
How much the quarrel between parents affects the child

Parental quarrels can cause depression in children, often related to the intensity and frequency of parental quarrels. If the parents have a harmonious daily relationship, occasional quarrels and quickly reconcile, it usually does not affect the child's psychology. However, if parents frequently quarrel violently, it may affect the child's mental health and even lead to depression.

How much the quarrel between parents affects the child

Frequent or violent quarrels between parents will lead to a decrease in intimacy between parents, affecting children's ability to make friends and express themselves, resulting in children who are not good at seeking help when they encounter setbacks and difficulties, and have poor emotional expression. Children are prone to negative emotions such as pessimism and depression, which increases the chance of children suffering from depression;

The child's world all comes from the parents, especially the younger children, if the parents often quarrel, the child has no way to describe it in words, can only use crying to express their uneasiness, which will make the child have an extreme sense of fear;

How much the quarrel between parents affects the child

In addition, inferiority, loneliness, personality defects, etc., are the impact, adolescent children are the stage of long body, psychological and physiological aspects also began to mature slowly, sometimes encounter some things when very much need to get the care of the family, if the child often sees the parents quarrel, it will make him bored with life, and even have inexplicable thoughts, a little careless will go astray.

Moreover, childhood, witnessing parental quarrels and not growing up in a normal environment, will make children feel disappointed in marriage or excessively eager to be loved.

Parents often quarrel in front of their children will make children feel that marriage is unfortunate, marriage is a quarrel, may grow up will unconsciously fear marriage, do not marry. Some people will often quarrel because their parents do not give their children the love they deserve, these people will gradually show drawbacks when they grow up, such people will be emotionally frustrated, and it is easy to become irrational because of love.

How much the quarrel between parents affects the child

So we can see that most people who fail marriages will not have a good family, because the influence is there.

An unhappy family environment can make the child cry alone in the middle of the night, making the child gloomy and introverted. I don't know if anyone has found that when they are in college, the general family of happy students, go home on vacation is like an arrow, and the family has a variety of problems, generally do not want to go back, because do not want to face.

In addition, it can be seen on the news that most of the criminals have an unfortunate childhood, the family environment of these criminals is very bad, parents often quarrel in front of these criminals, and the contradictions between parents have risen to the level of fighting. Therefore, parents often quarrel in front of their children will make the child's psychology become distorted, do not believe in the truth, goodness and beauty of the world, and most of the first reaction is to escape, or more extreme.

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