
"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming


A boy on a runaway phone call with his mom shouting "I love you"

The video touched many netizens

The teacher said

The boys in the video are usually very restrained

But lately parents don't often stay at home

As soon as he heard his mother's voice, he began to choke

Then the emotions ran out of control and shouted

"Mom, you've worked hard, I love you!"

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming


There is also a teacher in class

Let the students bravely confess to their parents

A boy hadn't spoken yet

I can't cry anymore

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming

"Mom, I love you!"

"It's nice to have you!"

And the mother's reaction is also very heartwarming

"I love you too!"

"I love you more than you love me!"

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming

Children sitting in the audience

Originally, he was still slightly shy and laughing

But after listening to the conversation between mother and son

They were all moved to tears

Finished watching the video

Are you also red-eyed?

You remember the last time you were with a parent/child

When is it to say "I love you"?

"Love should be spoken out loud"

It is a phrase often quoted in advertising slogans

There are many ways to express love

But language is the most direct way

However, for most people

The way to express love is often subtle and reserved

Parents don't like to say it, and children are not embarrassed to say it

Many times the best time to express feelings is missed

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming

When will a child say "I love you"?

A child comes into this world as a blank piece of paper, and no one teaches him to say I love you.

Many years ago, the documentary "Kindergarten" had a brief interview about this. The children interviewed were all long-term children who had been staying in kindergartens for a long time, and they had very little contact with their parents.

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming

The first child to be interviewed heard a reporter ask "when will I say I love you", and the child said with a blank face that he did not know. The reporter asked him again, "I didn't say I love you," and the child shook his head.

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming

When asked about the second child's "have you heard my mother say I love you", the child said no expressionlessly. The reporter asked him "to whom do you want to say I love you", and the child smiled shyly and said he didn't know.

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming

The reporter asked the third child, "Who would you say I love you to whom?", and he said embarrassed to say, "Because of that disgusting.".

What is it that makes an innocent and cute child think that saying "I love you" is a disgusting thing?

Because in the traditional concept of thought, expressing love to the family is a very awkward thing. In particular, the three words "I love you" are so that although parents love their children very deeply, children do not feel it.

Only when we guide our children in life to see love, feel love, express love, and children feel immersed in love, they will give back our love.

Tell your child "I love you"

How important is it?

The expression of parents' love for their children is an important spiritual nourishment in the process of children's growth.

Liang Qichao, a modern thinker and politician, has nine children, all of whom have become great talents, and his family has the reputation of "three academicians in one discipline, and all nine sons are talented". When the world explores Liang Qichao's parenting methods, it is found that he is an "alternative father".

Unlike most Chinese fathers, Liang often tells his children how much he loves them. In his lifetime, Liang Qichao wrote more than 400 family letters to his children, totaling more than one million words. He once confessed in a letter to the children:

You must know that your father is the most emotional person, and for your love, twelve points of enthusiasm...

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming

Liang Qichao gives children not only traditional education, but also full of love and generosity. How many parents can express their love to their children as bluntly as he does?

Some people say that "love" is not a simple three words or a few words, but is embodied by action, but in fact, love needs action and also needs to be expressed.

"I love you" is the most magical phrase in the world, the source of a family centripetal force.

When parents take the initiative to say this to their children, the children will have a full sense of security for their parents and families, have a greater sense of dependence emotionally, and understand the meaning brought by their families. In this way, children will also know more how to love others and love the world.

Love is an ability, and breaking through the resistance of choking in the throat is even more of a strength. So, how do parents take the lesson of "education and expression of love" and how to let children learn to say "I love you"?

Learn to put love on your lips

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming

Love should be said out loud, parents often only do not say, in the long run, children not only do not understand, some will also have "parents are too strict with me, do not love me" such ideas. The phrase "I love you" is an effective way to convey love to children, which will make children feel the love and dependence of their parents. As long as you have a feeling in your heart, you must say it to let him know, and at the same time, parents should also teach their children to express their feelings in a timely manner.

Express your love for your child with hugs

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming

Hugging a child, through the physical contact between parents and children, is a good way to convey love and affection. Parents can express their love through such intimacy. This expression of love allows children to grow up in the infiltration of love, creates a sound psychology and good moral character of children, and lays the necessary foundation for children's development.

A gift of love for a child

"Mom, I love you!" The boy bravely dialed the phone, and the mother's response was absolutely overwhelming

Giving gifts is a powerful way to express love. When it comes to giving gifts, the effects often last years later. The most meaningful gifts become symbols of love, and those that truly convey love are part of the word of love. Gifts given to children will eventually become things that show the love of parents.


2021 is drawing to a close

Remember to say "I love you" to the people closest to you!

Thank you for accompanying me

Please indicate the source of "Capital Education (ID: bjedunews)"

Some of the materials in this article are synthesized from Li Meijin Parenting Lecture Hall, Tencent Video, Dashujun, etc.

Edit: The water horse is not at home

Proofreader: Fortunately

Review: Fisherman's Student

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