
Is it right or wrong for your baby to feed as soon as he cries? Second-born mothers have dry parenting goods

The baby is only a few months old, always crying, how to coax? Many new mothers will have such confusion, sometimes they will be noisy when they are full, and it is better to feed them if they are not full. Crying in the middle of the night is really a headache, we can start from these 4 points, understand what the baby is crying for, and solve the baby crying problem from the source!

Be sure to feed on demand

Some new mothers and babies are quick to feed them as soon as they cry, which is not right! After feeding the baby, it is possible not to cry, but the hidden dangers are also great. It should be known that the baby's stomach capacity is not large, and feeding more times will only be counterproductive. If you are really full, your baby will feel satisfied. Will laugh at you without crying, and then do some interactive behavior. Or quickly coaxing into quiet sleep, which is an act of feeding. The manifestation of not eating enough is that the urine will be reduced, and after falling asleep, it will wake up quickly and sleep unsteadily. Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to the performance of the baby who is full and not full for on-demand displacement!

Is it right or wrong for your baby to feed as soon as he cries? Second-born mothers have dry parenting goods

Your baby is feeling unwell

Babies can't talk but they love to be "clean" Oh, sometimes whether it's pulling or peeing, it's uncomfortable. Coupled with the thick layer of diapers with ass, if it is not very dry, the baby is easy to cry. Therefore, it is also necessary to change the diaper frequently and not get wet. Sometimes bloating can also cause crying, and it is necessary to always observe the baby's fart smell, farting, whether it is constipation, stomach bulging and other phenomena. If such a phenomenon occurs, it is a problem with the baby's digestion, and it is necessary to massage and massage in time and properly feed some probiotic tablets to help digestion.

Is it right or wrong for your baby to feed as soon as he cries? Second-born mothers have dry parenting goods

Babies are sensitive to food

Many mothers do not avoid eating during breastfeeding, which leads to emotional instability after the baby eats, and they cry without sleeping. The mother's body must be healthy during breastfeeding in order to give her baby healthy milk. For example, if the mother drinks coffee or milk tea, the caffeine contained in these drinks will have an impact on the baby's mood. Usually pay attention to observe the baby's emotional state, skin color and stool condition. A reasonable and scientific diet provides healthy breastfeeding conditions for babies.

Is it right or wrong for your baby to feed as soon as he cries? Second-born mothers have dry parenting goods

Have a habit of pumping

Newborns have an innate dependence on pumping. They suck not only to eat, but also to pursue psychological comfort. They feel that pumping is very good at meeting psychological needs, and once they do not pump, they will cry and cry all the time. It didn't quiet down until it was sucked into the mouth. At this time, the appropriate use of pacifiers can ease the baby's mood, and we must also pay attention to the appropriate amount. Relieving crying and diverting your baby's attention is also a good way to do it

Is it right or wrong for your baby to feed as soon as he cries? Second-born mothers have dry parenting goods

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