
The quality of Mother's breast milk is high, and it can be seen from the baby's performance that color is not the only standard!

The article is original for Candy Mom, welcome personal comments and sharing

Children descend on every family like angels, and parents naturally have to take good care of them. The petite body needs to be fed with breast milk in order to gradually grow.

Babies need to take in a variety of nutrients for a period of time after birth, especially breast milk within 6 months, so the quality of breast milk at this stage is critical.

Breast milk is the best "ration" for the baby, and the mother should pay attention to the quality of breast milk and whether the amount of feeding is sufficient, and it is better to ensure a longer period of feeding.

The quality of Mother's breast milk is high, and it can be seen from the baby's performance that color is not the only standard!

But breast milk is also divided into "quality" level, the older generation of mouths do not eat breast milk after 6 months, the color is not yellow is not good milk has plagued many people, sugar mother has also been persuaded in this way, but is this really the case?

When the quality of breast milk is low, what are the performances of the baby's body?

The quality of breast milk is directly related to the healthy growth of the baby, and it is even more important for new mothers to pay more attention. Some of the baby's daily performance will explain everything, if there is a similar situation, then the mother should pay attention to whether it is caused by the low quality of breast milk.

▼ The weight is not average, and it is difficult to meet the developmental needs

The baby's growth can make certain judgments based on the change in weight.

The quality of Mother's breast milk is high, and it can be seen from the baby's performance that color is not the only standard!

Under normal circumstances, babies within 3 months of age, the growth rate is relatively fastest, each month will grow 800 ~ 1000 grams, with the increase of age, the growth rate will be slightly reduced.

If your baby is not up to standard, but the amount of breast milk ingested is sufficient, it may be related to the quality of breast milk. There is a gap in the physique of each baby, some children have a higher metabolic level, coupled with the low quality of breast milk, nutrition will obviously be insufficient to meet the needs of its growth and development.

▼ Diarrhea occurs frequently and is affected by a variety of causes

The baby's health needs to be paid attention to by the mother at all times, and the doctor should be consulted in time for different performances. If you find frequent diarrhea in your baby, this phenomenon is also called breast-milk diarrhea.

The quality of Mother's breast milk is high, and it can be seen from the baby's performance that color is not the only standard!

The main reason for this is the low quality of breast milk, which increases the hydration in the baby's body, which causes diarrhea. In addition, it may be related to the immature development of the baby's intestines, at this time can not be decomposed lactose, too much accumulation will make the intestine uncomfortable, causing diarrhea.

At this time, Bao Mom should pay attention to the control of time, and if there is no improvement within a week, it needs to be changed to low-lactose formula until the situation has improved.

▼ Insufficient milk is easy to hunger, which is obviously insufficient nutrient intake

The baby's stomach capacity is small, and the mother will feed according to the general standard, but some babies will not have enough to eat.

The quality of Mother's breast milk is high, and it can be seen from the baby's performance that color is not the only standard!

According to common sense, the baby's digestion ability is limited and cannot be overfeed, but it should be decided according to the actual situation. If the baby often does not have enough to eat, then the nutrition of breast milk is not up to standard.

Parents do this to give their babies "high-quality breast milk"

Adjust according to the actual situation of the baby, and appropriately add some formula milk to feed, so as to ensure that its nutritional intake is sufficient.

The main source of nutrition for the growth and development of the baby is breast milk, ignoring the quality of breast milk, which will be quite unfavorable to the normal growth and development of the baby, so it is necessary to pay more attention to all aspects of daily life.

The quality of Mother's breast milk is high, and it can be seen from the baby's performance that color is not the only standard!

1. Adjust your eating habits, it is important to balance nutrition

The nutritional intake of the mother's food is balanced, and the baby will naturally be healthy. Meat, eggs, milk and other nutrients are indispensable, and comprehensive balance can ensure high-quality breast milk.

Bao Mom should pay attention to not being picky eaters, and the daily eating habits should be slightly improved, which is very good for physical recovery and baby growth.

2. Ensure a good mood, emotions affect breast milk secretion

In addition to the secretion of breast milk related to nutritional intake, it is also closely related to the mood of the mother. Breast milk secretion is easily affected by emotions, so mothers should always adjust their state, and a good attitude can increase the amount of breast milk secretion.

The quality of Mother's breast milk is high, and it can be seen from the baby's performance that color is not the only standard!

3. Get as much sleep as possible to improve the quality of breast milk

The family should cooperate with the mother to give the mother a full rest when the baby does not eat breast milk. It can not only make the mother energetic, but also make the breast milk of higher quality, and the baby eat more nutritious.

Sugar Mother's heart words:

The baby's health is the most concerned thing for the mother, and during the breastfeeding period, we must pay special attention to the growth of the child. If the quality of breast milk is low, adjustments must be made in a timely manner.

【Today's topic】Have you ever observed the quality of your own breast milk?

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