
The mother's emotions determine the future of the child


Pages: 247 pages

Author: Rong Zhi

Reading time: 2021-08-08

Recommendation Index: ★★★★ ☆

Moms may not be geniuses, but they can be genius mothers.

The mother's emotions determine the future of the child

The mother's emotions determine the future of the child

Excessive love will ruin the child, and excessive severity will destroy the child.

The true love of parents is that the sooner you separate your child from your life independently, the more successful your education will be.

Distance and independence is a respect for personality that should be maintained even among those closest to us.

When the child feels that it is difficult to do something, the mother must not measure the child's feelings with her own mentality.

1. Tell your child why you are doing it in a language that your child can understand.

2. Mother herself should first be calm, and cannot show anxiety and worry.

3. Tell him the truth about the pain that the child has to endure, not exaggerate, nor exaggerate.

4. Mothers must not satisfy their children by coaxing.

Encourage children to practice on their own, establish a sense of responsibility, and experience success.

Lead your child to life to feel the warm current of "enthusiasm" and train empathy.

A mother's love for her child, material love alone, is not enough.

1. Tell the child: I love you

2. Convey love for children through a gentle sense of touch

3. Care about your child's whereabouts

4. Let your child know what is right and what is wrong

5. Recognize your child's every little progress

6. Ask your child if they have an opinion about their parents

7. Patiently answer various questions from your child

8. Give your child some work so that he knows how to take responsibility

9. Let the child have enough confidence in himself

10. Respect your child's personality

11. Communicate with your child at regular intervals every day

12. Let the child feel recognized

13. Help your child express their emotions correctly

Communicating more with children aged 9 months to 3 years old will make them smarter in the future.

After the age of 3, the child's independent consciousness develops rapidly, and if the mother does everything again, it will make the child lose the sense of self-care.

Dependence itself breeds laziness, mental laxity, laziness in independent thinking, and easy to be swayed by others.

3-year-old eats by himself with a soup spoon, takes off his socks, buttons, and packs up toys.

4-year-old brushes teeth, washes hands and faces, wipes nose, washes hands, washes hands, wipes mouths after meals, undresses and tie shoelaces, moves small benches, and helps adults hand over small objects.

At the age of 5, he ate with chopsticks, cleaned up his room drawers, folded and dried clothes, folded quilts, completed temporary tasks assigned by adults, and did duty in kindergarten.

At the age of 6, he basically takes care of himself, and rarely helps adults.

1. Pay attention to cultivating children's experience of happiness

2. Have the opportunity to enjoy "unrestricted" pleasures

3. Don't be harsh on your children

4. Give your child the opportunity to show

5. Teach children to adjust their mindset

6. Close feelings with children

7. Maintain the happiness and harmony of family life

8. Find ways to make your children happy every day

9. Let him feel the amiability and respectability of his mother

10. Let the child know themselves

11. Let the child be able to hold things up and put them down

In the face of anxiety:

1. When you are anxious, take out a blank piece of paper and write down the anxious things.

2. Analyze what causes one by one and think about the consequences.

3. Come up with a solution.

Character education is basically completed before the child is 6 years old.

Children lie for two reasons: to imitate adults, and to be pressured.

Cultivate the character of children to share, share snacks, happiness, ideas.

Let the child be mentally prepared, prepared, receive the guest, talk to the guest.

"Delayed gratification" is willing to give up the option of immediate gratification and wait for a more valuable long-term outcome.

Cultivating excellent qualities:

1. Change the way education is done now

2. Tell your child to be kind to others

3. Strict requirements

4. Timely correction, with punishment

5. Communicate more with people and think differently

6. Don't let your child taste the sweetness easily

7. Reject the child for good reasons and be convinced

8. Say no to your child and stand firm

9. Praise the child's correct behavior in a timely manner, and be specific and moderate

10. Don't argue in front of your child

11. Don't complain in front of your kids

12. Give your child the opportunity to learn to socialize

13. Encourage your child to participate in more group activities

14. Strengthen your child's own health

15. Learn to be grateful, share, and be tolerant

16. Let your child have the opportunity to vent appropriately

17. Help your child to constantly sum up experience

18. Encourage your child to venture into new areas

19. Give children the space to be free and cultivate independent thinking

20. Parents should also apologize for doing wrong things

Tantrums are the child's normal emotional catharsis, and the child should be allowed to have a small tantrum, but find the cause and soothe it.

The whole code for educating children is to believe in the child and liberate the child.

The most essential requirement of man's spiritual life is the desire to be appreciated.

Children need friends, and childhood friendships are the most precious.

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