
The outer skin is layered and crispy, and the inner filling is a juicy and fragrant radish silk cake, and the noodles are not rolled out, which is simple and easy to make

author:Baby Mom Food

The outer skin is layered and crispy, and the inner filling is a juicy and fragrant radish silk cake, and the noodles are not rolled out, which is simple and easy to make. There are more turnips on it, and the turnips in winter are the best to eat, and the water is juicy. It is said that eating turnips in winter and ginger in summer is the season of eating turnips again.

The outer skin is layered and crispy, and the inner filling is a juicy and fragrant radish silk cake, and the noodles are not rolled out, which is simple and easy to make

In winter, white radish is a very common ingredient. White radish can be combined with a variety of ingredients, but radish is generally not like to eat, even if its effect is more, the tonic effect is better. Many people still can't help but lock their brows and retreat when they hear the radish. Today, let's introduce a delicious method of turnips, let's take a look:

The outer skin is layered and crispy, and the inner filling is a juicy and fragrant radish silk cake, and the noodles are not rolled out, which is simple and easy to make

2 radishes and a few cakes, so that the small cakes do not have noodles, the outer skin is crispy, and the filling is soft and sticky

【Ingredients】Meat stuffing 200 g white radish 300 g green radish 250 g hand grab cake 4 pieces of salt 1 g of five-spice powder a little ginger 2 slices of white pepper a little green onion oil 1 tbsp oyster sauce 1 tbsp of oyster sauce 1 tbsp of sesame oil 1 tbsp

The outer skin is layered and crispy, and the inner filling is a juicy and fragrant radish silk cake, and the noodles are not rolled out, which is simple and easy to make

1, two kinds of radish do not need to peel and rub into a fine wire with a rub, the cough and lung effect of radish peel is better than that of radish meat

The outer skin is layered and crispy, and the inner filling is a juicy and fragrant radish silk cake, and the noodles are not rolled out, which is simple and easy to make

2: Bring water to a boil in the pot, pour in the radish shreds and boil for 1 minute, remove the cold water and remove the controlled water

The outer skin is layered and crispy, and the inner filling is a juicy and fragrant radish silk cake, and the noodles are not rolled out, which is simple and easy to make

3: Add salt, five-spice powder, minced ginger, white pepper, soy sauce, cooked green onion oil, radish shredded water into the meat filling, oyster sauce, sesame oil and mix well into the filling

The outer skin is layered and crispy, and the inner filling is a juicy and fragrant radish silk cake, and the noodles are not rolled out, which is simple and easy to make

4: Put an appropriate amount of radish filling in the middle of the hand-grabbed cake to sort out the rectangle

The outer skin is layered and crispy, and the inner filling is a juicy and fragrant radish silk cake, and the noodles are not rolled out, which is simple and easy to make

5. Fold the four sides to the middle and pinch the edge to wrap the filling

The outer skin is layered and crispy, and the inner filling is a juicy and fragrant radish silk cake, and the noodles are not rolled out, which is simple and easy to make

6: Put in a baking sheet, heat at 200 degrees, heat at 220 degrees, bake in the middle for 15-20 minutes

The outer skin is layered and crispy, and the inner filling is a juicy and fragrant radish silk cake, and the noodles are not rolled out, which is simple and easy to make

7, there is no oven, you can also use the pan low heat into the radish shredded cake, both sides slowly brown, add a small half bowl of water and cover until the water is dry until cooked

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