
"Pick up bottles without trying!" A parent's words are sometimes a line of tears for the child

"Pick up bottles without trying!" A parent's words are sometimes a line of tears for the child.

Recently, a 9-year-old boy in Shenyang who was missing was finally "found" after disappearing for more than 40 hours. Regrettably, tragedy still happened, and the child confirmed drowning. Afterwards, the mother of the drowned boy said in an interview that she had blamed the boy before the incident, because the child did not work at school, and in order to motivate the child, she said to him: "If you don't want to learn, you can't do anything, you can only go to the trash can to pick up bottles." ”

But what she didn't expect was that the child would actually go out and cause such a tragedy!

"Pick up bottles without trying!" A parent's words are sometimes a line of tears for the child

Today's children have a strong sense of personality and like to do everything according to their own ideas, but they are not mature after all, and they need the guidance of schools and parents. Young children are mischievous and mischievous and say a few words to their parents, he is sad at best, and then hides in the cabinet to make trouble, but the older children will run away from home, and some may turn around under excitement.

Educating children is never an easy task, and every parent must be deeply touched by it.

"Pick up bottles without trying!" A parent's words are sometimes a line of tears for the child

Some netizens said that schools and parents can not only use the quality of learning to measure a child, now children are often more lack of love, education of children should pay attention to ways and methods. Some netizens also said: "Who did not come from a child, who has not been reprimanded a few times when he was a child, has not been beaten several times, have we not grown up like this?" It is not that the psychological endurance of children is too fragile, the superficiality of life experience, and the ability to resist setbacks are low, so they are more prone to psychological disorders. ”

The author believes that the views of netizens are worth thinking about.

"Pick up bottles without trying!" A parent's words are sometimes a line of tears for the child

In fact, it is often said that no matter how old the child is, mistakes are made, and education is education, but at least it should be based on respect for children. Children are unhappy at school and classmates, teachers and parents should guide correctly, find out the reasons, blindly condemn, it is easy for children to make radical behavior!

The author has a question about this: what caused today's children to become like this, is it not caused by the family environment, the school environment and the social environment?

"Pick up bottles without trying!" A parent's words are sometimes a line of tears for the child

We often say that we should strengthen the connection between parents and schools and cooperate with each other so that children can grow up healthily. However, the real situation now is that some teachers only discipline children's knowledge, regardless of ideological and moral education (because now children cannot be scolded, and teachers do not dare to manage), and children who have problems can not be called parents. Parents work during the day and become ideological and moral teachers and homework tutors at night, and they are eager to have three heads and six arms. In the long run, no matter how good the temper is, it is impossible to speak well, and the children often complain: "It is a miracle that parents do not lose their temper for a day!" ”

So, children are difficult, how easy is it for parents and teachers?

"Pick up bottles without trying!" A parent's words are sometimes a line of tears for the child

In addition, attaching importance to the psychological guidance of children and training children's ability to resist pressure are issues that each of us should think deeply about. Caring for children, not only to provide a good material environment for children, but also need to consider from many aspects such as psychology and life, some parents feel that children are young, reasoning and understanding, simple and rough way is the most effective. However, people's three views need to be cultivated from an early age, and the care and education of children's psychological level are more important.

When a child encounters something at school, he will definitely want to be cared for by his parents.

If parents just blindly count and blame, the mood that is not stable enough may be worse. As an adult parent, it is important to control your emotions and think in the same position as your child. In fact, there is a trick to make children obedient, when parents lower their posture and are willing to communicate equally, it is the best time to educate children.

"Pick up bottles without trying!" A parent's words are sometimes a line of tears for the child

Finally, I would like to say:

The times are different, continue to follow the set of education we were educated when we were young is really not suitable for this era, today's children are no longer what we were then, the mind is too precocious, self-awareness is very strong, but the psychological endurance and physical endurance are not at a level at all.

Today's Topic:

For the education of children, what other good methods do parents and friends have? Please share it with you in the message area.

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