
The more yang qi, the longer the life, send you 5 proprietary Chinese medicines, make up for 5 dirty yang: 1. Kidney yang deficiency: manifestation: frequent urination, cold hands and feet, fear of wind and cold, lower limb edema, loose stool, even

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

The more yang qi, the longer the life, give you 5 proprietary Chinese medicines, make up for 5 dirty yang qi:

1. Renal yang insufficiency:

Manifestations: frequent and urgent urination, cold hands and feet, fear of wind and cold, lower limb edema, loose stool, occasionally "watery stool"

Recommended Jin Kui Kidney Qi Pills: Fang Zhong ripe nourishes the kidney and fills the essence, dogwood nourishes the liver and spleen and improves the essence and blood, yam strengthens the spleen and replenishes deficiency, nourishes the essence and solidifies the kidney, Ze diarrhea clears the kidney fire, peony peel pours the fire in the yin, so that the fire recedes and the yin birth, and can restrict the warmth of dogwood, poria lightly seeps the spleen and dampness, and Ze diarrhea is matched to carry out kidney evil, help yam strengthen the spleen and benefit the essence, aconite, guizhi and essence blood help the door, warm and yang to transform qi, ignite the fire and return to the yuan. The synergy of various drugs can adjust the functions of the three organs of the kidney, liver, and spleen, open and close, and make the supplement but not greasy, and diarrhea without harming the right. For kidney deficiency edema, waist and knee soreness, unfavorable urination, cold limbs, loose stool.

2. Insufficient spleen and yang:

Manifestations: bloating, pain, diarrhea, chills of the body, malaise, whitish tongue, thickness.

Recommended ginseng and spleen pills: Fangzhong ginseng, baiju tonic and qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, are jun medicines. Poria strengthens the spleen and moistures and stops diarrhea, yam tonifies the spleen and invigorates qi to stop diarrhea, astragalus is sweet and warm, can replenish the qi of the spleen and lungs, and can raise the yang and benefit the stomach, and is a medicine. Wood fragrance to relieve pain, tangerine peel to regulate qi and stomach, sand kernel and appetizing, three medicines aromatize moisture, and stomach awakens the spleen and stops diarrhea, angelica replenishes blood and blood revitalization, qi relieves pain, sour jujube kernel, Yuanzhi calms the mind, the above are all adjuvants. The combination of various medicines plays the role of strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi, and stopping diarrhea in the stomach. It is used for spleen and stomach weakness caused by poor diet, stuffiness and noise, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, loose stools, lack of diet, and fatigue.

3. Insufficient heart yang:

Manifestations: rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain and discomfort.

Recommended Attached Qiangxin Pill: It is composed of the Hexagonal Yellow Pill in "The Outline of Jin Kuang" and the Supplement of Tongjiang in "Women's Good Recipe". Fangzhong is composed of ginseng, aconite, caramel, rhubarb, mulberry white skin, pork ling, etc. Among them, ginseng replenishes vitality, aconite Daxin heats into the heart and kidney two meridians, the lower tonifies the kidney yang to benefit the fire, the medium temperature and spleen yang to improve luck, the upper helps the heart yang to channel the pulse, and the two drugs share to restore the heart and kidney yang qi and support the solid root. Mulberry white skin, leaf and wood diarrhea lung water, pig Ling Jian spleen and dampness, rhubarb cleanses the intestines and stomach, this side tonic and application, through the right does not hurt the right, warm supplement does not help evil, at the same time revitalizes blood and water, treats both the symptoms and the root cause, complements each other. It is used for evidence of heart and kidney yang failure, and the symptoms include palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and facial and limb edema.

4. Liver yang insufficiency:

Manifestations: depression, depression, total sigh, chest

Hypochondrium, fullness, often leg pain, migraine

It is recommended that Astragalus Jianzhong Pill, Fangzhong Astragalus Ganwen, good people spleen and stomach, in order to replenish the Qi and improve qi, it has a good effect for those with weak temper, fatigue, and loose stool, and is a jun medicine. Cinnamon warms and yang dispels cold, helps Jun medicine to strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi; Peony medicine nourishes yin and relieves pain, and is a medicine for ministers. Licorice licorice warms and invigorates qi, helps astragalus and cinnamon to benefit temperature; Jujube and honey replenish the spleen and benefit the yin, help white peony relieve pain, and are used as adjuvants. It is used for evidence of insufficient qi, symptoms of fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, poor diet, chills and abdominal pain, and even warm hands and feet, and loose stool.

5. Lung yang insufficiency:

Manifestations: severe cough and wheezing, chest pain, fear of wind and cold, easy to catch a cold and fever, phlegm and runny nose

Recommended Xiaoqinglong granules: Fang Zhong Burning Ephedra solution table to relieve cough and asthma; Fine spices, dried ginger, fried mustard seeds warm lung drink, that is, "sick phlegm drinkers, should use warm medicine and peace"; Qing Banxia, fried perilla seeds, poria and spleen dry and damp, to cure the source of phlegm; Violent cough is easy to hurt the lungs and aggravate the condition, so the use of swirling flowers to reduce gas and phlegm, Schisandra to invigorate qi and relieve cough; Zhejiang fritillary phlegm and gas reduction; Raw licorice harmonizes medicines. The combination of various medicines plays the function of solving the table drinking, relieving cough and relieving asthma. For wind and cold water drinking, cold fever, no sweat, wheezing and phlegm.

The more yang qi, the longer the life, send you 5 proprietary Chinese medicines, make up for 5 dirty yang: 1. Kidney yang deficiency: manifestation: frequent urination, cold hands and feet, fear of wind and cold, lower limb edema, loose stool, even
The more yang qi, the longer the life, send you 5 proprietary Chinese medicines, make up for 5 dirty yang: 1. Kidney yang deficiency: manifestation: frequent urination, cold hands and feet, fear of wind and cold, lower limb edema, loose stool, even
The more yang qi, the longer the life, send you 5 proprietary Chinese medicines, make up for 5 dirty yang: 1. Kidney yang deficiency: manifestation: frequent urination, cold hands and feet, fear of wind and cold, lower limb edema, loose stool, even
The more yang qi, the longer the life, send you 5 proprietary Chinese medicines, make up for 5 dirty yang: 1. Kidney yang deficiency: manifestation: frequent urination, cold hands and feet, fear of wind and cold, lower limb edema, loose stool, even
The more yang qi, the longer the life, send you 5 proprietary Chinese medicines, make up for 5 dirty yang: 1. Kidney yang deficiency: manifestation: frequent urination, cold hands and feet, fear of wind and cold, lower limb edema, loose stool, even
The more yang qi, the longer the life, send you 5 proprietary Chinese medicines, make up for 5 dirty yang: 1. Kidney yang deficiency: manifestation: frequent urination, cold hands and feet, fear of wind and cold, lower limb edema, loose stool, even
The more yang qi, the longer the life, send you 5 proprietary Chinese medicines, make up for 5 dirty yang: 1. Kidney yang deficiency: manifestation: frequent urination, cold hands and feet, fear of wind and cold, lower limb edema, loose stool, even

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