
After the parents are gone, it is best for brothers and sisters not to interact frequently

Author: Number One Emotion

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Since ancient times, there have been: "Originally born from the same root, it is too anxious to fry each other." ”

Between brothers and sisters, there will always be some controversial issues, if the parents are still there at this time, there is no contradiction with a little mediation, even if it is only to see the kindness of the parents, they will not continue to fight with the brothers and sisters.

Not to mention the saying that "boiled beans burn beans, beans cry in the kettle", no matter when, the blood is thicker than water affection will not change in the slightest.

From childhood to adulthood, brothers and sisters often play together, and this feeling between them cannot be replaced and erased by anything.

Of course, as the brothers and sisters grow up and each of them has formed their own family, the exchanges and exchanges between each other will be much reduced, but fortunately, the parents are still there, and they often engage in some family gatherings and other activities.

However, if the parents leave, the brothers and sisters are like losing the main bone, some family conditions are not bad, and some families are not well mixed, then it is easy to have a gap because of differences.

Judging from the experience of people who have come here, brothers and sisters should not be so close after their parents have left, otherwise they will only cause unnecessary trouble and trouble to life.

After the parents leave, the exchanges between brothers and sisters must know how to grasp the scale.

After the parents are gone, it is best for brothers and sisters not to interact frequently

After the parents are gone, the brothers and sisters who come and go frequently are prone to conflicts

When the parents leave, although the brothers and sisters have become the closest people, after all, there is no main heart to mediate the contradictions between each other, and a little carelessness may cause some quarrels and diaphragms.

There will certainly be some differences between brothers and sisters, especially in family conditions, frequent exchanges can not prepare which sentence will puncture each other's heart, which is easy to bring small diaphragm, gradually will accumulate some resentment, over time will erupt greater contradictions.

After my grandfather died, my parents and siblings broke out into a conflict, the reason is that several families are too close, coupled with the large difference in conditions between each other, gradually there is resentment, after all, the closer people, the less they want others to live better than themselves, and several families have not paid attention to each other until now.

The original relationship is quite good, because the exchange is too frequent, resulting in resentment between brothers and sisters, but where there is the wrong thing to say, it may break out of the contradiction that is difficult to resolve.

After the parents are gone, it is best for brothers and sisters not to interact frequently

After the parents are gone, it is easy for the brothers and sisters to turn over old accounts

When the parents were there, there was inevitably some friction between the brothers and sisters, but they were all hindered by the face of the parents, and at that time, there was no excessive truth, and it was almost over.

However, after the parents left, if they still walked very frequently, on the surface it seemed that they were brothers and sisters, but in fact, it was easy to turn over the old accounts, and then no one would suppress the dissatisfaction in each other's hearts.

Especially in some families with partial intentions, when the parents were good to the brother, the brother's heart was easy to resent, although it was not obvious at the time, but after the parents left, there may be a matter of turning over the old accounts, and there will still be friction between the brothers and sisters.

I have to admit that there are many things that turn over old accounts between brothers and sisters, in addition to the favoritism of parents, there is also the division of property, how much to pay, etc. No matter how you think about it, there will be no result that satisfies everyone.

Brothers and sisters who get along harmoniously cannot avoid the possibility of turning over old accounts, not to mention that brothers and sisters who have friction themselves can only avoid the occurrence of turning over old accounts between each other if they have as little interaction as possible.

After the parents are gone, it is best for brothers and sisters not to interact frequently

After the parents leave, the relationship is harmonious, there is no need to communicate frequently

In fact, it is good to maintain a harmonious relationship between brothers and sisters, and there is no need to rely on frequent exchanges to maintain this family affection.

Especially after the parents leave, it is easy to cause the counterproductive effect, originally only need to walk around when there is something, so that each other will not disturb each other's lives too much, the relationship is as harmonious as ever, everything is the best appearance.

However, you want to break this situation, sometimes after frequent exchanges, it is easy to bring bad things, and then you really can't control the situation, and the relationship between brothers and sisters is easy to break, not only do you feel uncomfortable, but also let outsiders see jokes.

After the parents are gone, it is best for brothers and sisters not to interact frequently

As the saying goes, "Brothers don't share wealth, and sisters don't have much contact." ”

After walking too often, you can't avoid disputes over money, especially such a harmonious relationship suddenly mixed with other impurities, everything seems to become bad, then parents can't resolve the contradiction for you, can only watch each other go farther and farther.

Everything in the world, itself, has its own unique human feelings, even between brothers and sisters, but there is jealousy and resentment, it is particularly easy to cause the rupture of the relationship, if the parents are fine, but if the parents have left, the relationship is difficult to return to the past.

When facing brothers and sisters, we must grasp the degree of communication, and only by grasping the degree can we harvest a sincere family affection, as well as a general harmony, and the happiness and well-being of their respective families.

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