
Why most of the fallen heroes in history have striking similarities, it is introspective

The long river of history is running endlessly, there are calm waves, there are also waves, let Xiaobian take you into history and understand history.

No matter what kind of era, it seems that heroes can never make a little noise, as if the world has never been short of people who can be called heroes. If you encounter a chaotic era, you will be surprised to find that the hero seems to be the target that everyone is chasing, and almost everyone can wear this label on their heads as long as they have a good chance. However, it is not a simple thing to become a hero who can go to the end, because with a little carelessness, one hero may be defeated by another hero and erased by history. So is there a reason why these erased heroes have encountered such an ending, in addition to the more objective reasons? For example, there are obviously reasons for their own personality. If you compare the fallen heroes together, it's easy to see why, and surprisingly, most of the heroes fall for essentially the same reason.

Why most of the fallen heroes in history have striking similarities, it is introspective

Xiang Yu, the person who forced Pei Gong into a corner at every turn, no matter what era he put in, seemed to have to label him as a hero. Yes, this handsome man who did not like to read and had a muscle, from the first day he was recognized by the world, seemed to have become a person who could emit strange brilliance, and warriors from all over the world came to defect, and finally under his leadership, he completely pushed the Qin Dynasty into the history of writing. However, it eventually fell, so what is the reason for this?

Because of Xiang Yu's pride, as long as people who have a little understanding know that this person has never experienced defeat since the first day of riding a war horse, so in his eyes, he is the god of war, and his existence means victory, especially after the giant deer pit killed all the Qin army generals, Xiang Yu has seen himself as a person who has changed the world, as a person who will never fail.

However, history does not decide who xiang yu decides, because of many entanglements with Liu Bang, Xiang Yu eventually died in a river called Wu Jiang, and this is his first experience of failure, very unbearable but definitely worthy of sympathy and understanding, but what everyone did not expect was that he chose to break his abdomen! Obviously, the reason why he would do such a cruel trick to himself must be that he could not accept such a fact, and this fact is a small failure.

Why most of the fallen heroes in history have striking similarities, it is introspective

There are many similar people, such as Yuan Shao. The people who wrote the Three Kingdoms wrote him as an uncle who was full of bacon all over his body, but the real Yuan Someone was actually a handsome man, and in terms of his true appearance, he should not be worse than Xiang Yu. The first time Yuan Shao exerted his influence in front of the world was because of an action to suppress the eunuchs, that is, from this time on, it was like a lit firework, very dazzling. It is precisely because of this that many very big things were done afterwards, such as the elimination of Dong Zhuo, the unification of the north, and so on, which can be said to be very successful.

However, Yuan Ren also fell, and the reason was also because of a small defeat, that is, the time when everyone knew that the soldiers defeated Guandu. You must know that Yuan Someone was still very powerful after he fled, but he fell into worry, because he couldn't understand that he was actually defeated by a person named Cao Cao, this person was still very unruly, Yuan Someone couldn't figure it out, and finally died in anger.

Yuan Renren only had one failure in his life, that is, such a failure made him no longer able to participate in the history that followed.

Remember Zhou Yu? This person who once beat Cao Mengde and was about to call out to his father, in the end, because of a small decision-making mistake, did not seize the opportunity to control Liu Bei, so he fell into resentment and was taken away by the god of death.

Zhou Yu's birth naturally does not need to be said more, it is very noble, and after he became the governor of Eastern Wu, he was even more remarkable, not only after hundreds of battles without being defeated, but also cao Mengde who fought lost his vitality. However, such a person eventually fell, and the reason was still because of melancholy and resentment.

Why most of the fallen heroes in history have striking similarities, it is introspective

The three heroes mentioned above could have done more because they had enough strength. So why are they eventually erased by history? The reason only needs two words to answer, that is, "belly volume". Most people with small bellies are either well born or have never experienced failure, this type of person often has a high talent, so they do not allow themselves to fail, and once they appear, it means that the self they have worked so hard to establish before collapses in an instant, so that death will be sooner or later. There are many such people in history, such as Zhu Yuanzhang's old father-in-law, who became depressed because he lost a small opportunity for revenge, otherwise if he were to live, Zhu Yuanzhang would really not be able to say that he could become emperor. So, if you want to be a hero, be sure to make your belly bigger.

Well, today's sharing ends here, and we'll see you next time

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