
Zhihu topic: Why don't today's boys pursue girls?

Zhihu topic: Why don't today's boys pursue girls?

Zhihu topic: Why don't today's boys pursue girls?

Whether it is the free love market or the blind date market, I have observed such a phenomenon, when two people are not together, the decision is on the woman's side.

As long as the woman looks up to the man and gives the opportunity, there is a follow-up, if you do not give the opportunity, the man's efforts will not catch up.

Recently chatting with my husband, recalling our love experience, he actually said, in fact, you chased me. (Before he said, he chased me)

He said, you sent me three questions in a row online, I left you contact information, and then we got in touch and met.

I met four times before, you set the next meeting time, very compact, I don't have time or energy to chat with other blind dates, meet.

In this way, we came together smoothly, and the engagement and marriage in the back were all natural.

The truth is also like this, at first I first looked at my husband, and then he went back to my profile and thought he could understand, so we got in touch.

In fact, every relationship is the result of collusion between the two sides, "pursuit" itself is a false proposition, and giving each other opportunities is the essence of relationship development and upgrading.

This process of mutual pursuit, without the cooperation of girls, boys are absolutely "chasing" can not move.

Once one party does not cooperate, the other party's chat skills are strong, and no matter how many routines are pursued, it is in vain.

Some girls may lack common sense in blind dates, do not know how to give feedback and progress bars to boys, or want to test boys to see how much he is willing to pay for me, and then give a reply when he is satisfied.

In such a situation, the boy can't chase it at all, and the final result is that both sides feel that it is not OK, complaining that each other is raising fish and preparing spare tires.

It is obvious that the relationship that needs to be established by both sides has become an unequal relationship between the sexes, and it will certainly not work.

So now boys don't pursue girls, girls don't give opportunities, don't give feedback and progress bars, they can't chase.

Little Sister Shi has a knowledge planet, sharing dry goods on it in the form of text, and netizens who join can also ask questions one-on-one anonymously.

When you encounter any marriage problems, you can ask questions in the small circle, and you can also see the questions of others, which will inspire you.

The dry goods I wrote in the small circle involve various case studies, emotional marriage classes, how to screen high-quality men, what kind of women high-quality men need, which dating channels across the country feel good after practice, and occasionally share the resources of high-quality men and women (they are not willing to post publicly), etc., involving all aspects of marriage and love.

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