

Netizen Jiangnan Woman: Poor parents in the world, every parent loves their children, so they are willing to give everything they have to help their children establish and maintain their own small families, and their children should also be grateful for their parents' efforts, rather than taking it for granted.

After having a child, do you want your mother-in-law to "pay" or contribute? The answers of the post-90s generation are surprisingly consistent

When a child gives birth to a child, is the elderly obligated to help?

Strictly speaking, the elderly are not obliged, because the elderly have spent twenty or thirty years to raise their children to grow up, for their children to go to school and start a family, the children are already completely independent, the elderly should also retire to enjoy retirement life, and taking care of children should be the responsibility and obligation of the children themselves.

But "poor parents in the world", parents can have a few really cruel heartless children, the vast majority of the elderly say the most sentence is "while we are still able to move, hurry up to have children we can also help you take care of it", so many elderly people are willing to help with the baby.

After having a child, do you want your mother-in-law to "pay" or contribute? The answers of the post-90s generation are surprisingly consistent

It's just that the choices of different elderly people are different, some elderly people personally help to bring children, some elderly people choose to pay, and more are paid and contributed.

As a child, you should be grateful for the efforts of the elderly, and should not morally kidnap the elderly, this is a process of mutual understanding, just like the elderly understand that their children are now working hard, help to share the pressure with the baby, then the children should also understand some deficiencies of the elderly in the process of taking the baby, so that the family can live happily.

Interactive topic: After having a child, do you like your mother-in-law to pay or contribute?

I am Xiaoxue mom, a post-90s mother, pay attention to me, and share scientific parenting knowledge every day!

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