
There must be signs before the end of the fate

There must be signs before the end of the fate

Writer Zhang Xiaoxian once said:

"I thought that love can fill the regrets of life, but what makes more regrets is love." 」

Perhaps, when everyone decides to start a relationship, they are running for a lifetime, thinking that two people can work together to whitehead.

But the reality is that not everything will develop as we expect, and so will feelings.

Some people, destined to only go halfway, but can no longer go on, and finally have to choose to regret separation.

If a relationship begins, it may only be because of a touch of emotion at first sight, but the end of a relationship is not sudden, but has been planned for a long time.

Two people who once loved you and me, inseparable, to the end of the fate of the same strange road, there must be traces to follow, and these traces are often the following.

There must be signs before the end of the fate

No longer willing to share

He Jiong once said:

"In a relationship, what matters is not appearance, not bread, not even loyalty, but sharing."

Two people who love each other must have a full desire to share.

What was done today? Who did you run into? What's new... Even if it is a trivial matter such as what kind of food you eat and what time you get up, you will talk about it with relish.

Only those who do not have the desire to love will have no desire to share.

I have seen a video like this on the Internet:

There was a couple dating, two people sitting opposite each other, but there was no communication the whole time, and both people were fiddling with their mobile phones.

After that, perhaps both people feel that this is very boring, and then the man chooses to leave on the pretext of having something, and the woman only faintly replies to the man's halfway departure: "I know, you go." ”

To be honest, when I saw this video, what I felt across the screen was not the sweetness of love, but a kind of indifferent coldness.

Meng Fei said:

"Two people who are suitable for living together must be able to talk about going together, eating together, and sleeping together."

A really good relationship is never about getting along like two strangers, but you want to tell her funny things about you; she also wants to share what she encounters.

On the contrary, when two people are together, no longer willing to share, and even saying a word becomes a luxury, then it is only because they are not in love, it feels unnecessary.

There must be signs before the end of the fate

There are no expectations for each other

Woody Allen has mentioned:

"The value of feelings lies in two people working together to solve problems that one person can't face."

It is true that loving someone will have various expectations while giving.

I hope that the other party can understand himself, look forward to the loneliness when he will be around, and look forward to him being able to give himself a beautiful and happy future.

However, when all expectations are gone, and it does not matter to treat everything, then it can only mean that it does not matter to treat feelings.

In the TV series "The Next Stop is Happiness", Yang Xiaoyu is a full-time wife, and during her pregnancy, she found evidence that her husband Shen Fanfan was out and about.

Because of the consideration of practical factors, Yang Xiaoyu did not choose to divorce immediately, but chose to be patient.

So did Yang Xiaoyu really forgive Shen Fanfan?

In fact, from the change in her attitude towards Shen Fanfan, it can be clearly seen that it is not.

In marriage, Yang Xiaoyu is no longer the same as before, everything is told to Shen Fanfan, and it is no longer the same as before, and when there is difficulty, it will trouble Shen Fanfan.

Instead, she became cold, and even no matter how late Shen Fanfan came home, she no longer asked questions or cared.

Tu Lei said such a sentence in "Love Defense War":

"If everything doesn't matter, then your marriage doesn't matter."

Good feelings are always expected of each other, because we really treat each other as lovers or even relatives.

But once there is no expectation for each other, then it is not because they are independent of each other, but only because in each other's hearts the other is already a stranger.

There must be signs before the end of the fate

Rejection of intimate contact

There is a saying:

"The intimacy of a relationship can be clearly seen from the distance between each other's bodies."

Indeed, when dealing with people we really like, we can't wait to get closer, we want to hug, and we can't wait for two people to be tied together all the time.

But once the heart is tired and abandoned, then even if you don't say it, the rejection of the body cannot deceive people.

I have seen such a story:

There is a couple, the girl is a very clingy type.

When two people are first together, two people will hug, kiss, and go shopping together and hold hands.

But then, the man changed, and when the girl hugged him, he would push him away;

Walking on the road together, the man no longer takes the initiative to hold the girl's hand.

At first, the girl thought that it was because he had encountered something annoying that he was so indifferent to her.

But it wasn't until she found his unseemly secret on her phone that she fully woke up to the fact that everything was combed out just because she didn't love it.

Someone said:

"People who love each other will be very close, and people who don't love will be very far away, and this distance is not only the distance of the soul, but also the distance of the body."

It is true that people who truly love you will be eager to hold you in the palm of their hands and melt into their bodies, how can they refuse to embrace you.

Only when you are disgusted and bored will you refuse the intimate act.

There must be signs before the end of the fate

There is a line in the movie "Later Us":

"Regarding fate, he explained that it is enough for each other to live up to fate, but people, it is really difficult to live up to this life."

In feelings, many times the dissipation of love does not necessarily have a huge contradiction, or it may just be tired of it in ordinary life.

However, when the fate is over, I hope you will not entangle and force, after he turns around, you must also know how to empty the past, and then start again, to meet new people and start a new life.

You have to believe that there is always a good place, waiting for you not far away.


Author: Away from the rain slightly cool, a rational, emotional, like to use words to express personal views, bring you spiritual healing, emotional solution, life perception of the post-90s writer.

There must be signs before the end of the fate

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