
Treatment of chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, repeated edema, secret recipe for invigorating qi and detoxification soup: composition: raw astragalus 30g, codonopsis 15~30g, half of the company 30g, dandelion 30

author:Traditional Chinese medicine pandas

Treatment of chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, repeated edema, secret prescription trick

Qi-defying soup: composition: raw astragalus 30g, codonopsis 15~30g, half of the lian 30g, dandelion 30g, stone reed 30g, knotweed 15~30g (or the same amount of rhubarb after the bottom), raw oysters 30g (fried first), salvia 15~30g, minced cinnamon 0.3g (punched).

Efficacy: Invigorate qi and promote luck, release toxins and dampness.

Indications: Spleen and kidney deficiency, insufficient qi and blood and wet poison contained edema. It is more common in chronic nephritis and nephrotic syndrome, manifested as repeated edema, white complexion, dizziness, shortness of breath, fatigue, back pain, heavy limbs, short urine, or cold shape, dark tongue, thin moss, and fine pulse.

Decoction: Water decoction, one dose per day. Water poisoning internal attack azotemia), can be used to remove ginseng, stilbene, cinnamon, decoction 200~300ml, retain enema, once a day, can be used for a week.

Addition and subtraction: kidney deficiency, add dodder seeds 30g, eucommia 10g; For those with spleen deficiency, add Huai yam 10~15g, white art 10g; For those with dizziness, add white surgery 6~10g, zeppelin 18~0g; For those who are dim, add calamus 10g; Perrin leaf 10g; For those who vomit, add evodia 6g or half summer 10g; proteinuria, plus betel nut 15g, Ubusu 30g, ground skin seed 10g; hypercholesterolemia, plus Xu Changqing 10g, hawthorn 10g; Blood-bearers, remove cinnamon; Add Panax notoginseng powder 3g to serve.


Treatment of chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, repeated edema, secret recipe for invigorating qi and detoxification soup: composition: raw astragalus 30g, codonopsis 15~30g, half of the company 30g, dandelion 30
Treatment of chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, repeated edema, secret recipe for invigorating qi and detoxification soup: composition: raw astragalus 30g, codonopsis 15~30g, half of the company 30g, dandelion 30
Treatment of chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, repeated edema, secret recipe for invigorating qi and detoxification soup: composition: raw astragalus 30g, codonopsis 15~30g, half of the company 30g, dandelion 30

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