
What is the origin of "Singer 2024" to defeat Naying's Adam

What is the origin of "Singer 2024" to defeat Naying's Adam

Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News

2024-05-24 22:34Published on the official account of Red Star News of Chengdu Business Daily, Sichuan

On the evening of the 24th, "Singer 2024" ushered in the third live broadcast of the program, and the biggest highlight of the night was undoubtedly the appearance of the first singer Adam Lambert, the pop-rock singer will challenge the online singer in the show.

The third live broadcast competition ended, and the results were released: Faouzia (Fancia) won the first place, Huang Xuan ranked second, and Chanté Moore (Chanté Moore) ranked third. Hailai Amu was unfortunately eliminated.

So, who is Adam? What kind of legend does he have?

What is the origin of "Singer 2024" to defeat Naying's Adam

Adam Lambert

Na Ying sang and cried

As soon as the show opened, Adam was the first to appear on the stage, and he greeted the audience in Chinese, in a relaxed state. That night, "Singer 2024" released a limited-time vote, inviting Weibo netizens to decide on the singer to compete with Adam. After being voted by netizens, Na Ying faced Adam.

Adam was nominated for Best Male Pop Singer at the Grammy for "Whataya Want from Me." On the stage of "Singer 2024", Adam sang exactly this song, and he conquered the audience with his wide vocal range and gorgeous and flamboyant stage style.

Na Ying sang a song "See You Soon", revealing her true feelings, and even sang herself to tears. Backstage, Adam said that he was very moved after listening to Na Ying's singing, in his opinion, "Music knows no wins and losses, and no borders." Na Ying bluntly said that on the stage of "Singer 2024", it is very important to communicate and share with powerful musicians, she bluntly said, "People who engage in music are their own people." Talking about why she was so emotional when she sang, Na Ying said that the song "See You Soon" reminded her of her deceased father.

What is the origin of "Singer 2024" to defeat Naying's Adam


Adam is known as the global "singing ceiling"

So, what kind of legendary experience does the powerful Adam have?

It is reported that Adam was born in 1982, his father is an engineer, his mother is a dentist nurse, he learned vocal music at the age of 10, began to perform musicals in elementary school, and dropped out of college to break into Hollywood. Adam has performed on cruise ships, been the lead singer for rock bands, and worked in cosmetics and clothing stores. Adam was called a "beauty blogger" by netizens because of his exaggerated appearance, and he recently appeared at Changsha Airport very low-key, and also removed his signature black nail polish.

In 2009, Adam participated in the eighth season of the talent show "American Idol" and won the runner-up and officially debuted; On November 23 of the same year, he released his first solo album "For Your Entertainment", which included the song "Whataya Want from Me", and was nominated for the Grammy for Best Pop Male Singer. Since 2011, Adam has been the lead singer of the British rock band Queen and has toured several times around the world.

Adam is known as the global "singing ceiling", he not only has a good voice, but also is very good at singing, and some comments call him a model of pop music.

In 2012 he performed on the eve of the European Championships; In 2019, he performed the opening act at the 91st Academy Awards; In 2022, the opening performance of the Platinum Jubilee Concert for the 70th anniversary of the Queen of England's accession to the throne.

What is the origin of "Singer 2024" to defeat Naying's Adam


In 2012, Adam went to Shanghai to record "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", and at that time, Adam performed "Trespassing" live. Adam attributed his accomplishments to his original "theory of balance": "The most important thing to achieve success is to maintain a balance between satisfaction and dissatisfaction." If you are too satisfied, you will become lazy and bored, and if you are never satisfied, then it will be difficult for you to enjoy life to the fullest. ”

Talking about the phenomenon of talent singers who became popular during the broadcast of the show and then fell quickly, Adam, who is also known through the American talent competition, feels the same way. He once said, "The world of television is very different from the world of music, and you can't attribute failure to a single cause. Although everyone has their own characteristics, people want to see something new from you. The most important thing is balance, I want to follow my heart, and I also want to play in this industry for a longer time. ”

Adam has also come to China for concerts many times, presenting wonderful and dazzling performances for fans. This time he came to China to participate in "Singer 2024", Adam said after the rehearsal that he was very happy to come to China, met a lot of fans and friends, and ate delicious rice noodles and walked around Changsha.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao editor Zeng Qi

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  • What is the origin of "Singer 2024" to defeat Naying's Adam
  • What is the origin of "Singer 2024" to defeat Naying's Adam
  • What is the origin of "Singer 2024" to defeat Naying's Adam

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