
During the fetal weight gain period, it is necessary to read the baby's "charging signal" and do not lose the fetal development

Text/Babe Bean Parenting Classroom (original article, welcome to reprint and share)

During the long pregnancy period, not only the mother is working hard, but the fetal treasure also follows the growth law and completes special tasks in a fixed time! The little knowledge of the fetus's "weight gain period", let's take a look at it together!

During the fetal weight gain period, it is necessary to read the baby's "charging signal" and do not lose the fetal development

During the fetal weight gain period, it is necessary to read the baby's "charging signal" and do not lose the fetal development

Women who have had fertility experience know that the originally small pregnant belly becomes larger in the third trimester, that is, after 7 months of pregnancy, like a balloon. The reason for this is that the development of the fetus is not uniform, and there are also fast and slow points.

In the third trimester, three months before childbirth, it is the peak of the baby's development, which we call the "weight gain period". We may wish to understand that in the first 6 months of pregnancy, the various organs of the baby's body are built one by one; and the next 3 months are the perfect period of body functions.

During this period, not only the fetal brain development reached a peak, the amount of body fat is also greatly increased, the subcutaneous fat accumulation is increasing, the weight is also growing rapidly, the increase is staggering, and the weight can be almost 700 to 800 grams per month.

During the fetal weight gain period, it is necessary to read the baby's "charging signal" and do not lose the fetal development

In just three months, the nutrient content required by the fetal treasure may be as high as half of the entire pregnancy. How fast the baby grows, the data to speak: 8 months pregnant, ta's weight is usually 1300-2000 grams, and the length is about 43 to 45 cm.

The little man who has just taken shape has a lot of skills, not only mastered a variety of fetal movements, but also blinked his eyes from time to time, swallowed amniotic fluid, and when he was in a good mood, he would also "dance" with beautiful music.

Although hidden in a dark womb, most of the time is spent in sleep, but this does not affect the speed of hearing, smell and touch development.

During the fetal weight gain period, it is necessary to read the baby's "charging signal" and do not lose the fetal development

At 9 months of pregnancy, the baby's body length has reached 46 to 50 centimeters, and its weight has reached 2000 to 2500 grams, or even heavier. From the four-dimensional color ultrasound, it is not difficult to find that ta has changed from a small old man with a poor appearance to a fuller and more beautiful appearance. Of course, there is still some time to go before the real birth, and the baby is still seizing the time to continue to develop.

Although the fetal treasure cannot communicate with us face-to-face, it will send out an obvious "charging signal", and the expectant mother must capture it in time:

A baby who gains weight quickly will rapidly increase the size of the uterus and the bulge of the abdomen become more pronounced. At this time, expectant mothers will have symptoms such as back pain, constipation, edema, and leg cramps. In addition, due to the increase in melanin secretion, the mother's face may appear pregnancy spots, ru room and lower abdomen will also become black, these are the baby's rapid growth signals, the mother must be timely "recharged" to help the baby grow up healthily.

During the fetal weight gain period, it is necessary to read the baby's "charging signal" and do not lose the fetal development

In the face of the fetal treasure that is trying to grow, what should the expectant mother do to make her develop healthier?

Nutritionally balanced

Adequate and balanced nutrition is the basis for your baby's intrauterine development. This truth everyone understands, but in actual operation, there are often mistakes, many mothers even one-sidedly believe that there is a small person hidden in the stomach, naturally to supplement nutrition, eat more food. Such an idea is not comprehensive, do not blindly eat too much during pregnancy, but give the baby more balanced nutrition!

We may wish to refer to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents", which gives dietary advice in the third trimester:

Cereals (various staple foods we often eat) 200-250 g;

50 g of potatoes;

300 to 500 grams of various vegetables, green vegetables should be ingested at more than 250 grams per day;

200 to 400 grams of fruit;

Meat and eggs and other high protein, the total amount of 200 to 250 grams per day;

300 to 500 grams of milk;

Daily intake of about 25 grams of cooking oil and less than 6 grams of table salt;

During the fetal weight gain period, it is necessary to read the baby's "charging signal" and do not lose the fetal development

Eat right to eat well

During pregnancy, it is not only necessary to eat correctly, but also to adjust to the correct "eating mode", that is, eating less, eating more, and eating slowly!

Eat less: When you are not pregnant, how much to eat and what to eat is up to you; with a baby, you naturally have to obey the orders of the stomach and intestines.

After all, the longer and larger the fetus, the more seriously squeezed the gastrointestinal once turf, eating too much, not only will burn the heart, flatulence, esophageal reflux, but also be plagued by constipation problems all the time.

More meals: If eating less makes the "niangniang" aggrieved, more meals will definitely directly pull up the happiness index! What used to be three meals a day can now be changed to 5 or even 6 meals.

Pregnant mothers may wish to arrange their daily diet in this way: in addition to three meals a day, they can make up a small meal at 10:00 a.m., 15:00 p.m., and two hours before bedtime. Eating fewer and more meals can avoid large fluctuations in blood sugar and provide sufficient nutrients for babies who are waiting to be fed.

During the fetal weight gain period, it is necessary to read the baby's "charging signal" and do not lose the fetal development

Eat slowly: Many pregnant mothers said: After pregnancy, their appetite is much better, especially in the third trimester, the feeling of hunger is always stronger. This phenomenon is not unrelated to the baby's development needs, if you want to make the baby more comfortable eating at the same time, chewing slowly is the first meaning.

Each bite of food is less, chew as many times as possible, when you do the real sense of fine chewing and slow swallowing, you will find that you do not have the imaginary "swallowing rivers and mountains" like the amount of food, so as to avoid stomach acid discomfort caused by eating too much.

During the fetal weight gain period, it is necessary to read the baby's "charging signal" and do not lose the fetal development

Did you get a little knowledge about your baby's weight gain period? Expectant mothers in the third trimester should work hard with their babies and sprint!

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