
Teens have a high rate of myopia, and your child is myopic

Teens have a high rate of myopia, and your child is myopic

Teens have a high rate of myopia, and your child is myopic

Children are short-sighted at a young age, and it is likely that the child's hyper-vision reserves are excessively consumed before the age of three.

Teens have a high rate of myopia, and your child is myopic

0 to 3 years old have the fastest growth and development of the eye axis. All the way to. Around the age of 11, the farsightedness reserve will be exhausted. But now many children are about 6 years old and have used up their farsighted reserves. This means that after the age of 11, you are basically doomed to myopia. And according to the development of nature, there is no artificial intervention. A child's vision is basically highly myopic in adulthood.

Teens have a high rate of myopia, and your child is myopic

High myopia is not the same as mild myopia. High myopia is likely to cause lesions in the fundus. And the later stage will be accompanied by many complications. Then our children, whether they have myopia or not, must be prevented and controlled in time, and pay more attention to the development of children's vision. Visit the hospital regularly for check-ups. Many parents say that laser surgery after their children have myopia is not OK? But laser surgery is also risky, and the complications of high myopia do not occur after surgery.

Teens have a high rate of myopia, and your child is myopic

Therefore, the eyes of a child can only be maintained from an early age, relying on us adult parents to supervise him and protect him.

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