
Can the newborn's "a few pounds and a few pairs" imply that the child's IQ is "high or low"? The truth that Mom needs to know



Reviewer/Han Han

The full text is 1320 words long and takes about 3 minutes to read

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When the fetus is still in the mother's belly, many parents begin to look forward to their baby, the future can be smart and healthy, especially how to improve the baby's IQ painstakingly.

So what does the level of a child's IQ have to do with it? Many people may say that whether the child's IQ is high or not cannot be reflected before the baby cannot speak, is this really the case? The topic of this issue: the newborn's "a few pounds and a few pairs", can it imply that the child's IQ is "high or low"? The truth that Mom needs to know.

Can the newborn's "a few pounds and a few pairs" imply that the child's IQ is "high or low"? The truth that Mom needs to know

In fact, many experienced doctors have shown that the weight of a newborn is linked to its IQ. How many pounds of a newborn can hint at the level of the baby's IQ? It is estimated that many parents should have opened their mouths and were very surprised. There may even be people who think that this is impossible.

In fact, a previous medical research report clearly stated that if newborn babies weigh between 5 and 8 pounds, they tend to be smarter. The study report was not made up haphazardly, but was well documented.

Can the newborn's "a few pounds and a few pairs" imply that the child's IQ is "high or low"? The truth that Mom needs to know

Experimental researchers deliberately conducted a follow-up survey of children of different weights of the same age and found that those with slightly heavier weights tended to be smarter when they grew up. And those who are underweight, some of their cognitive abilities are not as good as the former.

At this point, many parents may ask: So what is it necessary to make the baby win at the starting line as soon as it is born?

Can the newborn's "a few pounds and a few pairs" imply that the child's IQ is "high or low"? The truth that Mom needs to know

How can pregnant mothers control the weight of the fetus within a healthy range and avoid being too heavy and too light?

The following 2 points are key:

First, pay attention to a healthy diet during pregnancy

The weight of the fetus is directly related to the diet of the expectant mother during pregnancy. Pregnant mothers are afraid of body deformation during pregnancy, and excessive dieting is likely to lead to the child's weight being too low. Lower-weight fetuses are detrimental to their physical health and brain development.

Can the newborn's "a few pounds and a few pairs" imply that the child's IQ is "high or low"? The truth that Mom needs to know

If the mother is pregnant, she can eat correctly and pay attention to the nutrition and health of food. Then the baby born, the appearance and IQ are mostly outstanding.

Therefore, if you want to give birth to a high-quality baby, your mother must pay attention to the nutritional health during pregnancy. Usually eat less and eat more meals, eat a variety of high-protein and high-vitamin foods and fruits.

However, it is also necessary to avoid overeating without restraint, giving birth to obese children will not only cause women to suffer greater trauma when they are about to give birth. It will also cause a great burden on the baby's body organs. It may also cause some children to have brain stunted, so this should also be avoided.

Can the newborn's "a few pounds and a few pairs" imply that the child's IQ is "high or low"? The truth that Mom needs to know

Second, pay attention to the living habits during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the different living habits of pregnant mothers will also directly affect the weight and even health of the child at birth. For example, some expectant mothers like to stay up late to brush their mobile phones, and even have unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and drinking, so most of the baby's weight after birth will be relatively light, and the baby's health and intelligence will also be mostly affected.

In particular, the bad habit of smoking will cause the pregnant mother's blood vessels to constrict and reduce the amount of blood oxygen delivered to the fetus. This is very detrimental to the baby's weight and to the development of their brains. Therefore, as a pregnant mother, we must pay attention to developing good living habits during pregnancy, try to go to bed early and get up early, and stay away from tobacco and alcohol.

Can the newborn's "a few pounds and a few pairs" imply that the child's IQ is "high or low"? The truth that Mom needs to know

Parenting Message:

The mothers who are pregnant in October are indeed very hard. Be sure to pay more attention and pay attention to some bad little details in life to avoid affecting the healthy development of the fetus.

Some people say that the level of a child's intelligence is completely inherited from the child's parents. Parents are stupid, and children will naturally not be too smart! Do you agree with this statement? Feel free to leave a comment below and share your experience and opinions with everyone.

Further reading:

"One sentence essay" became popular on the Internet, and the teacher laughed: I have never seen such a lazy baby

There is a gene called "collection of shortcomings inheritance", and Bao Mom helplessly complains: three generations of shortcomings in one

Harvard professor: Seize the peak period of brain development at 0-6 years old, 4 ways to easily help the baby win at the starting line

Taowatang: Spread the knowledge of mother and baby, family, child-rearing, and educate new concepts! Let's grow with our children.

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