
Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

author:Lucky enough to enjoy life

Baked biscuits, golden in color, clear layers, thin as paper between each layer, crispy and delicious, milky and sweet in the mouth.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

Since I had my granddaughter, my time has basically belonged to her, but the daily busyness is also different. For this reason, I often lament that my time has gone!

There is no chance to go out and shoot with friends, except to watch the children is to take a little time, make some of their favorite food, let the family taste, share with friends, but also use to adjust their own life content.

Ingredients: Low gluten flour: 100 g High gluten powder: 25 g Salt: 1.5 g Sugar: 15 g

Butter: 20 g Milk: 80 g Inside butter: 85 g


1: Heat the milk slightly, mix all the ingredients except sugar and butter together, knead into a soft dough, and cook for 20 minutes.

2: Roll in the butter into a thick and uniform square.

3: Roll out the noodles into a square, wrap the butter in the middle, and fold them three times like a quilt.

4: Roll out the folded noodles 0.4 cm thick dough, sprinkle with granulated sugar, and then roll out a roll to embed the sugar into the surface of the dough.

5: Use a sharp blade to cut the dough into a square or shape you want, put it on a baking sheet, and heat it up and down at 180 degrees 20 degrees

Minutes or so.

High and low gluten flour and table salt

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

Stir with milk into a dough.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

Mix the dough for a while.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

Weigh out the butter to add and finely chop.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

Using a bread maker, let the butter stir well with the dough.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

After adding the buttered dough and mixing, let it rise for 20 minutes.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

Cover the dough with a plastic bag to prevent the surface of the dough from air-drying.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

Wrap in butter in a plastic bag and roll it out into a square and set aside.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

Once the dough is ready, roll out into a square shape.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

Place the butter flakes on the dough.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

The four-fold method is folded three times in total. Much like folding quilts.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

Roll out the folded dough into 0.4 cm thick slices.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

 Sprinkle with granulated sugar and roll it out with a rolling pin.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

Use a sharp knife to cut into the shape you want.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits
Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

 Put in the oven and bake in about 20 minutes.

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

This one shot in the sun, the golden yellow is even more tempting. hehe!

Crispy and delicious, creamy and creamy, with layers as thin as paper between each layer – loosened and sweet layers of crispy biscuits

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