
Put chrysanthemums, longan and other "ingredients" in the tea, drink a good body, and health can be so simple

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In China's thousand-year-old history, tea is not only a drink, it is culture, art, and a way of life. From ancient times to the present, people are also exploring the mysteries of tea while tasting the aroma of tea. Now, when we stand at a new starting point of health preservation, the combination of tea and various natural ingredients is opening the door to simple and profound health preservation.

Imagine that in your busy life, you can have a moment when you can hold a cup of hot tea, which not only has the fragrance of tea, but also the elegance of chrysanthemums and the sweetness of longan. This is not only a taste pleasure, but also a nourishment for the body's health. This simple daily habit may be the secret to our quest for a long and healthy life.

Put chrysanthemums, longan and other "ingredients" in the tea, drink a good body, and health can be so simple

Chrysanthemum Tea: Nature's Cooling Agent, Your Everyday Health Companion

Chrysanthemum, since ancient times, has been known as an herb with significant heat-clearing and detoxifying effects. In modern life, with the improvement of health awareness, chrysanthemum tea, as a simple and effective health drink, is more and more favored by the majority of middle-aged and elderly friends. Not only because of its fresh taste, but also because of the rich health benefits behind it.

1. The basic properties of chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums are rich in flavonoids, amino acids and trace elements. These ingredients give chrysanthemum excellent heat-clearing and detoxifying, calming the liver and brightening the eyes. For middle-aged and elderly people who often use electronic screens, chrysanthemum tea is a good choice for daily protection of eyesight.

2. Health benefits of chrysanthemum tea

Heat clearing and detoxification: Chrysanthemum tea has a good heat clearing and detoxification effect, especially suitable for people living in high temperature or heavily polluted environments.

Eye protection: Modern research has found that some components in chrysanthemums are effective in reducing eye fatigue and preventing dry eyes.

Calms the nerves and helps sleep: Chrysanthemum tea can also slightly soothe the mood and help improve sleep quality.

3. Support for scientific research

Scientific studies have shown that the natural ingredients in chrysanthemums help reduce heat in the body, which can reduce symptoms such as dizziness and high blood pressure. In addition, some studies have also found that long-term moderate consumption of chrysanthemum tea can help regulate blood lipids and blood sugar levels.

4. How to brew and drink

When brewing chrysanthemum tea, it is recommended to use warm water (about 80 degrees) to maintain the natural aroma and medicinal potency of chrysanthemum.

Drink 1-2 cups a day as part of your daily health routine.

5. Precautions

It should be noted that people with chrysanthemum cold, stomach cold or indigestion should drink with caution.

Pregnant women and patients with special diseases should consult a doctor before drinking.

Put chrysanthemums, longan and other "ingredients" in the tea, drink a good body, and health can be so simple

Longan Tea: Sweet and heart-replenishing, good night's sleep

Longan, also known as longan, has not only won people's love for its unique sweetness, but also is unique in the health industry because of its rich nutritional value. Longan tea, which combines the sweetness of longan with the fragrance of tea, is not only a delicious drink, but also a cup of health drink that can warm the body and mind.

Health benefits of longan tea

Improve sleep quality: Longan is rich in natural sugars and trace elements, which have a significant effect on improving sleep. It helps to relieve tension and promote better rest.

Energy and nutrition: Longan is rich in glucose, vitamin C and a variety of minerals, which have a good effect on increasing body energy and improving malnutrition.

Promotes heart and brain health: Studies have found that the natural ingredients in longan can help maintain heart and brain health, helping to prevent cardiovascular and neurological diseases.

How to brew longan tea correctly

Making longan tea is not complicated, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

Choose high-quality longan: Choose dry, full-grained dried longan to ensure the aroma and nutritional value of the tea.

Pairing in moderation: Longan has a strong sweet flavor, and it is recommended to pair it with a moderate amount of green or black tea to balance the taste.

Control the brewing time: The brewing time should not be too long, usually 5-10 minutes, in case the tea taste is too strong.


Individual differences: It varies from person to person, and some people may have specificity for longan, so you should pay attention to your personal constitution before using it.

Drink in moderation: While longan tea is healthy, excessive consumption may lead to excessive caloric intake.

Caution: Patients with abnormal glucose metabolism and increased systemic arterial blood pressure should drink under the guidance of a doctor.

Longan tea is not just a drink, it is a manifestation of an attitude to life, allowing us to enjoy the gifts of nature while also enjoying health and calm. Through the simple process of making tea, we can not only taste the sweetness of longan, but also feel the warmth and tranquility of life.

Put chrysanthemums, longan and other "ingredients" in the tea, drink a good body, and health can be so simple

Explore Nature's Treasure Trove: The Wonderful World of Diversified Health Teas

On the road to a healthy life, tea is not just a drink, it is a precious gift given to us by nature. In addition to chrysanthemum and longan, there are many other natural ingredients that can be added to tea to enhance its health benefits. Let's explore the unique benefits of these teas and discover the unique charm of each.

Goji Berry: The Hidden Power of the King of Health

Goji berries have long been known as the king of health. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C and iron, which are essential for boosting immunity, protecting eyesight and improving blood circulation. Adding dried goji berries to tea can enhance the nutritional value of tea, especially for people with eye fatigue and weakened immunity.

Red dates: Sweet and nourishing medicine

Red dates are a traditional Chinese blood-tonic ingredient that is rich in vitamin C and iron. Regular consumption of tea containing red dates can effectively improve blood quality, enhance skin radiance, and fight anemia. The sweetness of jujube can also add flavor to the tea, making it more palatable, especially loved by female friends.

Astragalus: Nature's immune booster

Astragalus, as a traditional Chinese medicinal herb, is known for its immune-boosting properties. Studies have shown that astragalus can improve the body's resistance to external pathogens. Adding astragalus to tea can help boost the body's natural defense system, especially for people who are weak and susceptible to colds.

Honey: Naturally sweet and nourishing

Honey is not only a natural sweetener, it also has outstanding antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Adding a spoonful of honey to tea not only improves the taste of the tea, but also brings additional health benefits to the body, especially when the throat is upset or indigestion is very effective.

When choosing and making these wellness teas, it is advisable to adjust them according to the individual's health condition and taste preferences. With a reasonable mix, you can not only enjoy the delicious taste of tea, but also get health benefits from it. Remember, wellness is a long-term process, and consistency is key.

Put chrysanthemums, longan and other "ingredients" in the tea, drink a good body, and health can be so simple

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