
Women who are really strong inside have done both of these things

Women who are really strong inside have done both of these things

Zhang Defen wrote in the book "We Will Eventually Meet Love and Loneliness": "A woman who is truly strong in her heart is actually like water, indestructible. But going with the flow made it very comfortable. Those women who want people to listen to her everything and play kung fu to win or lose are actually the most vulnerable and insecure women in their hearts. ”

Some women do seem strong and domineering, but it is precisely because of their inner fear and uneasiness that they will prove their strength to others through this superficially strong way.

However, women who are really strong inside never need to prove themselves, they just patiently, step by step, they live their lives, they never force anyone, they do not argue with anyone, because they are very calm inside, they will work what they want.

If you also want to be a woman with a strong heart, do both of these things well.

Women who are really strong inside have done both of these things

01 Like water, indestructible

Women are like water, they can bring gentleness to people, but they should be as indestructible as water, and they will never be defeated by anything.

As a woman, there are naturally many pains that men can't feel, but as a woman, you can live a strong life.

In this world, something with resilience will not be easily broken, and if it loses its toughness, it may break at any time.

So, be a resilient woman, take it and put it down, don't be heartbroken about anything, and give up your life.

Maybe you have children, you're a mother, maybe you've had an unhappy marriage, you've married the person you love, but he's hurt you the most, maybe you think you're no longer in your twenties, your youth has long been lost, you feel like it's too late to do everything now, and so on.

So have you ever wondered what kind of mother your child needs? Having lived through an unhappy marriage, do you know better than you do now what kind of people are worthy of your love? You may not be in your twenties, you may not even be in your thirties, but look at Yi Nengjing, don't you believe that a woman at any age can definitely meet a happy life as long as she is good at herself?

All you're worried about isn't a reason to stand in your way. On the contrary, everything you worry about, or bothers you, will make you stronger if you think about it from a different perspective.

Women who are really strong inside have done both of these things

People's lives have had some bad things and made some mistakes, but there is no road in vain in life, and all the roads you have traveled will have traces, so as long as you know how to summarize experience from your previous life, then your future life will be better than in the past.

A woman's life, of course, can rely on men, but you can not rely only on men, you have to have the ability to be alone, when life gives you a punch, you have to have the courage to stand up.

A woman's life may be very tired and hard, but whose life is not hard? So, don't be afraid of hard work, what you should really be afraid of is to live this life and find that you have never lived with confidence and confidence.

So, from this moment on, learn to be a woman with a strong heart, maybe for a while you feel that you can't do it, but as long as you take the first step, the rest will not be so difficult. And you have to firmly believe that as long as you want, your heart can become strong.

At that time, the things that once bothered you, overwhelmed you, made you panic, and couldn't sleep all night, became smaller and would never affect you again.

Women who are really strong inside have done both of these things

02 Very comfortable to get along with

Why do strong women at heart get along very comfortably?

Because they know how to go with the flow, they will not force the people who are with them to live according to their requirements.

They will give each other support and encouragement, and then patiently guide and accompany each other, but they will never want to replace other people's lives, and they will not point fingers at other people's lives.

Because the more powerful a woman at heart, the more she knows that everyone should take responsibility for their own lives and you can only back them up, but you can't cross the line and try to replace it. In other words, you can't take on anyone's life at all, you can only manage your own life.

Women who are really strong inside have done both of these things

A person, if she lives herself well, to tell the truth, she will not think of interfering in other people's lives, because she does not need to prove herself in this way.

Like a woman who has been seriously loved, she knows better than anyone that feelings cannot be demanded, so even if the person she loves leaves her, she will not keep it, she knows that even if she stays, if the other party does not love herself, it is just a kind of torture for herself.

They will wait patiently for the person who loves them willingly, which is the happiness they want.

So, strong women, they know what kind of life they want, they will live according to this way, neither demanding others nor forcing themselves. Staying with such a woman, no matter what the relationship, will feel comfortable.

If you always think about proving yourself in front of others, obviously, your heart is lacking, learn to be kind to yourself, learn to improve your mind and heart, and over time, you will become a strong woman inside.

A woman, the heart can be soft, but also if it is strong, such a woman, life will not be bad.


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