
The 4-year-old boy was poisoned and vomited after eating eggs, and after being sent to the hospital, his grandmother cried bitterly and should not do this step more

Xiao Li's son Xuan Xuan is 4 years old this year and started kindergarten last year. And when the child went to kindergarten, Xiaoli concentrated on going to work. Give your son to the child's grandmother, who is responsible for picking up and dropping off school every day, and the child's grandmother is also very fond of Xuanxuan, and the grandson will buy what he wants for the grandson. But in these two days, Xuan Xuan suddenly vomited, his spirit was very poor, and he said that he was dizzy. At this time, the family rushed the child to the hospital.

The 4-year-old boy was poisoned and vomited after eating eggs, and after being sent to the hospital, his grandmother cried bitterly and should not do this step more

After the doctor's treatment, the child's condition gradually stabilized, but it still needs to be hospitalized. So what happened to the 4-year-old boy Xuanxuan? The doctor said that the child was poisoned by heavy metals, which caused the vomiting. The child's grandmother and Xiaoli are confused, how can a good child be poisoned by heavy metals? Usually, although it is the child's grandmother who carries it, there has been nothing wrong. Later, the doctor asked Xuanxuan's grandmother what she had recently given the child, after all, the disease came from the mouth.

Sure enough, after the doctor's analysis, it turned out that it was poisoned by eating eggs, how could this egg be poisoned? The doctor explained: Xuan Xuan ate the tea egg, and the soup water that boiled the tea egg was used repeatedly, and the boiled egg contained heavy metals. The child's grandmother listened to the doctor's words and immediately cried bitterly, saying that she should not do this step more. It turned out that Xuan Xuan liked to eat eggs, once Xuan Xuan's grandmother bought a tea egg for Xuan Xuan to eat outside, Xuan Xuan always said that it was delicious after eating it, and he would eat it every day after that. And Xuan Xuan's grandmother was worried that the tea eggs outside were not clean, so she directly boiled the tea eggs at home for Xuan Xuan to eat, and in order to avoid waste, she used the soup water for boiling tea eggs to cook repeatedly. 4-year-old Xuan Xuan often eats such a tea egg rich in heavy metals to cause poisoning.

The 4-year-old boy was poisoned and vomited after eating eggs, and after being sent to the hospital, his grandmother cried bitterly and should not do this step more

In fact, in life, many things are nutritious, but pay attention to the way of cooking. I believe that many people have eaten the heart of the egg, that is, the kind of half-cooked egg sandwiched between the raw eggs. Eggs like this can't be given to children, why is that? I believe that some mothers have read such reports, because of the sepsis caused by eating this loose egg and causing the child to be infected with Salmonella, the fever has been high for a long time, and finally 14 days of antibiotics were saved.

This egg contains some bacteria, and the child itself has no resistance, after eating raw eggs containing bacteria, it is possible to be infected, which can cause various infectious diseases, such as enteritis type, typhoid type, local purulent infection and sepsis. Therefore, try not to give the child half-cooked eggs, and be sure to cook them thoroughly before giving them to the children.

Although this egg is nutritious, it cannot be eaten for babies that are too small. Babies within 6 months cannot eat eggs, while those between 6 months and 1 year old can only eat a small amount of egg yolks and cannot eat egg whites. This is because the baby's stomach and intestines within 6 months have not yet developed well, and the various nutrients in the egg, such as protein and minerals, cannot be attracted by the baby, if you give the baby to eat, it will cause the burden of the baby's stomach and intestines, causing constipation. However, the protein molecules in the egg are relatively small, the baby's stomach and intestines are not yet fully developed, and the intestinal wall is still relatively thin, so these protein molecules are easy to enter the bloodstream through the intestinal wall, which may lead to allergic reactions.

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