
Hanzhong Xixiang beef jerky, an indispensable delicacy on your table

author:Big head loves editing

Xixiang beef jerky, a specialty of Xixiang County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, is a national geographical indication product of China. Saigo beef jerky is a traditional halal food in Xixiang County, with a coffee color, a peachy flesh and a shiny cut. The aroma of the food is delicious, salty and moderate, crisp but not cottony, and the aftertaste is long. It is rich in nutrients and has a protein content of up to 87% or more. Easy to carry, long-term storage is not bad. Xixiang beef jerky is a traditional noble halal flavor food in Xixiang County, which has been well-known in the northwest during the Ming and Qing dynasties, hundreds of years away from 2019, originally self-eaten by imams of Xixiang Mosque, and then repeatedly improved processing technology, developed into a flourishing, a unique local famous product in southern Shaanxi and has been passed down to this day. Today, the Method of Making Xixiang Beef Jerky has been listed as an intangible cultural heritage of Shaanxi Province.

Ingredient list: 600 grams of beef tendon meat, 1 piece of ginger, 1 piece of green onion, 1 piece of cinnamon, 4 slices of fragrant leaves, 2 star anise, salt, a little oil, a little pepper powder, a suitable amount of cooking wine, a moderate amount of paprika powder, a suitable amount of cumin powder, and a suitable amount of cooked sesame seeds

Cooking steps

Step 1

Hanzhong Xixiang beef jerky, an indispensable delicacy on your table


Prepare the raw materials

Step 2

Hanzhong Xixiang beef jerky, an indispensable delicacy on your table

Slice the ginger and cut the green onion into segments

Step 3

Hanzhong Xixiang beef jerky, an indispensable delicacy on your table

Put the right amount of water in the pot, add the beef, add ginger, green onion, cinnamon, star anise, fragrant leaves, a little cooking wine, bring to a boil

Step 4

Hanzhong Xixiang beef jerky, an indispensable delicacy on your table

Reduce heat to simmer for 40 minutes

Step 5

Hanzhong Xixiang beef jerky, an indispensable delicacy on your table

Cut into small strips

Step 6

Hanzhong Xixiang beef jerky, an indispensable delicacy on your table

Add a little oil to the pan and sauté the beef strips

Step 7

Hanzhong Xixiang beef jerky, an indispensable delicacy on your table

Sauté slowly until the water vapor is dried and becomes very dry

Step 8

Hanzhong Xixiang beef jerky, an indispensable delicacy on your table

Add salt, paprika, cumin powder, a little peppercorn powder and stir-fry well

Step 9

Hanzhong Xixiang beef jerky, an indispensable delicacy on your table

Add the appropriate amount of cooked sesame seeds and stir well

Step 10

Hanzhong Xixiang beef jerky, an indispensable delicacy on your table

Out of the pot


First, the meat of beef jerky does not need to be cooked for a long time, cooked thoroughly; second, when stir-frying, turn on a low heat and slowly sauté dry water vapor; third, paprika, pepper powder, cumin powder according to their own taste as appropriate to add, generally speaking, the amount of pepper powder is one-third of the paprika, otherwise it will be very numb, this is done according to personal taste.

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