
Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant

author:Vegetarian dishes

Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant. To say what to eat in the end for breakfast, for me the most nutritious and delicious breakfast is a green onion cake, the night first to make the raw embryos, the next day when the breakfast is burned with two pots, and then with a cup of soy milk or porridge, it is really more and more fragrant, when making ordinary dough, can also be hot noodles, depending on which kind of taste they like, for novices The most rare of course is the proportion and layering, but everything will have corresponding methods and techniques, but blindly rely on their own to explore, if you, I'm afraid it's hard to do without passion and interest. Today I will share with you a thousand layers of green onion cake homemade method, made of golden color and attractive, the taste is particularly delicious, the method is also particularly simple, let's take a look at the production method with me.

Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant

Ingredients to prepare:

Plain flour, warm water, yeast powder, sugar, water, thirteen spices, salt, cooking oil, green onions, hot water, baking soda, white sesame seeds

Here's how:

Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant

1. First and noodles, add about a pound of flour in the basin, add about 3g of yeast powder to the warm water bowl, and then add a small spoon of white sugar to stir evenly, because the white sugar can speed up the fermentation of yeast powder, and then pour into the basin to start mixing with the noodles, and then add water to mix well, when the flour is stirred into a flocculent, then knead them into a dough, and cover the noodles after reconciliation to let it ferment to twice the original size.

Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant

2. Start making puff pastry now, add a small spoonful of flour, a spoonful of thirteen spices, a spoonful of salt, and then pour hot oil and stir well, and the puff pastry is ready.

Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant

3. Make green onion cake, green onion is definitely indispensable, and then cut a little more green onion for later.

Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant

4. Now that the dough is fermented, there is a small amount of hot water in this bowl, which is mixed with a small spoonful of baking soda, kneaded together with the dough, and the role of adding baking soda is to make the green onion cake more fluffy and delicious.

Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant

5. Sprinkle some dry flour on the board, knead the dough into long strips, and then pull it into 3 small doughs of the same size, then arrange the small dough separately and roll out with a rolling pin to form a thin and uniform dough cake, brush it with oil crisp, and then evenly sprinkle with green onions.

Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant

6. Then roll up from one end, and then fold it in half from the left and right sides, pinch the small gaps around it, and put it on the side for about 5 minutes.

Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant

7. After the dumplings are ready, use a rolling pin to roll out into a thin and uniform cake embryo, brush a little water on top and sprinkle white sesame seeds, and gently press with your hands.

Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant

8. Pour the appropriate amount of oil into the electric cake bell with a brush to brush well, after the oil is hot, put the rolled cake embryo on the top, turn the cake over every two minutes to burn, and cover the lid when burning, so as to ensure that the inside of the cake can also be cooked thoroughly, and finally burned to the golden brown on both sides, I can bake for about 7-8 minutes.

Teach you to make a mille-feuille green onion cake at home, and the green onions are full of flavor, crispy layers, and so fragrant

9. Now all burned, cut open for everyone to see, we this mille-feuille shallot cake is ready, so that the color is golden and attractive, the taste is particularly delicious, the method is also particularly simple, like friends can try it at home.

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