
Kidney deficiency is afraid of cold, afraid of the wind, the whole body feels cold, three volt days also wear autumn pants, often cold, poor resistance, intercourse is even more inadequate, looking at the door and leaking, send you an agent to strengthen the fire Dan supplement

author:Chinese Medicine Shen Hong

Kidney deficiency is afraid of cold, afraid of the wind, the whole body feels cold, three volt days also have to wear autumn pants, often cold, poor resistance, intercourse is even more inadequate, look at the door and leak, send you a dose of strong fire Dan to supplement the kidney yang, the fire of the strong door 

【Composition】 Ginseng, Bayan Tian, Mountain Meat, Cooked Ground, Bai Shu, Cistanche, Goji Berries, Appendages, Cinnamon, Broken Paper, Poria Schisandra, Sautéed Jujube Kernel, Cypress Kernel, Yam, Mustard Fruit, Keel

【Source】 (Dialectical Records, vol. 9


Poria: Water seeps wet, strengthens the spleen, calms the mind.

Appendages: Returning to the yang to save the rebellion, replenishing the fire and helping the yang, dispersing the cold and relieving pain.

Cinnamon: tonify the fire and help the yang, disperse the cold and relieve pain, warm the meridians, and ignite the fire to return to the yuan.

Keel: calm the nerves, calm the liver and the yang, converge and solid.

Bai Ziren: Nourish the heart and calm the mind, moisturize the intestines and laxative, and stop sweating.

Ginseng: great tonify vitality, compound pulse solidity, spleen and lungs, blood nourishment, calm the mind and nootropics.

White technique: tonify the spleen, dry and wet water, antiperspirant, safe tire.

Yam: nourishes yin, replenishes spleen, lungs and kidneys, and stops astringent.

Licorice: tonify the spleen and qi, clear heat and detoxify, expectorant and cough, relieve pain, and reconcile various medicines.

Bayan Tian: tonify kidney yang, strengthen muscles and bones, dispel rheumatism.

Cistanche: tonify kidney yang, improve sperm and blood, moisturize the intestines and laxative.

Dogwood: Tonify the liver and kidneys, astringent and solidify.

Qi Shi: beneficial to kidney and sperm, spleen and anti-diarrhea, dehumidification and stop belt.

【Effect】Tonify kidney yang, strengthen the fire of the gate

【Indications】 Fang Lao injury, kidney yang deficiency, lack of life and fire, cold limbs, palpitations and shortness of breath, lack of appetite, y impotence, or spermatic infertility and other kidney yang deficiency symptoms.

The above drugs need to be added or subtracted according to personal circumstances after the doctor's dialectics, and it is not recommended to take them blindly so as not to aggravate the symptoms. #Health Science ##Health Science Contest ##中医养生 #

Kidney deficiency is afraid of cold, afraid of the wind, the whole body feels cold, three volt days also wear autumn pants, often cold, poor resistance, intercourse is even more inadequate, looking at the door and leaking, send you an agent to strengthen the fire Dan supplement
Kidney deficiency is afraid of cold, afraid of the wind, the whole body feels cold, three volt days also wear autumn pants, often cold, poor resistance, intercourse is even more inadequate, looking at the door and leaking, send you an agent to strengthen the fire Dan supplement
Kidney deficiency is afraid of cold, afraid of the wind, the whole body feels cold, three volt days also wear autumn pants, often cold, poor resistance, intercourse is even more inadequate, looking at the door and leaking, send you an agent to strengthen the fire Dan supplement

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