
#My three meals a day# Eating too greasy these days, I just want to eat something light and simple for dinner, and the family goes out to the tea house to drink tea and eat snacks. I ordered beef fried pho, cold tree vegetables, and walnuts

author:Guanlan quotes

#My three meals a day# I have eaten too greasy these days, I just want to eat something light and simple for dinner, and the family goes out to the tea house to drink tea and eat snacks.

I ordered a beef fried pho, cold tree vegetables, walnut buns, passion fruit pudding, and goji berry pig soup, and brewed a pot of chrysanthemum tea, which was simple, light and not greasy.

#My three meals a day# Eating too greasy these days, I just want to eat something light and simple for dinner, and the family goes out to the tea house to drink tea and eat snacks. I ordered beef fried pho, cold tree vegetables, and walnuts
#My three meals a day# Eating too greasy these days, I just want to eat something light and simple for dinner, and the family goes out to the tea house to drink tea and eat snacks. I ordered beef fried pho, cold tree vegetables, and walnuts
#My three meals a day# Eating too greasy these days, I just want to eat something light and simple for dinner, and the family goes out to the tea house to drink tea and eat snacks. I ordered beef fried pho, cold tree vegetables, and walnuts

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