
Don't take diarrhea for care in winter Be wary of viral diarrhea

In winter, the weather is cold, the body's resistance is reduced, it is easier to let the virus exploit the loophole, which is not recently a significant increase in the number of patients with pediatric diarrhea, Ms. Zhang Diangao's baby has repeatedly had diarrhea. This time the child not only diarrhea did not alleviate, but also launched a high fever, let him think about it are very afraid, the reporter learned that since the winter many children have diarrhea, like Ms. Gao believes that it is cold and cold, or simply eating things are not suitable caused, after two days, even do not take the child to seek medical treatment, thus delaying the child's condition There are also many, so parents must pay attention to careful screening, what is the cause of the child's diarrhea.

If you suspect that the child is viral diarrhea, or continue diarrhea for three to five days, you must take the child to a professional institution for examination, do targeted treatment, in addition, winter diarrhea, the child is prone to some diarrhea outside the symptoms, parents must pay attention to the correct treatment at home, so as not to cause the child's condition to worsen because of improper treatment.

Don't take diarrhea for care in winter Be wary of viral diarrhea
Don't take diarrhea for care in winter Be wary of viral diarrhea

In addition, Dr. Zhang also reminded parents that after the child's diarrhea eases, do not feel that the child has suffered a crime, the body is empty, to eat some good supplements, especially for younger children, after diarrhea, eat, must be gradual, not overeating.

Producer: Xing Bo

Editor-in-charge: Li Changqing

Producer: Wang Chen

Duty Director: Cui Wentao

Editor: Dong Yingqi Li Wanxiang

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