
I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

author:Gentleman's baking
I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

It's a pie that's not too worrying.

First of all, it is puff pastry, which is naturally more troublesome to make than ordinary pie; secondly, the radish shredded filling also requires some processes to deal with. Everyone looks at its production process, and they probably have a number in mind.

However, this pie is really delicious! The crispy crust and the unique flavor of the radish shredded filling are eaten hot and can't stop. Who says radish stuffing is simple? Such a layered taste, how to try!

Puff pastry radish shredded pie

(8 units)


Dough Ingredients: 200 g of medium gluten flour, 125 g of water, 15 g of vegetable oil, 1.5 g of dried yeast, 1.5 g of salt.

Toppings: 80 g of medium gluten flour, 40 g of vegetable oil.

Radish shredded filling: 600 g white radish (without skin weight), 6 g salt, 50 g bacon, 7 g shrimp skin, 5 g dark soy sauce, 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml) of white pepper powder, 15 g sesame oil.

Production process

I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

First, look at the shredded radish filling method.

Wash and peel the white radish, then rub it into thin wires with a thread wiper. Add 6 g of salt to the shredded radish, mix well, and let stand for 1 hour. When left standing, the shredded radish will seep out a lot of water.

I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

At this time, squeeze the radish shreds thoroughly by hand. Do not squeeze out the water, only leave the radish shreds.

I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

On the other hand, the bacon is sliced first and then finely shredded (as much as possible).

Place the shredded bacon in water and soak for 20 minutes. Soak in excess salt and soak the bacon softly. Then fish it out.

Bring water to a boil in a pot, add shredded bacon and cook for 1 minute.

I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

Squeeze dry shredded radish, boiled shredded bacon, washed shrimp skin, dark soy sauce, white pepper and sesame oil.

After mixing well, the radish shredded filling is ready (using soy sauce will make the color of the radish shredded filling become very dark, if you don't like it, you can replace the soy sauce with raw soy sauce).

I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

Make the dough.

Mix all the dough ingredients, knead with a KN roast cook machine (A5/A6 1, G1/L1 3) for 5 minutes, divide the kneaded dough into 4 parts, cover with plastic wrap and relax for 30 minutes.

If there is no cook machine, knead all the ingredients into a dough by hand and knead vigorously on the board for 10 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.

Different flours have different water absorption, so please adjust the amount of water according to the actual situation and knead it into a soft dough.

The ingredients (flour, vegetable oil) are mixed together and kneaded by hand to form a puff pastry dough. Also divided into 4 servings.

I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

Take a small piece of loose dough, flatten it, wrap it in puff pastry and close it. Apply some vegetable oil to the board to prevent stickiness, put the puff pastry wrapped dough on the board, flatten it, and roll it out into an oval shape.

Roll up from one end to the other. Pay attention to the tightness of the rolls.

I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

Roll the dough, squash it with the palm of your hand, and roll it out again to form a long strip.

I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

Then roll it up again. Roll up the dough and use a knife to make everything into two. The picture on the right is the cut dough. A distinct hierarchy can be seen from the slices.

Use the same method to make all the dough, cover with plastic wrap and let loose for 10 minutes.

I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

Take a small piece of dough, cut it face down and place it on the countertop, flattening it with the palm of your hand. Then roll out to form a round dough.

Put an appropriate amount of radish shredded filling in the center of the dough and wrap it up like a bun.

I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

Close your mouth down and you're done. Wrap all the pies. Flatten with the palm of your hand to form a flat round cake.

Then you can bake the cake.

You can use an electric cake pan or a pan.

Pour some vegetable oil into the pan or pan and add the pie, if you use the pan, about 4-5 minutes.

Heat the pan over medium-low heat and simmer on each side for about 4 minutes.

Until the cake is completely fluffy and the surface is golden brown.


1, the amount of salt in the radish shredded filling seems to be more, but this is used to pickle the radish shredded. After the shredded radish comes out of the water and is wrung out, some of the salt will be discarded with the water, and the rest will not be very salty. Of course, each person's taste is different, and the amount of salt can be adjusted according to their own taste.

2, bacon and shrimp skin can add the taste of the filling, the flavor of bacon and radish shredded very well.

3. The production process is to make radish shredded filling first and then make dough. When actually producing, you can be flexible and do not follow the steps. For example, while marinating shredded radish, you can soak bacon and make dough.

I made a delicious "radish silk cake"

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