
"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

author:Ukiyo-e chronicles

In 1958, 20-year-old Romey Schneider was invited to shoot the movie "When the Flower Moon Broke the Intestine", and the crew arranged for someone to pick up.

Romey gracefully stepped down the escalator, and she saw a handsome young man, his suit and shoes, his eyes as blue as the sea, and a bouquet of roses in his hand but red.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

Compared with the famous Romei who starred in "Princess Sissi" at the age of 16, this young man was not yet called "The First Beautiful Man in France" at that time, and he was still an obscure ordinary person. But he was too handsome, and who could not see him?

This is the scene where Romey first meets Alain Deron, who quickly falls in love and Alain gets engaged and travels to his country, where Romey's mother warns her daughter: He can't belong to you alone.

She guessed right.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >1, the faces destined to conquer the film world</h1>

At the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, the image endorsement of the French Pavilion was Alain Delong, and many people believe that he is the most handsome person in France.

He has thick eyebrows and a high nose bridge, an angular and sculptural face, his eyes are deep, as if there is a starlight shining, and the corners of his mouth often carry a smile that makes countless young girls feel excited.

Alain Deron has a mix of nobles and bad boys, which is related to his childhood experiences. In 1935, Alain was born in the town of So, which is a happy and peaceful town, but Alain did not feel happy, when he was 4 years old, his parents divorced, both sides had a new family, Alain felt that he was superfluous.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

In the beginning, Alain deliberately mischief in order to gain the attention of his parents. But because of the lack of proper discipline, Alain's troubles grew, and at the age of 14, he was expelled from school.

The idle Alain followed his stepfather who was the owner of the butcher shop to learn to slaughter meat to buy meat, Alain was handsome, even if he wore greasy overalls, he was still so handsome, because because of him, the business of the butcher shop was particularly prosperous, and many big girls and little daughters-in-law did not buy the butcher shop in front of the house, and walked a lot of roads to patronize Alain's business. But he grew tired of the monotonous work, and when he got a little older, he went to work as a soldier.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

Alain was not a lovely soldier brother, he was just as rebellious as ever, liked to cause trouble, and was the thorn in the head of the chiefs' headaches. After four years of service, he spent nearly a year being jailed in the army and punished, going in and out frequently, and was later expelled from the military for stealing military jeeps.

The infamous Alain was kicked back into society, and in order to fill his stomach, he had to find work. But he didn't have any skills, nor did he have the patience and tenacity to do any job. Fortunately, he also has a beautiful skin bag, and a few years of military career have allowed him to grow a strong muscle. The debauchery at the corners of the eyes is precisely a charming charm.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

Romantic Parisian girls are willing to fund this beautiful young man, Alain met some French actresses, under their introduction into the film circle, two big directors at the same time to see him, this good-looking face, destined to conquer the European film industry.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him</h1>

At the suggestion of director Yves Alegre, in 1957, Alain participated in the film "When Women Are Involved", which is a supporting role with few scenes, and Alain has no experience in acting, so he dangles in front of the camera as he pleases, but he belongs to god who appreciates food, and as soon as he enters the big screen, his light can't be opened.

So, the next year, the 23-year-old Alain received the male number one role in "When the Flower Moon Broke the Intestine", in which he was an amorous officer named Franz, who captured the heart of the young girl Christine, but also had an affair with the baroness's wife, and when he was shot and killed in a duel to end this evil relationship, the heartbroken Christine also gave up his life.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

Christine in the film is none other than Romy Schneider, who falls in love with Alain, both inside and outside the play, and there is no doubt that this is a tragic love.

But what a match they were, in 1959, the lakeside scenery in Lugano, Italy, was picturesque, and the pair of Alain and Romei were also picturesque, and they were sweetly engaged.

Because he wanted to fight with his lover, Romey resolutely changed his ticket and gave up his career to go to France, and even the Austrians were very angry, because Alain kidnapped their most beautiful princess.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

After the marriage, Alain and Romei had a time of love, but as Romei's mother expected, Alain was restless, he sincerely loved Romei, but he could not do it if he wanted him to be single-minded and unwavering to a woman.

He first cheated on the German actress Nico, and in the fall of 1962, Nico claimed to have given birth to a son for Alain, and public opinion was boiling over. In 1963, Alain and Romei broke off their marriage, but instead of marrying Nico, he eloped with another actress, Natalie Canovas.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

Alain left a short note for Romei: "I'm sorry, I'm gone." Romey burst into tears and left France with a broken heart.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection</h1>

In 1964, Alain married Natalie, but the marriage lasted only 5 years, and the latter almost charged Alain with murder.

In 1968, a decomposing male corpse appeared next to a dumpster in a village near versailles in Paris, and it was confirmed that the deceased was Alain's personal bodyguard, Markovich. He left a letter to his family before he died: "If I were killed, 100 percent would be related to Alain Delon. ”

Because Alan's marriage to Natalie was in jeopardy at the time, Natalie admitted that he and Markovich had had an abnormal relationship. In this way, Alain had the motive to kill.

Alain was speechless, and at the crucial time, the person who came out to testify for Alain was actually his lover Romei, whom he had betrayed.

The frustrated Romei career also encountered a bottleneck, no director asked her to shoot, and the fans seemed to forget her. At this time, Alain had become famous in the film and television circles, and his handsome face and amorous eyes swept across Europe, and even men could not resist his charm.

It was Alain who invited Romei to shoot this "Swimming Pool", and he couldn't forget her and wanted to help her.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

The death of the bodyguard was eventually resolved, but it had a bad impact on Alain's reputation, and he bore the notoriety of a murderer. At the same time, he was also rumored to be gay, and in an interview with the BBC in 1969, the host openly asked him the question, and Alain shrugged indifferently: "Guilty?" If I like it, it's okay. ”

He has close ties with friends of the same sex, but prefers to hunt flowers. At this time, Alain was on his knees with actress Mireye Dalk, and intimate photos of the two appeared on the cover of entertainment newspapers from time to time.

In 1975, Alain's classic "Zorro" was released, black horse black eye mask black cloak handsome to no friends Zorro, he fights the sword to go to the end of the world, but likes to hold a rose, and then thrilling occasions, he is at ease with the whole body, and does not forget to draw a "Z" word in a dashing manner. All the women were fascinated by him, but he was not attached, and he smiled slightly and left alone.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

In 1979, "Zorro" was introduced to China, generating more than 70 million views, and for a time, the boys imitated Zorro's facial expressions in front of the mirrors in the large wardrobe, and the girls were dreaming of marrying a man like Alain.

But if you really marry Alain, you are not actually happy. In 1987, Alain remarried, at this time Alain was 53 years old, handsome old or handsome old man, he married back to a young and beautiful Dutch model Rosalie van Brimen, she gave birth to a son and a daughter for Alain.

Alain's children are all outstanding without exception, and this young son with the same name is a perfect replica of his father, his facial features are as good as oil paintings, and later he became a model and was loved by fans.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

But he didn't like his father because he didn't love himself well and didn't give him financial support. The younger son accused Alain of domestic violence in front of the media: "My mother was broken by him with eight ribs. ”

The cold and thin Alain, the bad Alain, but still won the Cannes Honorary Palme d'Or in 2019, although it caused questions from all sides, but the organizing committee insisted that this is Alain deserved, he dedicated countless classic roles, and his achievements in the acting career are remarkable.

"France's first beautiful man": the lover suspected of killing his wife, the son accused him of breaking his mother's ribs 1, a face destined to conquer the film world 2, single-mindedness, too difficult for him 3, the scumbag's thin affection and affection

And all this, Romey did not see, she died as early as 1981 due to the loss of her son, Alain went to mourn, he cried very sadly, very sincerely. He said: "She is the deepest love of my life. ”

In this life, Alain Deron has loved many women and failed many women, but Romey is special, she is his first time, it is an unforgettable youth, and it is a deep affection that can never go back.

Author: Linglong Xin

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