
Inner Strength: Breaking through the three restrictive beliefs within you, your heart will become stronger and stronger

Inner Strength: Breaking through the three restrictive beliefs within you, your heart will become stronger and stronger

Text/Tang Ruo

Tang Ruoxin learns original works, and those who violate them will be investigated

Whether a person's heart is strong or not has a lot to do with our inner beliefs, and if a person has the power of mindfulness, then often the belief of mindfulness will bring us a strong motivation to explore.

When a person has irrational beliefs, he is often very weak internally, and naturally he will be deeply affected internally.

True strength comes from our hearts know how to break those irrational beliefs, when you know how to break those irrational beliefs, your life will continue to surpass yourself, naturally it will be very powerful.

Which irrational beliefs will profoundly affect our strength and growth, see if you have these three beliefs.

Inner Strength: Breaking through the three restrictive beliefs within you, your heart will become stronger and stronger

The first major limiting belief, I don't deserve it, is not worth having

In the process of consulting with many people, I have found that many people feel that their lives are not worthy. When you think that your life is not worthy, many times the biggest impact on us is to suppress our inner potential.

When you think you don't deserve it, your life will come to a standstill. People with a sense of unworthiness can easily give up on external opportunities.

Even if there are opportunities to throw an olive branch at him, people with this belief will not dare to challenge and cope. When you stop believing in yourself, they think those opportunities don't belong to them and miss out on their better lives.

A person who has a belief that I am not worthy of often has a lot to do with our original family or with our inner growth.

Inner Strength: Breaking through the three restrictive beliefs within you, your heart will become stronger and stronger

If a person has received from childhood that you are not worthy, or that our family has no relationship, you cannot get more and better resources, then this feeling of unworthiness will be deeply rooted in the heart.

When you have this state of mind, your inner life will be limited and will even become the root of our fatalism in life.

Breaking down the feeling of unworthiness is a very important way to develop our lives. When you believe that your life is worthy and worthy, then when you encounter a good opportunity, you will not refuse, but know how to accept and welcome.

If a person wants to be strong inside, he needs to understand that as long as we dare to give and dare to work hard, we deserve the best in the world.

Inner Strength: Breaking through the three restrictive beliefs within you, your heart will become stronger and stronger

The second biggest restriction belief, I can't, doubt myself

In the process of growing up in life, the most influential thing for us is the restrictive belief in development. When a person always doubts that he can't do it, then life is an incomparably great pressure for him.

When you doubt yourself, in some ways, we may limit ourselves with beliefs that our minds have created.

The restrictive belief that I can't often come from the setbacks we encounter on our way to growth. Growing up, without wise people guiding us, it's easy for us to fall into self-limiting beliefs.

Think you can't do it, think you're stupid, think you can't do it. As we take deep root in our lives about these restrictive beliefs, we become increasingly influenced by them.

Inner Strength: Breaking through the three restrictive beliefs within you, your heart will become stronger and stronger

Our requirements for our own growth will also be lower and lower, we are afraid of challenges, we dare not challenge, and even if we do one thing once or twice, we will easily give up.

Once the unfortunate belief is planted, it will cover our life potential like a vicious seed, unable to activate the strength of the self, let alone activate the world of the self.

So to learn to get rid of my inability is to understand what psychology calls learned helplessness, and when you have this phenomenon, we are afraid, we are withdrawn.

And once we get rid of the influence of these things, our lives will enter a better state and situation.

Inner Strength: Breaking through the three restrictive beliefs within you, your heart will become stronger and stronger

The third major restrictive belief: I'm not good, deny myself

Another restrictive belief that affects a person's inner strength is that I am not good. When a person always thinks that he is not good enough, then on the road of life, because of the lack of recognition of himself, it is easy for them to form a flattering personality.

This kind of flattering personality not only does not help us effectively improve our self-esteem, but also strengthens the influence of the external environment on us.

Secondly, if I am not good, I will put my life in a bad situation, which is the root cause of depression for many people.

The biggest effect of my badness is to deny my own life from the source, and even think that I should not come into this world.

Inner Strength: Breaking through the three restrictive beliefs within you, your heart will become stronger and stronger

When a person holds such an idea to run a life, it is impossible to win the respect and appreciation of others. Because the essence of life comes from the fact that we know how to appreciate ourselves, not to be humble in order to let us continue to grow.

Our bad beliefs are often evaluated by people we once cared about, which will lead to more and more obstructions in our growth path. For example, such a person is his own parent or lover.

These people have a sense of life and death in our lives, making us ignore the essence of things and forget that we need to grow and improve.

True strength comes from within, and it comes from the fact that we know how to check ourselves for these false restrictive beliefs, and when you know how to get rid of those beliefs, your life will meet its own highlight moments.

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