
Treatment of chronic prostatitis, these 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, relieve pain, improve abnormal urination, good safety, you must know: 1, Ningyutai capsules: the composition includes four seasons red, white Mao root,

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

Treatment of chronic prostatitis, these 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, relieve pain, improve abnormal urination, good safety, you must know:

1. Ningyutai capsules:

The group includes four seasons red, white grass root, wind vine, three needles, crane grass, hibiscus leaf, and forsythia. In the formula, the four seasons red is a jun medicine, clearing heat and dampness, diuresis, detoxification and dispersing stasis; White grass root, wind vine, forsythia clear heat and cool blood, live blood and detoxification, all are medicine; Three needles, crane grass clear heat and moisture, convergence and stop bleeding, Sasuke Junchen; Hibiscus leaves clear heat, detoxify, reduce swelling, and help medicine. The whole party has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, promoting dampness, nourishing yin and stopping bleeding, and promoting dampness without harming dampness, driving away evil spirits without harming the righteousness.

Clinically, Ningyutai capsules are used for gonorrhea, blood sperm caused by humid heat, symptoms of unfavorable urine, dripping pain, blood in the urine, as well as lower urinary tract infection, chronic prostatitis see the above symptoms.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that Ningyutai capsules have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, bacteriostatic and analgesic effects.

Clinical studies have confirmed that Ningyutai capsules have the function of clearing heat and detoxification, relieving dampness and drenching, and can effectively improve the symptoms of the lower urinary tract caused by chronic prostatitis, improve the maximum and average urine flow rates, and reduce the residual urine output, which may be related to its role in reducing bladder smooth muscle spasm and increasing urine output. In vitro, Ningpetai capsules have obvious inhibitory effect on common pathogenic bacteria in the urinary system such as Staphylococcus aureus, gonococcus, Proteus vulgaris, Streptococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli. Clinical studies have shown that Ninglutai capsules combined with levofloxacin capsules have significant efficacy in the treatment of lower urinary tract infection and chronic prostatitis, and the effective rate is significantly higher than that of levofloxacin capsules alone. Ningyutai capsules can effectively reduce the levels of IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-α in prostatic fluid in patients with chronic prostatitis, reduce white blood cell count, and restore lecithin body levels. Ninglutai capsules can reduce cytokine levels, combined with α receptor blockers can downregulate PGE-2 levels in prostatic fluid, significantly reduce NIH-CPSI pain score, improve perineal pelvic floor pain, and have a better effect than α blockers alone.

Pain and abnormal urination are the two main target symptoms in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, and Ninglutai capsules target the main symptoms of chronic prostatitis, which can significantly relieve pain, improve urination symptoms and improve quality of life.

In terms of safety, toxicological experiments and clinical studies of Ningyutai capsules have not seen obvious adverse reactions, and a very small number of patients have mild abdominal discomfort and loose stools after taking the drug can be relieved by taking meals.

2. Prostate Beixi capsules:

It is composed of five flavors of pig bristle grass, mole clam, Wang Buliuxing, soap horn thorn and hedgehog skin, of which pig bristle grass is slightly bitter and cool, which has the function of clearing heat and detoxification, and draining water; Mole cricket is a pest medicine, salty and cold, specializing in water and laxation; Wang does not stay in the practice of bitter peace, revitalizes blood through menstruation, diuresis and showering; The soap horn is pungent and warm, and can reduce swelling and toxin, drain pus; Hedgehog skin tastes bitter and sweet, has a flat sex, dissolves stasis and relieves pain, and converges and stops bleeding. The above 5 flavors of Chinese medicine play together to clear and relieve humid heat, activate blood circulation and remove stasis, and diuresis, and can be used to treat chronic prostatitis caused by humid heat and stasis.

Numerous pharmacological studies and overall animal model studies have shown that the main mechanisms of action of Prostatic Beta capsules in the treatment of prostatitis include antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant effects.

Clinical studies have confirmed that the single-agent use of prostatic capsules for the treatment of chronic prostatitis significantly reduces the pain and discomfort, urination symptoms, quality of life and total score of NIH-CPSI, and the scores of humid heat stasis symptoms (frequent and urgent urination, dysuria, perineal and other local pain, scrotal moisture, inexhaustible drainage, yellow urine, burning wet pain) are significantly reduced. Prostatic Bexi capsules can significantly relieve pain in the perineum and other parts caused by prostatitis. For patients with infectious chronic prostatitis, prostatic capsules combined with antibiotics, patients with frequent urination, incomplete urination, dysuria, perineal tenderness, prostate tenderness, improve premature ejaculation, promote the recovery of prostatitis.

In terms of safety, one patient experienced mild gastrointestinal reactions such as upper abdominal fullness and discomfort after taking Prosta Bexi capsules, and the symptoms were relieved after taking the drug 2 hours after meals.

3. Prostalactone capsules:

It is composed of 13 flavors of Chinese medicine: yellow cypress, red peony, angelica, chuanxiong, earth porridge, three-edged, ze la, purslane, verbena, saxifrage, chaihu, chuan ox knee and licorice. Yellow cypress and red peony are jun medicines. Yellow cypress is hot and damp, red peony is clear and cools the blood, and the blood is dispersed. Ze Diarrhea, Tu Ling, Chuanxiong, and Sanryo are the medicines. Among them, Ze diarrhea seeps moist and heat, soil porridge dehumidifies and detoxifies, Chuanxiong Xingqi invigorates blood and relieves pain, and the three edges break blood to dissipate accumulation and dispersion. Purslane, verbena, saxifrage, chaihu, angelica, Sichuan ox knee as adjuvants. Among them, purslane detoxifies and drains, disperses blood and reduces swelling, verbena and saxifrage clear heat and detoxify, saihu thins the liver and relieves depression, angelica nourishes blood and blood, Sichuan ox knee activates blood and nourishes liver and kidney. Licorice harmonizes various medicines, Sichuan ox knee is good downward, and the medicine is directly to the lesion, and it also has the purpose of making medicine. The combination of various medicines, clearing heat and dampness and activating blood circulation and removing stasis, jointly achieve the function of clearing heat and moisture, dissolving stasis and dissipating knots.

Clinically, prostalactone capsules are used for chronic prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia is moist heat stasis, evidence of frequent urination, urgency, urine leaching, perineum, lower abdomen or lumbosacral swelling or pain, scrotum dampness, etc.

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that prostalactone capsules treat prostatitis by antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regulating cellular immune function, etc.

Clinical studies have confirmed that prostalactone capsules combined with α receptor blockers can significantly reduce patients' voiding symptom scores, increase the maximum urine flow rate, and reduce residual urine output. Prostalactone capsules combined with quinolone antibacterial treatment of chronic prostatitis can effectively improve the clinical cure rate and overall effective rate, improve the clinical symptoms of patients, and reduce the number of white blood cells in prostatic fluid. Prostalactone capsules can significantly relieve pelvic floor muscle pain caused by prostatitis.

In terms of safety, prostalactone capsules can be seen nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, bloating, dry mouth, constipation, gastroesophageal reflux, loss of appetite, rash, itching, sweating, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, taste error, insomnia, cough, fatigue, chest discomfort, thirst, difficulty urinating, palpitations, flushing and other adverse reactions.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis, these 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, relieve pain, improve abnormal urination, good safety, you must know: 1, Ningyutai capsules: the composition includes four seasons red, white Mao root,
Treatment of chronic prostatitis, these 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, relieve pain, improve abnormal urination, good safety, you must know: 1, Ningyutai capsules: the composition includes four seasons red, white Mao root,
Treatment of chronic prostatitis, these 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, relieve pain, improve abnormal urination, good safety, you must know: 1, Ningyutai capsules: the composition includes four seasons red, white Mao root,
Treatment of chronic prostatitis, these 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, relieve pain, improve abnormal urination, good safety, you must know: 1, Ningyutai capsules: the composition includes four seasons red, white Mao root,
Treatment of chronic prostatitis, these 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, relieve pain, improve abnormal urination, good safety, you must know: 1, Ningyutai capsules: the composition includes four seasons red, white Mao root,

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