
Qi Huang Tongguan Drink (Prostatic Hyperplasia) [Prescription] Rehmania 20g, Goji Berry 15g, Ligustrum Ligustrum 15g, Zexiao 15g, Poria Cocos 15g, Psyllium 15g, Cinnamon 10g, Aconite 10g

author:Traditional Chinese medicine pandas

Enlightenment Drink (Prostatic Hyperplasia)

【处方】熟地20g 枸杞子15g 女贞子15g 泽泻15g 茯苓15g 车泽泻15g 茯苓15g 车泽泻15g 茯苓15g 车泽泽泻子15g 肉桂10g 附子10g 知母15g 黄柏15g 三棱15g 赤芍15g 桃仁15g

【Usage】Take one dose a day with water decoction, combine and mix the decoction twice, and take it three times.

【Efficacy】 Nourish yin and help yang, clear away heat and accumulate water, open and close.

【Indications】Treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, dysuria, urethral astringency and other symptoms.

【Addition and subtraction】If the dampness and heat are heavy, you can reduce the dosage of cinnamon, add 20 grams of talc (cloth bag), 10 grams of Mutong, 30 grams of white flower snake tongue grass; if the yang is deficient and there is no heat, go to Zhimu and Phellodendron chinensis; add 15 grams of beetle (decoction first) and 10 grams of turtle insects if the hyperplasia is severe; add 6 grams of notoginseng (grinding powder and swallowing) and 3 grams of amber (grinding powder and swallowing) for urine deficiency; add 30 grams of astragalus and 20 grams of codonopsis for qi deficiency; if you can't urinate for a while, the swelling is unbearable and add a little musk to swallow; if the water stops for a long time and does not pass, you can catheter first, and then take this prescription. #快问中医超能团#

Qi Huang Tongguan Drink (Prostatic Hyperplasia) [Prescription] Rehmania 20g, Goji Berry 15g, Ligustrum Ligustrum 15g, Zexiao 15g, Poria Cocos 15g, Psyllium 15g, Cinnamon 10g, Aconite 10g
Qi Huang Tongguan Drink (Prostatic Hyperplasia) [Prescription] Rehmania 20g, Goji Berry 15g, Ligustrum Ligustrum 15g, Zexiao 15g, Poria Cocos 15g, Psyllium 15g, Cinnamon 10g, Aconite 10g
Qi Huang Tongguan Drink (Prostatic Hyperplasia) [Prescription] Rehmania 20g, Goji Berry 15g, Ligustrum Ligustrum 15g, Zexiao 15g, Poria Cocos 15g, Psyllium 15g, Cinnamon 10g, Aconite 10g

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