
Tired of bringing your own baby to the point of collapse? Learn these parenting knowledge, take the baby a hundred times easier!

When new mothers face their children, they will inevitably be busy and feel that they are tired to collapse with their babies, but in fact, a large part of the reason is that everyone has not mastered enough parenting knowledge, always want to give children all-round care, and the final result is that they are tired to no, and the children are not necessarily "appreciative".

The following parenting common sense can help mothers take their babies more easily, and it is recommended that mothers who are pregnant or have just given birth to a baby keep in mind.

Tired of bringing your own baby to the point of collapse? Learn these parenting knowledge, take the baby a hundred times easier!

One month old

Dressing: Newborn babies are the most vulnerable, but do not need to wrap up the child at 360 degrees, dress according to the standards of adults, add a coat, and do not wear too much in winter.

Diet: If it is exclusive breastfeeding, you do not need to feed additional water, if it is milk powder feeding, you can feed some water between meals, soak milk powder remember to add water and then add milk powder, so as not to make the milk too thick and the child has indigestion. Also remember to give your child AD drops, one a day, and supplement with vitamins A and D.

Sleep: Do not deliberately create a very quiet sleeping environment for the baby, live normally during the day, and turn off the lights before going to bed at night, so that the child has morning and evening consciousness, which is convenient for cultivating sleep habits. Babies within three months are not suitable for pillows and are prone to accidents. Do not shake when sleeping, it is easy to hurt the baby's brain.

Other: Do not shave the baby's fetal hair, easy to hurt the hair follicle to cause bacterial infection, do not give the baby leggings, the baby's limbs are used to perceive the world, tied up is not only easy to hurt, but also affect the baby's sensory system development.

Two months of age

Baby hugging: At this time, the child's bones are still very fragile, can not be held vertically, and when holding the baby, you must drag the ass and head.

Contact: Children who are young and young are immunocompromised, do not have too much intimate contact with adults, so as not to be infected with bacteria, kissing the mouth or pinching the face is not advisable.

Training: At this time, you can prepare some black and white cards to train your child's ability to follow, and you can also let your child lie on your stomach and train to look up.

Tired of bringing your own baby to the point of collapse? Learn these parenting knowledge, take the baby a hundred times easier!

Three months old

Work and rest: This time is a good time to cultivate children's work and rest, play with children more during the day, sleep quality will be better at night, and sleep time will be longer. Many children sleep six or seven hours at night at three months of age.

Safety: At this time, the child exercises more, will try to turn over and other actions, do not put the child on the side of the bed, sofa and other relatively high places, so as not to suddenly fall down.

Nursing: Some children will erupt deciduous teeth at this time, and they can be gently wiped with a cotton swab after each drink. Also do not show your child electronic products too early to avoid damaging vision.

Four months of age

Habits: At this time, you can continue to cultivate your child's work and rest habits, many children have stopped eating night milk at this time, and can sleep at night.

Exercise: If the weather is good, you can take your child to the swimming pool for swimming training, and parents should watch from the side when swimming to avoid accidents.

Nursing: change diapers frequently, carefully care for red farts, change different brands of diapers, wipe dry water after bathing and then apply buttock cream.

Tired of bringing your own baby to the point of collapse? Learn these parenting knowledge, take the baby a hundred times easier!

Five months old

Diet: You can appropriately increase the complementary food for children, mainly based on high-speed rail rice flour, do not add foods containing starch, easy to cause indigestion. It can also lead to fat accumulation in the body, causing obesity.

Exercise: If the child can sit up, you can properly train to sit, but do not force exercise.

Six months of age

Diet: At this time, the child's gastrointestinal function development is not so sound, the diet is mainly based on milk powder, supplemented by complementary foods, in addition to rice paste can add some fruit puree vegetable puree, do not put seasonings, do not use other dairy products instead of formula milk powder, especially do not give children to drink juice.

Temper: At this time, the child begins to have a "temper", will show their likes and dislikes, parents do not interfere too much, appropriate guidance can be.

Children are the first time to do children, parents are also the first time to be parents, novice parents are generally learning while taking the baby, slowly can explore the baby's living habits, with the baby will be more handy, I hope that everyone can successfully pass the "run-in period" with the child.

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