
55 flavors of common Chinese medicine effects [ya] practical and easy to remember, preservation and collection 1. Xingqi: green peel, tangerine peel, citrus fruit, citrus husk, wood fragrance, big belly peel, chai hu, incense, table piece, incense, bergamot.

author:Huang Yaoshi popular science

55 Flavors Common Chinese Medicine Efficacy [Yay] Practical and easy to remember, save and collect

1. Xingqi: green peel, tangerine peel, citrus fruit, citrus husk, wood incense, big belly skin, chai hu, incense, table piece, incense, bergamot. Plum blossom. [Prayer]

2. Qi replenishment: ginseng, astragalus, codonopsis, huangjing. Southern sand ginseng, northern sand ginseng, princely ginseng. American ginseng, white art, yam, licorice.

3. Blood supplement: angelica, ejiao, white peony, cooked ground yellow, He Shou Wu, chicken blood vine. Purple River Car. Jujube. [Yay]

4. Warm yang: dried ginger, aconite, evodia, cinnamon, cannon ginger, laurel branch, deer antler cream.

5. Scattered cold: Guizhi, ephedra, Bai Zhi, Qiang Huo, Du Huo, ginger, Zisu, Windproof, Xinyi. [Prayer]

6. Clear heat: honeysuckle, forsythia, dandelion, houttuynia, chrysanthemum, mulberry leaves, white flower snake tongue grass. White grass root.

7. Ephemeral fire: gypsum, zhimu, skullcap, huanglian, yellow cypress, gardenia, rhubarb, summer hay. [Yay]

8. Cool blood: raw land, peony skin, ground bone skin, red peony. Lithospermum.

9. Heat dissipation: chaihu, chrysanthemum, mint, cicada molt, kudzu, cohosh. [Applause]

10. Dryness: yellow cypress, huanglian, gentian grass, white ringworm skin, bitter ginseng, snake bed.

11. Ziyin: tiandong, wheat dong, lily. Ginseng, jade bamboo, mulberry. Privet.

55 flavors of common Chinese medicine effects [ya] practical and easy to remember, preservation and collection 1. Xingqi: green peel, tangerine peel, citrus fruit, citrus husk, wood fragrance, big belly peel, chai hu, incense, table piece, incense, bergamot.
55 flavors of common Chinese medicine effects [ya] practical and easy to remember, preservation and collection 1. Xingqi: green peel, tangerine peel, citrus fruit, citrus husk, wood fragrance, big belly peel, chai hu, incense, table piece, incense, bergamot.
55 flavors of common Chinese medicine effects [ya] practical and easy to remember, preservation and collection 1. Xingqi: green peel, tangerine peel, citrus fruit, citrus husk, wood fragrance, big belly peel, chai hu, incense, table piece, incense, bergamot.
55 flavors of common Chinese medicine effects [ya] practical and easy to remember, preservation and collection 1. Xingqi: green peel, tangerine peel, citrus fruit, citrus husk, wood fragrance, big belly peel, chai hu, incense, table piece, incense, bergamot.
55 flavors of common Chinese medicine effects [ya] practical and easy to remember, preservation and collection 1. Xingqi: green peel, tangerine peel, citrus fruit, citrus husk, wood fragrance, big belly peel, chai hu, incense, table piece, incense, bergamot.
55 flavors of common Chinese medicine effects [ya] practical and easy to remember, preservation and collection 1. Xingqi: green peel, tangerine peel, citrus fruit, citrus husk, wood fragrance, big belly peel, chai hu, incense, table piece, incense, bergamot.

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