
Shaanxi cuisine no. 3 original white seal meat, lao tongjia bacon, with a handle elbow, Xixiang beef jerky three original white seal meat lao tong jia bacon with elbow Xixiang beef jerky

author:Treasure Chicken
Shaanxi cuisine no. 3 original white seal meat, lao tongjia bacon, with a handle elbow, Xixiang beef jerky three original white seal meat lao tong jia bacon with elbow Xixiang beef jerky

Ingredients: pork rib meat (pork belly) 500 g 300 g of pig's trotters

Seasoning: 50 grams of shallots 15 grams of ginger 8 grams of salt 20 grams of cooking wine 20 grams of nutmeg 10 grams of cinnamon 10 grams of fennel seeds [cumin seeds] 10 grams

The preparation of mihara white seal meat

1. Wash the pork, cut into long cubes, put it in a pot of boiling water and cook until it is three times ripe, fish out and wash it;

2. Wash the pig's trotters, put them in the pot and cook until the meat skin changes color and then fish out, first pluck the hair and descale treatment until the meat skin is white, and then split the pig's trotters longitudinally;

3. Put the cumin in a bowl, rinse into boiling water, cover and set aside;

4. Pour water (1000 ml) into the pot, first put the skin of the pig's trotters face down at the bottom of the pot, and then put the skin of the meat on the top, put it on the pig's trotters, and boil it over high heat;

5. After cooking for 1 hour, skim off the foam, add green onion, ginger (pat pine), cinnamon, cardamom, cooking wine, and simmer over low heat instead;

6. After simmering for 2 hours, turn the meat over, make the skin down, add refined salt, and continue to simmer;

7. Simmer until the meat and pig's trotters can be fished out with chopsticks, the skin is facing down, neatly placed in a small enamel dish, and a knife is used to draw a few knife patterns on the meat block (so that the broth is poured);

8. Then fish out the pig's trotters, remove the bones, re-enter the pot, and continue to simmer on low heat for 30 minutes;

9. Simmer until the soup is thick and sticky, pour in the soaked cumin perfume, stir well, skim off the slick oil;

10. Then filter the broth, pour it into the dish to soak the meat pieces for 2 to 3 minutes, and then use white linen paper to absorb the oil on it;

11. After it has condensed, it can be changed to a knife plate.

Mihara white seal meat making tips

In the process of simmering, keep the heat low and not open widely, so as not to make the soup muddy.

Shaanxi cuisine no. 3 original white seal meat, lao tongjia bacon, with a handle elbow, Xixiang beef jerky three original white seal meat lao tong jia bacon with elbow Xixiang beef jerky

Main ingredient lamb (fat lean) 750 g

Seasoning 20 grams of spring onion 20 grams of ginger 5 grams of star anise 1 g of guiyuan 0 grams of cooking wine 2 grams of peppercorns 1 g of grass fruits

The old boy's home for the preparation of the lamb

1. Wash the lamb with bones and change the knife, put it into the container and stack it well, add water to soak the lamb, and then add salt to marinate;

2. After a few days, the flesh is red and the brine is salivating, indicating that the meat has been marinated;

3. First use a pot of water (soaked in meat), put in the removed lamb bones, add salt, cooking wine, green onion, ginger, spices (fennel, peppercorns, cinnamon balls, grass and fruits wrapped in cloth), 1 glauber's salt, boil into brine (about 24 hours);

4. Put the lamb into the boiled marinade, simmer for about 3 hours on low heat to cook thoroughly;

5. Skim off the oil slick, suppress the fire, and simmer for about half an hour before fishing for meat;

6. Cut the prepared meat into slices and plate.

Tips for making lamb at home

1. In the process of curing meat, the container should be placed in an appropriate place, in the warm place in winter, in the shade in summer, the marinating time is about 6 to 7 days in winter, and about 1 to 2 days in summer;

2. After the lamb is cooked thoroughly, it must be simmered in the soup for about half an hour, in order to make it taste good;

3. When fishing for meat, rinse the meat noodles with the original soup, the purpose is to remove its debris and make its color oily;

4. This brine soup, after heating, skim off the oil slick, cool can also be used again;

5. If you do not use the old soup with water, you must add half of the above spices to the old soup.

Shaanxi cuisine no. 3 original white seal meat, lao tongjia bacon, with a handle elbow, Xixiang beef jerky three original white seal meat lao tong jia bacon with elbow Xixiang beef jerky

Ingredients pork knuckle 1250 g

Seasoning soy sauce 30 g White soy sauce 25 g Curd (red) 15 g Rice wine 15 g Sweet noodle sauce 100 g Garlic (white skin) 20 g Salt 10 g Star anise 3 g Ginger 10 g Shallots 20 g Cinnamon 5 g

Bring the elbow to the practice

1. Scrape the elbows (with claws);

2. Put the elbow outward, the elbow (claw) inward, the elbow skin facing down on the cutting board, use the knife in the middle from the elbow to the elbow handle along the leg to cut the skin, remove the flesh on both sides of the leg bone (three sides away from the meat), the bottom bone and the flesh are connected, so that the bone is exposed;

3. Then smash the two leg bones from the middle with the back of the knife;

4. Cook in the soup pot until it is seven ripe, dry the water with a clean cloth, and spread the skin of the meat with red soy sauce while it is hot;

5. Take a steaming basin, put the bottom of the basin into the star anise, cinnamon, first break the dice of the elbow handle by hand, do not hurt the outer skin, and then put the elbow skin down into the steaming basin;

6. When loading the pot, according to the size of the elbow, put the elbow handle close to the edge of the pot and put it into the pot to become round;

7. Sprinkle with fine salt, cover the meat with a detoxified gauze cloth, and then spread the sweet noodle sauce, green onion, as well as red tofu milk, white soy sauce, ginger, garlic, etc. on the gauze.

8. Steam the steaming pot basket on a high fire for about 3 hours, take out and remove the gauze to the degree of rot, buckle into the plate, and pick off the star anise and cinnamon;

9. Bring shallots and sweet noodle sauce to the table.

Bring elbow making tips

1. This dish is finely processed, pay attention to maintaining the original shape of the "elbow with handle", and the elbow skin should be more intact;

2. This dish is steamed with high heat, and the lid of the cage must leave a gap, so that the finished product will not damage the form and color due to excessive vapor;

3. When serving, spread the sweet noodle sauce on the elbow noodles first, and bring a small plate of green onions.

Shaanxi cuisine no. 3 original white seal meat, lao tongjia bacon, with a handle elbow, Xixiang beef jerky three original white seal meat lao tong jia bacon with elbow Xixiang beef jerky

Main ingredient beef (hind legs) 5000 g

Seasoning salt 150 g Cinnamon 10 g Peppercorns 10 g Ginger 10 g Green onion 15 g Grass cardamom 5 g Star anise 5 g

The practice of Saigo beef jerky

1. Strict selection of materials, fine processing. Take the meat of the front and back legs of the cattle as raw materials, remove the tendons, rinse, cut into pieces, add salt and marinate for two or three days, put into the oven, smoke and roast for 12 hours on low heat, and then dry, after storage, become semi-finished beef jerky.

2. Before selling, wash the smoke with warm water, etc., with cinnamon, peppercorns, ginger, green onions, grass fruits, star anise and other spices under the pot of brine, after 2 hours can be out of the pot to eat.

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