
Huixuexing | "double subtraction" is not the responsibility of parents! No matter how good a teacher is, it is better than the words and deeds of parents!

There is a question that has plagued parents for many years: school education and family education, who is more important? After the "double subtraction" landed, many parents handed over their children to the teacher and expected the school to take more responsibility. If education really depends only on schools and teachers, it is really delaying children. The state's efforts to reduce the burden on children are by no means used to reduce family education and parental responsibilities. Family education must be "filled" in time to help children fill the "gaps" in education and supplement the "nutrients" needed for growth.

1. No matter how good a teacher is, he cannot replace the position of parents

Li Zhenxi, a famous principal, said in a speech: "The so-called 'eugenics' are not all educated by teachers, and 'poor students' are not all cultivated by schools. "When we talk about a child's character and grades, the first thing that comes to mind is his parents and family education. For example, Li Tianyi, who was imprisoned at a young age. He was spoiled by his parents and grew up, developing a "little bully" personality, causing trouble everywhere, and even going to jail for crimes. If his parents were willing to take care of it, they would not send their children to prison. In addition, Wei Yongkang, who entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the age of 17, was dropped out. Since he was a child, he only needs to learn, does not have to take care of himself, and is expected by his parents to be too high, becoming a "giant in learning and a dwarf in life". If his parents were willing to let go, they wouldn't make their children so incompetent. In the matter of educating children, the role played by parents is the most critical.

Sometimes, even if the teacher wants to help change the child, it is difficult to change the foundation and subtle influence that the parents give the child. First, children have the deepest blood relationship with their parents, the most trusting, the most dependent on their parents, which is irreplaceable by teachers.

Second, children receive the earliest and longest education from their parents, and the influence of education has been carved into the bones, and it is difficult to return. No matter how good a teacher is, it is difficult to erase the mark of the child's past, and it is the parents who really determine the child's life. Parents are the best "starting line" for children, and what kind of education parents give their children, what kind of people children will grow into.

2. Even higher schools cannot replace the education of the family

Over the years, we have attached great importance to school education, but often neglected family education. How many parents have sent their children to school, to custody, to their hometowns, and have not spent time with their children, but feel that they have fulfilled their responsibilities. How many parents pin their hopes on the school, thinking that through the school curriculum, children can develop in an all-round way and grow up healthily. However, no matter how important school education is, it is only an important supplement to family education. Sukhomlinsky believes that to create a good child, we must contribute at least six aspects: the family, the school, the group where the child belongs, the child himself, books, and chance factors. Among them, the family ranks first.

Huixuexing | "double subtraction" is not the responsibility of parents! No matter how good a teacher is, it is better than the words and deeds of parents!

In ancient times, most children received family education, and the origin of family education is the earliest and most comprehensive. Whether it is knowledge education, character education, or life education, the effect of one-to-one transmission is far better than one-to-many. We do not deny the importance of schooling, but we must recognize that family education and schooling are equally important, if not more important. If homeschooling is terrible, schools and teachers will only do half the work to educate children. If family education is in place, schools and teachers will do more to educate children with less effort.

Gu Mingyuan, a senior professor at Beijing Normal University, said: "If school education is not combined with family education, nothing will be achieved." "It is the school and the teacher who teach, but it must be the parents and the family who educate the people. The family is the earliest, best, and highest school for every child, and excellent families will put a lot of effort into education. 3 The teacher's thousand words of preaching are not as good as the words and deeds of parents In the education of children, the most important thing to shirk responsibility is the parents. There has never been a child born with a problem, and the problems in the child can be found in the parents without exception. In what way parents live, work, communicate, and behave for others, every word and deed has a direct and far-reaching impact on children. You are lazy, the child is not self-disciplined; you love to play mahjong, the child does not love to read; you do not follow the rules, the child will be naughty and trouble... What kind of cause will produce what kind of effect, the parent is the cause of the child, and the child is the effect of the parent. Bai Yansong said in an interview: "How many parents in our lives always complain that their children are not progressive enough, and then say that responsibility is a social problem and an education problem. Chinese parents need to grow up, and parents have to bear at least 51% of the responsibility for their children's growth. "Every moment, when you see the child, you see yourself, and you educate the child, that is, you educate yourself. When the parents are right, the children are naturally right, because the essence of family life is education. Zheng Yuanjie, the "king of fairy tales", has long told us: "Family education is not management, but demonstration and guidance. "Parents should strictly demand themselves, educate people first, and raise children first." Parents should set a good example for their children, less nagging and preaching, and more words and deeds. Compared with the education of schools and teachers, the good example set by parents will make children continue to move closer to their parents and achieve greater progress and growth.

Huixuexing | "double subtraction" is not the responsibility of parents! No matter how good a teacher is, it is better than the words and deeds of parents!

4, do not let the laziness of stealing from children today become the deepest regret in the future

A child's grades depend on the quality of learning in the family. A child's character depends on the family education given by the parents. After the "double subtraction", the most lazy is the child, and the most unrestrained is the parent. For children, school becomes the only main battlefield. We must redouble our efforts, study more consciously, set stricter demands on ourselves, cherish campus time, and establish lofty ideals. The self-disciplined are outstanding, and the slackers are out. Every effort now determines the road to be taken in the future. For parents, family education cannot be neglected in the slightest. Urging children to learn, cultivate children's habits, establish rules of life, and comprehensively develop and cultivate excellence require parents to do their own work and start from an early age. Educating children can not be afraid of trouble, let alone try to save trouble, education in the final analysis is "spelling parents". There is a saying in "Poor Dad, Rich Dad": "The so-called success is to have time to take care of your children." "The companionship of parents is the best parent-child education, and the company of parents hides the future of children." Parents cultivate their children not to let their children score 100 points, but to cultivate him to be a "complete" person, full of interest in life and learning. Parents educate their children, not to list 100 requirements for their children, but to grasp the sooner and more comprehensively, the greater the child's chances of winning. Growing up only once, education can not be repeated, please in the days when there is still time to educate children, do your duty as a parent, and open up a better tomorrow for your children.

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