
Parents should know that their children's emotional management methods will help their children grow up healthily

When your child encounters a problem, he gets angry at every turn? Crying without being satisfied? Smash things and hit yourself when you're not satisfied? Often lose your temper and yell at your parents? ......

Watching the child's emotional outburst, parents want to explode even more at this time!

Parents should know that their children's emotional management methods will help their children grow up healthily

Do you know why children can't manage their emotions and let them go?

Emotions are innate, everyone has emotions, but rational control is not innate. In life, even the "most rational" people cannot always use reason to defeat emotions, and emotions come quickly and cannot be suppressed.

Let alone let a child with an underdeveloped brain control over his emotions?

Even when children seriously express their needs, they are not valued by their parents. But when there is emotion, when there is tantrum, the demands made will be met, and he will turn this expression into a way to get satisfaction for himself.

This is something that parents must pay attention to.

Parents should know that their children's emotional management methods will help their children grow up healthily

The development of the prefrontal lobe of the child's brain is relatively good, and it will not control or delay the satisfaction of this need. Adults, on the other hand, can delay gratification by analyzing the pros and cons and weighing them.

When the child's delayed ability to meet is insufficient, and the needs are not met, it is easy to directly transform into negative emotions and be exploded, which makes it easier for emotions to flood.

And if the child can not manage their own emotions, words spoken, the behavior will cause harm to the people around them, affecting the formation and growth and development of the child's personality. It will even embark on a path that cannot be turned back.

Parents must not think that as the child grows up, the forehead of the brain will slowly develop, and the child's emotions can be gradually controlled by themselves, but in fact, parents need to guide the child's emotional management.

Parents should know that their children's emotional management methods will help their children grow up healthily

Here are 2 simple ways to manage your child's emotions!

First, distraction

When the child is filled with anger and commits some uncontrolled behavior. Parents can play some favorite cartoons, music or games with their children to transfer their emotions. When the child's emotions have passed, you can calmly tell the child about the problem.

Second, empathy arises

When the child encounters problems, or grievances or inferiority, understands the child, respects the child, and empathizes with the child, then the child will slowly become soothing and open up to the parents.

Parents help their children control their emotions is not a one-time thing, it requires parents to constantly strengthen in their daily lives, and constantly repeat, children will gradually control their emotions.

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