
Is it better to have a son or a daughter?

There are 6 dead parties in our girlfriend circle, two of whom are a bit special, Lili has given birth to three sons, Babe has given birth to two daughters, and everyone else has only one boy or one girl.

It is precisely because the two of them are more special, so they are often compared and become a hot topic of discussion: is it better to have a son or a daughter?

Li Li gave birth to three sons is really helpless, she gave birth to a son, has always wanted a daughter, her husband especially wants a girl, after the birth examination confirmed that it is twins, the couple has always been looking forward to two girls, but the birth is two boys, this does make the couple helpless, especially her husband, directly confused, depressed for a long time.

Li Li cashier in the supermarket, her husband is a truck driver, are ordinary occupations, the income is not high, for the three sons, the couple really suffered a lot.

At our girlfriend's party, Li Li basically did not participate, because there was really no time, either busy with a second job, or taking care of the children, her husband was also all year round, running outside all day, quite hard.

Now, the eldest son is in the third grade, and the younger son is in the fifth grade, and the three of them are studying in general and have no obvious strengths.

The misfortune is that her husband had a car accident half a year ago, his leg was fractured, he recuperated for half a year, his leg fell behind, he walked with a limp, but due to economic pressure, he had to run a long distance.

Li Li is tired all year round, life is stressful, thyroid nodules are found on both sides of the neck, although it is benign, but it also needs to be surgically removed, and it will recur at any time.

When it comes to the future, Li Li seems to be wandering and helpless, the three children will not have much achievement in their studies, the economic pressure of getting married and starting a family in the future is like three mountains pressing on their husbands and wives, and the three sons have to buy a house, buy a car and do wine, bride price and other expenses, think about it and sweat.

Li Li said that she could only hope that the children would have a future appearance on their own, otherwise they really couldn't do anything, even if they helped, they would at most help one, and the other two would not be able to do it at all.

"Don't dare to stop for a moment, work hard," Li Li sighed and went to catch the second job.

Is it better to have a son or a daughter?

Compared to Lili, Babe is much more relaxed.

After Babe gave birth to her eldest daughter, she wanted to have both children and daughters, but she waited for a daughter, although she was a little disappointed, but she was soon relieved.

Having two daughters, the cost of living is still much less than that of a son and a daughter, the clothes, shoes and hats of the eldest daughter can be used for the younger daughter, and books and toys are basically not bought.

The sister loves her sister very much and often takes her to play or study, which relieves her parents a lot of pressure.

The eldest daughter excelled in her studies and attended experimental classes in the best key middle schools in the city, with worry-free academics. The youngest daughter is also smart and well-behaved, versatile, only nine years old, won the first prize of the provincial primary school english speaking competition, the provincial chess children's group champion.

Talking about her two daughters, Babe really smiled and closed her mouth.

Compared with the ordinary income of Li Li and his wife, Bei Bei and his wife are one teacher and the other is a civil servant, and their income is stable and rich.

Babe, the circle of friends are all sightseeing, eating and drinking, sunbathing children's various award certificates, etc., causing us sisters to envy and hate, our girlfriend circle often sighs, or it is good to have a daughter, and the pressure of having a son is great.

Is it better to have a son or a daughter?

Of course, I am only talking about two individual cases, which does not prove that having a daughter is better than having a son, just imagine if you make a swap between Lili and Babe's family, the situation may be different.

But there is an undeniable fact that the current mentality of preferring sons to daughters is really weak, especially in the cities, and even the phenomenon of preference for sons and daughters has emerged.

I once did a written survey of 31 people in our office, both men and women, all old and young.

The survey question is that you most recognize the family child structure, the options are:

1. A boy

2, a girl

3. Two boys

4. Two girls

5. One man and one woman

6. Others

Is it better to have a son or a daughter?

The findings are as follows:

The first place, a girl, got 9 votes.

2nd place: one man and one woman, 8 votes

Third place: a boy, got 7 votes

Fourth place: two girls, 6 votes

5th place: Others, 1 vote

Sixth place: two boys, 0 votes

It can be seen that two boys are the least popular, and even other options are higher than the two boy options, which may be two women and a man or two men and a woman, both more popular than two men.

Of course, this is just a vote in our small circle, not necessarily representative, if you were to choose, how would you choose?

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