
Newborns in 100 days, 8 things need to be avoided as much as possible, are the "blood lessons" of people who come over

"Wen | Easter Egg Daddy (original article, welcome to personal reprint and share)"

Tell a story around you.

The neighbor's children were brought by the grandmother before 3 months, and from 3 months to now, they were all brought by the mother herself, and the mother said that the elderly in the family took the child, and 3 months, the child entered the hospital 3 times.

The reason why Erbao does not dare to bring it to the elderly is because there are many "old habits" of the elderly.

The first time I entered the hospital, it was at the time of the full moon, the rash on the baby's face was not broken, and the plaster recommended by relatives and friends was used in countless kinds, which was not good. Went to the hospital to find the reason, is the grandmother with milk every day to wash the baby's face. Grandma still didn't admit it, saying that people were fine with milk baths. But the truth is that after stopping, the baby's face will get better;

Newborns in 100 days, 8 things need to be avoided as much as possible, are the "blood lessons" of people who come over

The second time I entered the hospital, when I was 2 months old, the grandmother had to give the child a pastus with alum, and then the baby had a fever, and the doctor said it was an infection;

The third time I entered the hospital, when I was 3 months old, the baby vomited and pulled, and went to the hospital to check that the stomach was indigestible, but it was because Grandma secretly added bone broth between two meals of breast milk, and Grandma has been sly arguing that it must be a problem of breast milk.

Exhausted, Bao Mom finally "invited" the old man back and brought the baby herself.

Newborns in 100 days, 8 things need to be avoided as much as possible, are the "blood lessons" of people who come over

Newborns are undoubtedly delicate, and children in the first three months are also the most difficult to bring, because parents at this time are really inexperienced. If you meet an old man with "wrong experience", then the child will suffer, and the parents will naturally be distressed.

Newborns in 100 days, 8 things need to be avoided as much as possible, are the "blood lessons" of people who come over

Therefore, these 8 common mistakes of care, be sure to avoid! These are all lessons learned from people who have come over, and when they happen to babies, they are all "blood lessons".

First, avoid kissing

Adults, do you know how "dirty" your mouth is?

In the mouth of adults, there will be many bacteria, germs, etc., because the resistance of adults will be relatively strong, so there is not much feeling for these bacteria. However, the resistance of newborns is very weak, adults kissing the baby, will pass bacteria, viruses, etc. to the baby, so that the baby is infected with "kissing disease".

Therefore, no matter how soft and cute the baby is, adults must control their "mouth"!

Newborns in 100 days, 8 things need to be avoided as much as possible, are the "blood lessons" of people who come over

Second, avoid pinching the bridge of the nose

There is a tall nose bridge, a person's facial features are instantly three-dimensional, and the appearance value is also raised by more than one grade.

The bones of small babies are "soft", so some elderly people begin to "pinch bones to make babies" to pinch the bridge of the newborn's nose, hoping to make the baby's nose high and straight in the future.

In fact, this is just the psychology of adults, the bridge of the nose should be high or high, not high or not.

And the baby's nose bridge is very fragile and delicate, when the parents pinch, not only pinch the nose bridge, but also pinch the baby's nasal cavity, nasal passage, blood vessels, etc., if the pinch is injured, the baby will suffer.

Third, avoid using milk to wash your baby's face and hair

In the TV series, some concubines in the palace will bathe with goat's milk in order to whiten and tender their skin. Including life, many toiletries also claim to be added to dairy products such as milk.

These are not common sense of life, so that the elderly mistakenly think that milk, is the best thing!

Newborns in 100 days, 8 things need to be avoided as much as possible, are the "blood lessons" of people who come over

Therefore, some elderly people will use breast milk to wash the baby's face, wash their hair, and emollient, saying that they can remove fetal scale and fetal hair. However, in exchange, it may be that the baby has a rash all over his face!

The substances in breast milk are more numerous, complex, with a certain degree of stickiness, rubbed on the baby's face, easy to cause pore clogging. Moreover, if breast milk lasts a little longer, it will also breed bacteria and deteriorate. These may cause eczema in your baby.

Fourth, avoid sleeping head type

Flat head, really not good-looking!

Generally, only when the baby's head shape has a problem, it is necessary to sleep on the head shape, such as asymmetry, too round, too flat and so on. In other cases, there is no need to deliberately sleep on the head shape.

And when taking care of newborns in daily life, because they will not turn their heads on their own, parents need to often change the direction of their babies to sleep and avoid sleeping out of the head.

Newborns in 100 days, 8 things need to be avoided as much as possible, are the "blood lessons" of people who come over

Fifth, avoid sleeping in hugging

Newborns are so cute to sleep with baby in their arms?

At 2 months old, the newborn is crying too much, holding the baby to sleep?

When you are 3 months old, your baby likes to hug and wake up as soon as he puts it, so he sleeps in his arms?

Not really!

First of all, in the process of sleeping, the baby's spine is bent in the arms of the parents, which will affect the baby's development for a long time;

Secondly, hugging and sleeping has become a habit, so it is necessary to hold and sleep all the time, which is very unfavorable to the development of the baby's independent sleep.

Sixth, avoid shaking and sleeping

I remember once taking my baby to get a vaccine, and I saw a baby crying badly after the injection, and then the baby's grandmother held the baby, bumped up and down, and then shook it from side to side.

Baby grandma said that the effect of stopping crying and coaxing sleep is very good! Sure enough, in less than 5 minutes, the little baby who had been crying was already asleep.

Newborns in 100 days, 8 things need to be avoided as much as possible, are the "blood lessons" of people who come over

It's just that the baby is sleepy on his own, or is he stunned? An adult of mine watched the baby shake and was going to faint!

What parents should know is that shaking the baby is too strong, which will lead to brain damage to the baby! There are many ways to soothe your baby, shaking, and definitely not a wise move.

7. Avoid "candle packs"

Giving newborns a "candle pack" seems to have become a tradition, the so-called candle pack, that is, to wrap the baby tightly, like a candle.

Some old people will feel that this is not exciting, and they have to tie another bundle with rope, so that the child can grow into a big leg later.

It's just that children are not candles, and newborns' leg shapes are not the same as those of adults.

First of all, the candle pack will make the newborn unable to move, which is not conducive to the development of the baby's motor function;

Secondly, the legs of newborns are not the same as those of adults, and excessive intervention may also induce hip dislocation.

Newborns in 100 days, 8 things need to be avoided as much as possible, are the "blood lessons" of people who come over

A child of my relatives, who was wrapped in candles for 5 or 6 months, found that the child had one foot on the foot of the foot, and then checked for hip dislocation.

Therefore, do not candle pack newborns anymore, you can properly wrap a pack, the purpose is to give newborns a sense of security, reduce jumping, and some free space, must have, especially the legs!

8. Avoid eating complementary foods other than breast milk and milk powder

Eating the right thing at the right age is so important for kids!

Babies 4-6 months old, depending on the situation, can start to add complementary foods, but it is also a very small amount, because the official addition is recommended after 6 months, and within 100 days after the birth of the newborn, it is forbidden to add any complementary foods, including water, it is not recommended to drink!

The baby's stomach is delicate, breast milk is the best nourishment, no breast milk on the milk powder, the rest, unless it is a doctor's advice, otherwise, do not add!


There are newborns in the family, and everyone loves children, but at the same time as loving, we must also remember that the love given to children should be the right love, not pure empirical talk.

I am a post-80s dad, work and family are not wrong, is my happiest arrangement!

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