
Manifestations and symptoms of diarrhea in children, professional combination of drugs and precautions

Manifestations and symptoms of diarrhea in children, professional combination of drugs and precautions

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Summer is the high incidence of pediatric diarrhea season, in the outpatient clinic often young parents hold the child worried and ask: "What to do, my baby has diarrhea as soon as he eats, crying all day, will it be enteritis?" "Pediatric diarrhea is common in infants and young children aged 6 months to 2 years, of which less than one year old accounts for about half, which is one of the main causes of malnutrition and growth and development disorders in babies. Data show that in developing countries, infants experience an average of 6 times a year of diarrhea, and children suffer from 3 times a year. Pediatric diarrhea is a group of diseases with diarrhea as the main cause of multi-pathogen and multi-factor. The main features are increased frequency of stools and changes in traits, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, and different degrees of water, electrolytes, and acid-base balance disorders. Pathogens can be caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, etc. How pharmacists scientifically adjust the medication for diarrhea children not only involves the baby's digestive tract problems, but also relates to the baby's growth and development, healthy growth of the big problem, so we must pay attention to it. Today, let's learn the symptoms of pediatric diarrhea with the pharmacy Huixiang, professional combination of drugs and precautions!

Manifestations and symptoms of diarrhea in children, professional combination of drugs and precautions

[Causes of pediatric diarrhea]

1, do not pay attention to hygiene, "disease" from the mouth

Love to play is the nature of children, HIGH up can not care about eating and do not care about washing hands. Some children have the bad habit of nibbling hands, when hand hygiene is not done well, bacteria or viruses can "take advantage of the opportunity", and various "diseases" can enter the digestive tract from the mouth can lead to various infectious diarrhea.

2. Immature immune function

The younger the child, the less mature the immune function, the worse the ability to block the invasion of bacteria or viruses, which is also one of the reasons for the high incidence of diarrhea.

3. Problems such as cold or improper diet

Abdominal colds, improper addition of complementary foods, improper diets such as irritation of raw and cold foods, and lactose intolerance to breast milk or formula can also cause diarrhea in children.

4. The digestive system of children is immature

Poor local anti-infection ability, coupled with rapid growth and development, the need for more nutrients and thus a heavy burden on the gastrointestinal tract, susceptible to external environmental influences caused by diarrhea.

5. Children secrete less digestive enzymes

The digestion and sterilization ability of the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, which is easy to cause bacterial infection and diarrhea.

6. Pediatric intestinal flora has not yet been established

Infants and young children to 2 years old intestinal flora is basically established, so infants and young children under 2 years old are prone to bacterial infections and diarrhea.

7. Caused by food

Due to improper storage or food too cold and too cold, milk utensils due to incomplete disinfection, cleaning is not clean, it is easy to cause bacterial infection and lead to diarrhea.

8. The nervous system is immature

The function of the nervous system is poor, and it is easy to cause intestinal dysfunction.

9. Infectious factors

Infections caused by bacterial, viral, or extraintestinal infections (e.g., pneumonia, otitis media, episensitivity, urinary tract infections, etc.) are called infectious factors

Manifestations and symptoms of diarrhea in children, professional combination of drugs and precautions

[Manifestations of diarrhea in children]

1. Common symptoms

Lots of stools

The number of bowel movements increases compared with normal conditions, 4-6 times a day in light cases, and more than 10 times or more in severe cases.

Loose stools

Stools are thin, watery, egg-flower soup-like stools, and sometimes mucus or pus and bloody stools.

Other symptoms

In addition to diarrhea, it is accompanied by vomiting, bloating, fever, irritability, crying, loss of appetite, mental atrophy, dry mouth, and low urine.

2. Physiological diarrhea

The number of stools can reach 6 to 7 times a day, and the stools are yellow-green, thin, and even have small flaps and mucus. Such children have good spirits, good appetite, no fever, no vomiting, so for this physiological diarrhea, parents do not have to worry, and do not have to change the stool traits and stop breastfeeding instead. Generally, after the child reasonably adds complementary foods to 4 to 6 months, this physiological diarrhea will naturally heal.

3. Infectious diarrhea

Different bacteria and viruses cause different symptoms of diarrhea. Patients with mild diseases show simple gastrointestinal symptoms, with 5 to 6 to more than 10 times a day of thinning, and also low-grade fever, poor milk, vomiting, mental weakness, mild bloating, crying, dry lips, and anterior fontanelle depression. In severe cases, stools are watery and can be increased to 10 to 20 times a day. It is also accompanied by high fever, vomiting, less urine, drowsiness, parents carefully observe the baby, will find cold hands and feet, skin flowering, deep breathing, lips cherry red. When changing diapers, children are found to have poor response, cyanosis around the mouth and nose, dry lips, and sunken eye sockets, which should be sent to the hospital immediately.

4. Diarrhea caused by E. coli

If the baby has a lot of stools, yellow, egg flower soup, often accompanied by blood and mucus, although not eating a lot of milk, but there is a fishy smell, crying during defecation, irritability, this kind of diarrhea is mostly caused by pathogenic E. coli, is more common in the neonatal period, need to be treated with medication.

Manifestations and symptoms of diarrhea in children, professional combination of drugs and precautions

[Professional Combination Medication]

General treatment

Principles of treatment

Eat a reasonable diet and maintain nutrition; quickly correct water and electrolyte balance disorders; control of infections inside and outside the intestine; strengthen nursing care and prevent complications with symptomatic treatment; and avoid the abuse of antibiotics.

Rehydration therapy

1. To prevent dehydration, from the beginning of the child's diarrhea, give oral enough fluid to prevent dehydration.

2. Patients with mild to moderate dehydration can be given oral rehydration salts.

3. Patients with moderate and severe dehydration need to be hospitalized for intravenous fluids.

Avoid the abuse of antibiotics during treatment, choose targeted drugs under the guidance of a doctor, do not use two or three antibiotics together, and do not change medication frequently.

General medication

Western medicine treatment

1. Montmorillonite scatter

Indications: Acute and chronic diarrhea in children and adults.

Dosage: Children: 1 sachet per day for 1 year old under 1 year old, 1 to 2 sachets per day for 1 to 2 years old, 2 to 3 sachets per day for 2 years and older, taken in three divided doses. Or as directed by a physician. (Warm reminder: When taking this product for acute diarrhea, the first dose is doubled.) )

2, Mommy love

Indications: diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, indigestion, etc. caused by intestinal microflora disorders.

Dosage: Children under 2 years old, 1 sachet at a time, 1 to 2 times a day; children over 2 years old, 1 to 2 sachets at a time, 1 to 2 times a day, with warm boiled water or milk below 40 ° C, can also be taken directly.

3. Bifidobacterium tripartite live bacteria dispersed

Indications: For diarrhea and bloating caused by intestinal dysbiosis, it can also be used to treat mild to moderate acute diarrhea and chronic diarrhea.

Dosage: Take orally, rinse with warm water. Children 0-1 years of age, half a pack at a time, children 1 to 5 years of age, 1 pack at a time, children over 6 years of age and adults, 2 packs at a time; 3 times a day.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment

1. Children's orange pills

Efficacy and indications: strengthen the spleen and stomach, digest food and stop diarrhea. It is used for vomiting and diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency and food stagnation, spleen and stomach disharmony, hot and bloating, yellow muscle thinness, and not thinking about eating.

Dosage: Oral. 1 pill at a time, 3 times a day. Children within the age of one year are exempted.

2. Shuangling anti-diarrhea oral solution

Efficacy and indications: clear heat and dampness, strengthen spleen and stop diarrhea. It is used for diarrhea in children caused by damp heat connotations and spleen deficiency, which can be accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, thirst, and oligoli.

Dosage: Oral. Under 1 year old, 3 to 5 ml each time; 1 to 3 years old, 5 to 7 ml each time; 3 years old, 10 ml each time, 3 times a day. 3 days is a course of treatment.

3. Wake up the spleen and raise children's particles

Efficacy and indications: awaken the spleen and appetizer, nourish the blood and calm the nerves, fix the intestines and stop diarrhea. It is used for children with anorexia caused by lack of temper, diarrhea and loose stools, irritability night sweats, enuresis at night.

Dosage: Take with warm boiled water. 1 sachet (2 g) once for up to 1 year of age, 2 sachets (4 g) once a day for 1 to 2 years old, 2 bags (4 g) once for 3 to 6 years old, 3 sachets (6 to 8 g) once a day, 3 to 4 sachets (6 to 8 g) once for 7 to 14 years old, 2 times a day.

4. Ding Gui'er navel patch

Efficacy and indications: healthy spleen temperature, cold and diarrhea. It is suitable for adjuvant treatment of diarrhea and abdominal pain in children.

Dosage: Topical. Apply to the umbilicus, 1 patch at a time, and change the dressing once every 24 hours.

Corresponding symptomatic medication

Spleen deficiency and diarrhea


Diarrhea during stool, prolongation and repetition, no change in the valley, reduced diet, sullenness after eating, a little greasy food is more frequent, less urine, yellowish face, heavy chest, tired, pale tongue, weak veins, and faint children's fingerprints.


Warm and healthy spleen, wet and anti-diarrhea.

Commonly used drugs

Diarrhea Pills, Qi Spleen Pills, Children's Healthy Spleen Pills, Pure Yang ZhengQi Capsules, Children's Diarrhea Kang Patch, Ding Gui'er Umbilical Patch, Children's Diarrhea Patch.

Characteristics of such medicines

Children with spleen deficiency and diarrhea, multifactorial weakness or long-term illness deficiency, resulting in spleen and stomach deficiency, and weak transportation. Such drugs have the effect of strengthening the spleen and improving qi, anti-diarrhea and dampness.

Diarrhea pills: more ingredients, taking into account the disease is also more comprehensive. While strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, the wet evil is discharged from the urine, and the yin can also be nourished to clear the lack of heat;

Qi Spleen Pills: Healthy spleen and anti-diarrhea can also be digested at the same time, is a commonly used Chinese proprietary medicine for the treatment of spleen deficiency and diarrhea in children;

Pediatric spleen pills: healthy spleen, stomach nourishment, digestion, treatment of diarrhea at the same time, but also can reduce reverse vomiting, that is, the treatment of vomiting and diarrhea;

Pure Yang Zhengqi Capsule: The medicinal properties are cool, with the effect of dissipating cold in warm, and are used for feeling cold and wet in summer, abdominal pain and vomiting. However, mineral drugs containing cinnabar, borax, and male yellow are easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, and should stop when they are sick and cannot be taken for a long time;

Pediatric laxative kang patch, Ding Gui'er umbilical patch, children's diarrhea patch: all are topical drugs, which can be used in conjunction with the above drugs.

Wind chills and diarrhea


Diarrhea is thin, even like water, abdominal pain and bowel sounds, sulking and less food, cold fever headache, thin white moss, floating veins, children's fingerprints are reddish.


Dissolve wetness and neutralize, dissolve the surface and disperse the cold.

Commonly used drugs

Warm spleen anti-diarrhea pills, Herbs positive qi drop pills, children's diarrhea Kang patch, Ding Gui'er umbilical patch, children's diarrhea patch, etc.

Characteristics of such medicines

Children's wind and cold diarrhea is first, the nursing mother herself is infected with a cold and cold to the baby, and the second is the diarrhea caused by the baby's own cold, so sometimes the baby and the mother have to be treated.

Warm spleen anti-diarrhea pills: warm in the cold, healthy spleen and anti-diarrhea. It is used for spleen cold and yang deficiency, middle uterine bad luck, diarrhea, like rice swill;

Huoxiang Zhengqi drop pills: for external cold, internal injuries and stagnant, vomiting and diarrhea, gastrointestinal colds. Pediatric diarrhea kang patch, Ding Gui'er umbilical patch, children's diarrhea patch: all are external drugs, can be used with warm spleen anti-diarrhea pills or Huoxiang Zhengqi drop pills.

Damp heat diarrhea


Diarrhea abdominal pain, diarrhea urgency, or diarrhea unpleasant, fecal yellow brown, smell foul, burning, or hot thirst, short yellow urine, yellow moss, pulse slip or number, children's fingerprint purple.


Clears the intestines and relieves fever, dissolves dampness and relieves diarrhea.

Commonly used drugs

Pediatric credit antidiarrheal granules, pediatric diarrhea stop granules, pediatric diarrhea quick stop granules, pediatric wet anti-diarrhea granules.

Characteristics of such medicines

Damp heat diarrhea is one of the most common types of intestinal infections, most commonly occurring at the turn of summer and autumn. Diarrhea occurs due to the invasion of the stomach and intestines by the poisonous gas of damp heat and disease, and the transmission of chemical disorders occurs. Such drugs can strengthen the spleen, dampness, antidiarrhea.

Pediatric merit antidiarrheal granules: used for pediatric diarrhea caused by damp heat in the large intestine;

Pediatric laxative stop granules: used for damp heat connotation type pediatric diarrhea;

Pediatric diarrhea granules: used for the treatment of pediatric diarrhea, abdominal pain, nacha (especially suitable for autumn diarrhea and migration, chronic diarrhea);

Pediatric damp anti-diarrhea granules: used for children's diarrhea caused by wet evil spleen.

Wounded food and diarrhea


Abdominal pain and bowel sounds, filthy feces under diarrhea, abdominal pain after diarrhea is alleviated, accompanied by abdominal distension, putrefaction, loss of appetite, etc., the tongue is dirty or thick, the pulse is slippery, and the children's fingerprints are stagnant.


Transporting the spleen and stomach, digestion and stagnation.

Commonly used drugs

Baby spleen granules.

Characteristics of such medicines

Infants and young children eat diarrhea often caused by improper feeding caused by gastrointestinal dysfunction, such babies are often premature, too many supplementary foods caused by the results.

Infant spleen granules: spleen strengthening, digestion, antidiarrhea. It is used in infants with non-infectious diarrhea in patients with spleen deficiency syndrome.

Combination regimen

1. Montmorillonite powder + double ling anti-diarrhea oral liquid + mommy love

Reason for mixing

Montmorillonite is orally covered by the mucosa of the digestive tract, which can adsorb pathogens and toxins, repair the damaged intestine and enhance the defense function of the mucosal barrier, achieve astringent antidiarrhea, and protect the intestinal mucosa.

Shuangling antidiarrheal oral liquid has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, strengthening the spleen and relieving diarrhea, and is used for diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency and damp heat.

Mommy loves to be an intestinal microecological preparation, which can correct the imbalance of intestinal flora and achieve the effect of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

2. Montmorillonite dispersion + spleen-raising granules

Reason for mixing

Montmorillonite is not easily absorbed by the human body through the gastrointestinal tract, so the safety is high. It can astringent, adsorb, and fix pathogens and toxins, exert antidiarrheal and protect the intestinal mucosa.

The spleen-waking granules consist of a little red, hairy lilac, mountain gardenia tea, and spider fragrance. It is used for children with anorexia caused by lack of temper, diarrhea and loose stools, irritability night sweats, enuresis at night.

Medicinal dietary conditioning

1. Carrot porridge

Carrots are sweet, flat, have a healthy spleen, help digestion, and contain carotene. The B vitamins, fats and sugars in carrots contain a lot of pectin, which have astringent and adsorption effects. After eating diarrhea in children, it can inhibit intestinal peristalsis, especially for diarrhea caused by indigestion and lactation injuries.

2. Jiaomi soup

Caramel rice soup has a certain amount of heat energy, and after the rice noodles are fried, some starch can be converted into dextrin, which is conducive to digestion and absorption. The fried starch also has the effect of adsorbing toxins and gases in the intestine.

3. Apple puree

Apples contain fruit acid, which can adsorb toxins, and contain tannic acid, which has an astringent effect and is suitable for pediatric diarrhea. Suitable for children over 6 months of age.

Manifestations and symptoms of diarrhea in children, professional combination of drugs and precautions


1. Avoid excessive feeding

Children often have a poor appetite during illness, and some mothers are very anxious, but "making up" will increase the burden on the child's gastrointestinal tract, so during diarrhea, you should feed in moderation and eat less and more meals.

2. Avoid the "three highs" diet

High protein, high sugar, high-fat diet (eggs, meat, dairy products, etc.) will increase the gastrointestinal burden of diarrhea children, diarrhea should be light and easy to digest during the period of food, has added complementary foods of young children can eat more rice soup, rotten noodles, white rice porridge, etc., while paying attention to the addition of appropriate salt, avoid high-sugar diet such as drinks, strong juice, etc.

3. It is important to replenish the liquid

When diarrhea occurs, the body loses water and loses a large amount of electrolytes, which are mainly salt. Therefore, when diarrhea occurs, the liquid therapy we often say actually includes two aspects, one is hydration, and the other is to supplement electrolytes, that is, to supplement salt.

4. Buttock care is indispensable

Buttock care is an important part of the home care of infants and young children with diarrhea, the skin of small babies is delicate, and the stool cleaning after diarrhea can lead to redness, swelling, ulceration and even infection of the buttocks. Proper practices for buttock care include: clean up your child after bowel movements, wash your buttocks with warm water, dry your buttocks with a clean and soft cotton cloth or towel after washing, apply a hip cream or oily protector to protect your buttocks, and change into diapers or diapers.

5. Do not use antidiarrheal agents casually in the early stage of diarrhea

The treatment of diarrhea requires a certain course of treatment, and children with diarrhea do not have to rush to stop diarrhea immediately, especially in the early stage of diarrhea, drugs that inhibit intestinal peristalsis cannot be used, but dehydration and malnutrition caused by diarrhea should be treated.

6. Do not abuse antibiotics

Pediatric diarrhea is mostly caused by viral infections and improper feeding, so antibiotics are ineffective. Because there are many bacteria growing in the human intestine, they maintain a relatively balanced state in the body according to a certain proportion. If antibiotics are used, they kill the beneficial bacteria in the body, resulting in dysbacteriosis.

7. Dietary hygiene

Pay attention to dietary hygiene and keep good food. Pay attention to dietary hygiene, food should be fresh and clean, do not eat spoiled food, eat in moderation, and do not overeat.

8. Living hygiene

Put good hygiene in check. Diarrhea is mostly caused by the invasion of viruses, so it is especially important to develop good hygiene habits, such as bottles and nipples must be disinfected, and hands should be thoroughly washed before meals and after going to the toilet.

9. Keep warm

Put good "warm off". Avoid cold in the abdomen, children in the change of seasons and sleep at night, especially to prevent fatigue after the cold, in the air-conditioned room should not be careless.

10. Get enough sleep

Turn off good sleep exercises. Life should be regular, sleep enough, let children strengthen outdoor activities, improve the ability to adapt to climate change, and enhance resistance.

Extended learning

1. "Manifestations and symptoms of pediatric cough, professional combination of drugs and precautions"

2. "Manifestations and symptoms of children's tics, drug treatment plans and precautions"

3. "Manifestations and Symptoms of Influenza in Children in Spring, Professional Medication Regimens and Precautions for Prevention"

4. "Pharmacies specialize in learning the manifestations and symptoms of children's spleen deficiency, the treatment of proprietary Chinese medicines and precautions"

5. "Pharmacies professionally learn the characteristics and forbidden areas of children's professional medication, dose calculation and precautions"

6. "Pharmacies professionally learn the principles of children's use of antibiotics, common adverse reactions and precautions"

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