
8 Chinese patent medicines, treating insomnia, calming the heart, nourishing the heart, replenishing the heart, and purifying the heart, you must know

author:Dr. Zhou said Chinese medicine
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, short sleep duration, or early awakening. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that insomnia is related to the dysfunction of the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and other organs. This article will introduce 8 kinds of Chinese patent medicines, which have the effects of calming the heart, nourishing the heart, tonifying the heart, and purifying the heart, etc., to help you understand their detailed efficacy and pharmacological research.
8 Chinese patent medicines, treating insomnia, calming the heart, nourishing the heart, replenishing the heart, and purifying the heart, you must know

1. Tranquility pills

Efficacy: Calms the mind and calms the nerves, mainly used to treat insomnia, dreams, palpitations, irritability, etc. caused by restlessness.

Pharmacological research: The main ingredients in Ningxin pills have sedative and antidepressant effects, which can improve sleep quality and prolong sleep time.

2. Nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves

Efficacy: Nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves, mainly used to treat insomnia, dreams, palpitations, dizziness and so on caused by insufficient heart and blood.

Pharmacological research: The main ingredients in Yangxin Tranquility Pill have the effect of nourishing myocardium, improving circulation, improving sleep quality and quality of life.

8 Chinese patent medicines, treating insomnia, calming the heart, nourishing the heart, replenishing the heart, and purifying the heart, you must know

3. Heart and spleen tonifying pills

Efficacy: Nourishing the heart and spleen, mainly used to treat insomnia, dreams, palpitations, shortness of breath and fatigue caused by heart and spleen deficiency.

Pharmacological research: The main ingredients in Buxin Yispleen Pill have the effect of regulating neuroendocrine function, which can improve sleep quality and improve immunity.

4. Cleansing pills

Efficacy: Cleanse the heart and relieve fever, mainly used to treat insomnia, dreams, irritability and irritability caused by heart fire.

Pharmacological research: The main ingredient in Qingxin Pill has the effect of clearing heat and purging fire, which can improve sleep quality and relieve anxiety.

8 Chinese patent medicines, treating insomnia, calming the heart, nourishing the heart, replenishing the heart, and purifying the heart, you must know

5. Spleen pills

Efficacy: Nourishing qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the heart, mainly used to treat insomnia, dreaminess, dizziness, limb weakness caused by heart and spleen deficiency.

Pharmacological research: The main ingredients in Gui Spleen Pill have the effect of regulating neuroendocrine function, which can improve sleep quality and improve immunity.

6. Jujube kernel capsules

Efficacy: Nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, mainly used to treat insomnia, dreams, palpitations caused by insufficient heart and blood.

Pharmacological research: The main ingredient in the sour jujube kernel capsule has a sedative-hypnotic effect, which can improve sleep quality and prolong sleep time.

8 Chinese patent medicines, treating insomnia, calming the heart, nourishing the heart, replenishing the heart, and purifying the heart, you must know

7. Calm the nerves and replenish brain fluid

Efficacy: Nourishing qi and nourishing blood, strengthening the brain and calming the nerves, mainly used to treat insomnia, dreams, dizziness and headache caused by neurasthenia.

Pharmacological research: The main components in the tranquilizing brain fluid have the effect of nourishing nerves and regulating nerve function, which can improve sleep quality and improve quality of life.

8. Ginseng spleen pills

Efficacy: Nourishing qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and heart, mainly used to treat insomnia, dreaminess, dizziness, limb weakness caused by insufficient qi and blood.

Pharmacological research: The main ingredients in ginseng gui spleen pills have the effect of regulating neuroendocrine function, which can improve sleep quality and improve immunity. At the same time, ginseng gui spleen pills also have anti-fatigue and antioxidant effects, which have a good effect on improving physical fitness. #Traditional Chinese Medicine##Qingfeng Project#

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