
Full of dry goods! 60 Parenting Lessons For New Parents by Pediatricians! (Recommended collection)

How should my baby be taken care of after birth?

What do I need to be aware of?

What are the tips?

As the saying goes, "Practice makes you know"

A pediatrician summed up 60 lessons for everyone

Let's learn together

Breastfeeding article

Full of dry goods! 60 Parenting Lessons For New Parents by Pediatricians! (Recommended collection)

1. In the first few days after childbirth, do not drink too much soup immediately. At this time, the new mother's breast duct is not smooth, if you drink too much soup, the secreted milk is likely to block the breast duct, resulting in mastitis, but it is not conducive to breastfeeding.

2. Breastfeeding the baby within 6 months does not need to give the baby any other food.

3. Babies with pure breast milk do not need to drink water within 6 months, because both breast milk and milk powder contain a lot of water, and drinking more water will increase the burden on the child's liver and kidneys.

4, after feeding to the baby to burp, if not filmed, the baby is easy to overflow.

5, do not wait for the baby is already very hungry to feed, the baby eats too quickly and easy to choke; the child is full and can not be forced to feed again, forced feeding is prone to accidents.

6, do not let the baby lie down to feed:

● The throat is a three-way intersection: esophagus, ear canal, trachea, when feeding, you must pay attention to the height of the ear is higher than the throat, otherwise once the milk enters the ear, it is easy to get otitis media.

● Children sometimes sleep because they are sleepy, and their small mouths will move and they will also suck out milk, but because they do not swallow when sleeping, they will choke on milk, and in severe cases, they will cause aspiration pneumonia.

● If the mother is sleepy during feeding, especially at night and in the middle of the night, it is easy to block the child's mouth and nose and cause suffocation.

7, the color and consistency of breast milk is not an indicator of whether there is nutrition or not. Breast milk after the baby's 6 months is still nutritious and can be fed until naturally free of milk as long as the mother is willing.

Food Supplements

Full of dry goods! 60 Parenting Lessons For New Parents by Pediatricians! (Recommended collection)

8, the baby's first bite of complementary food is the best iron-fortified infant nutrition rice noodles, its nutritional value is far more than the egg yolk or vegetable puree and other single foods, commercially available baby rice noodles are more nutritious and more beneficial than homemade.

9, do not feed the baby boiling water. The pigments, fertilizers and pesticides on the surface of vegetables will be soluble in water, and the vegetable water even contains heavy metals, which will endanger the health of children, and after adding complementary foods, vegetable puree is more suitable for babies.

10. It is not recommended to feed complementary foods with bottles. Bottle feeding is a process of sucking and swallowing, while bowls and spoons help your child develop the ability to chew and swallow.

11, add fruit to the baby, do not choose too sweet or too sour fruit, avoid excessive taste, anorexia and anorexia.

12. Children under the age of one year do not need to add salt and sugar to supplement food. Salt affects blood pressure, increases the burden on the kidneys, too much sugar can cause caries, should try to eat less.

13, do not often give children under three years old to drink pure water, mineral water, boiled water is the best for children.

14. Drinking carbonated drinks such as cola will affect calcium absorption. Children can drink tea after the age of six.

15. The amount of complementary food for infants can vary by about 20% per time, and the amount of food eaten per day is not fixed.

16, do not blow cold soup rice to the child, this is easy to spread caries, if adults chew food and then let the child eat, the caries rate is higher.

17. How to eat more calcium supplements for foods containing calcium?

●Shrimp skin

You can boil the shrimp skin in water for 10 minutes, filter out the water, and then chop the shrimp skin into the baby to eat, and the child will eat the shrimp skin directly. If the baby is eating shrimp skin for the first time, the mother should pay attention to observe whether there is any allergy after eating.


Containing calcium is second only to shrimp skin, and is conducive to absorption, directly eat or spread flower rolls, steamed buns to eat.

●Tofu skin

Dishes contain the highest calcium, chop bibimbap or eat directly.


It is also very high in calcium, and it is eaten by twisting and chopping.

18. It is not advisable to give infants and young children uncooked eggs (omelette takes 3 minutes, boiled eggs take 7 minutes).

19, five years old (including five years old) under the age of girls, eat fried food once a week, is an overdose, the risk of breast cancer in adulthood will increase by 38%. (Please let your child, that is, an overdose, the risk of breast cancer in adulthood increases by 38 percent.) (Please keep your child away from foreign fast food).

Daily care


20. For newborns, it is normal for the body temperature not to exceed 37.5 degrees.

21. Newborns can use baby shower gel, but they do not need to be used often, once a week.

22. Care for infants and young children needs to pay attention to:

● Head insulation. This is why newborns wear hats;

●Allow cool hands and feet for babies. As long as the neck is warm, it can indicate that the room temperature and the cover are appropriate, do not cover it with a quilt.

23. After birth, when the baby is awake and cared for, let the baby lie on his stomach for a while every day. More lying can prevent the baby's head from being too flat and biased, and the baby who is more lying on the stomach is more likely to learn to crawl, and the more lying down can also promote the development of the baby's heart and lungs.

24. Children within the age of one year are forbidden to shake, and the baby's immature brain marrow is easily injured, which can seriously cause intracranial hemorrhage, brain damage and concussion.

25. Children in January are hugged horizontally, children in February are held obliquely, and children in March are held vertically or supported.

26, the baby does not use a pillow for three months, a 1 cm high pillow for 3 months, and a 3 cm high pillow for July and August.

27, foreign statistics, the use of carpet families, their children with allergic asthma is not used in the family of children 2-3 times, the culprit is dust mites, so it is not recommended to use carpets, if there is also a frequent cleaning of mites.

28, summer is too hot or winter is too cold must use air conditioning, please pay attention to the regular replacement and cleaning of the air filter, every 2 hours to open the window ventilation, to keep the indoor air clean and fresh.

29. Avoid sedentary (1 hour) within one year of age, and studies have shown that children who sit for more than 1 hour within one year will increase the mortality rate.

30, turn on the light to sleep at night will affect the baby melatonin secretion, thereby affecting the baby's development, so turn off the lights to sleep.

Do not let the baby sleep among the parents, the baby's oxygen consumption during sleep will cause the baby to have poor breathing and be easily pressed. It is best to let your baby sleep in a separate crib.

31, do not wear open crotch pants for the baby, it is easy to be infected by dirty things to cause urinary tract infection, and the treatment will not go up in time to lead to infectious nephritis. Baby girls, on the other hand, are prone to vaginitis.

32, if you want to wash your baby's feet, use warm water close to the body temperature.

33, to prevent diaper rash and red buttocks, give the baby diapers to change in time.

34, before the child is 3 years old, it is best not to pedal a tricycle, it is easy to form O-shaped legs or X-shaped legs.

35, when the baby grows the first teeth, the mother can start brushing the baby's teeth.

36. Children with rickets, in addition to calcium supplementation, the most important thing is to supplement vitamin D in time.

37, if the baby eats less, do not force. Forced eating is easy to make children resistant, and respecting children's choices about the amount of food is conducive to feeding.

38. As long as the growth is normal, the number of bowel movements and traits of the child do not need to be paid attention to. If the growth is slow, even if the bowel movement is normal, it is necessary to find the cause and adjust in time. Focus on the outcome, not the process.

39, do not use the lamp to warm the bath bully, because it will hurt the child's eyes. If you really need to use it, you can open the bath bulb in advance before the baby bathes to increase the bathroom temperature, and turn off the baby when bathing.

Prevent children from gaining weight before the age of 40 and 13, because once they become fat at this stage, obesity will accompany him throughout his life, and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and diabetes in adulthood increases

Disease Care

Full of dry goods! 60 Parenting Lessons For New Parents by Pediatricians! (Recommended collection)

41. During feeding, the baby's stool is prone to milk flaps, which is a manifestation of incomplete milk digestion, and parents do not need to be anxious.

42. After the baby eats a certain food, vomiting, acute diarrhea, eczema and other conditions appear, which is a typical acute allergy. In this case, dyspepsia is not taken into account and feeding should be stopped immediately.

43 Once it is determined that your baby is allergic to a certain food, avoid the food for at least 3 months.

44, the baby refuses to drink medicine after getting sick, parents have no choice but to pinch the nose to force the baby to drink, which can easily lead to coughing, and the baby's nasal mucosa is also easy to damage.

Babies under 45 or 3 months with fever should be sent to the hospital in time. The baby's fever is preferred physical cooling method, and the only antipyretic drugs that the baby can eat are acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

46, cough is the body's protective reflex, baby cough is not recommended to use antitussive drugs, can be used to percussion, suction, atomization and other physical methods to alleviate.

Habit building

Full of dry goods! 60 Parenting Lessons For New Parents by Pediatricians! (Recommended collection)

47. When the baby can sit, you can let the baby sit in the dining chair to eat. It is conducive to developing good eating habits.

48 Encourage your baby to eat on his own, even if he always gets food everywhere at the beginning.

49, the baby should pay attention when eating, if you eat while playing with toys, it will be distracting, which is not good for developing good eating habits, and it is not good for digestion.

50, before the age of two, it is best not to show the baby mobile phones, tablets and other electronic products, which is not conducive to the baby's vision.

51, under 2 years old is prohibited to watch TV, 3-4 years old can not watch TV for a total time of more than 30 minutes per week, each time to watch the time is calculated in minutes. Because the child's eyes are in the formation stage in the first 4 years of age, they are extremely vulnerable, and this harm is irreversible and cannot be repaired.

52, parents and mothers should often talk to the baby, which is beneficial to parent-child communication and also beneficial to the baby's future language development.

53, foreign products such as baby dining table and chairs, baby carrier is a good thing, but the walker is not good for the child, the child is best not to use the walker.

54, there is no intelligent inspiration of toys can not be bought, and similar to building blocks or tangram children can continue to get changes from the toy, can be appropriately purchased.

55, only take one toy at a time, do not play and put away and then change another, which can effectively improve the child's concentration.

Babies before the age of 56 and 2 do not have to forcibly stop the development of their sensorimotor system, and at the same time can eliminate the baby's uneasiness, irritability and nervousness.

57, if the baby likes to open his mouth to breathe, be sure to correct it in time. Long-term oral breathing, air flow will impact the hard palate, so that it is deformed, over time facial development will be affected, the upper lip is short and thick upturned, the teeth are not arranged neatly, the bite is poor, the upper incisors protrude to form caries and other oral deformities, affecting the baby's appearance.

58, 1 year old to 1 and a half years old baby likes to throw things, which is the baby's upper arm strength, grasping ability and hand-eye coordination and other motor skills are further developed, but to tell the baby what not to throw, and where to throw, to avoid developing bad habits.

Before the age of 59 and 1.5 years old, the baby's physical and mental development is limited, bedwetting and pants wetting can not be avoided, but do not carry out the to urinate. Hip damage may occur, or frequent urination may remain. Generally, children are trained to defecate after the age of 2.

60, spend more time with the baby, parents are the best playmates for the baby.


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