
Do you still feel unwell after Yangkang? Today I will share with you the four major aftercare medicines, so that you can easily remove the residual poison in your body and sweep away all the sequelae! 1. First of all, the jade screen is scattered

author:Dr. Zhou said Chinese medicine

Do you still feel unwell after Yangkang? Today I will share with you the four major aftercare medicines, so that you can easily remove the residual poison in the body and sweep away all the sequelae!

1. First of all, Yuping Fengsan is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription that invigorates qi and strengthens the external function. It is mainly composed of astragalus, atractylodes, parsnip and other medicinal materials, and is suitable for people who are weak and susceptible to colds after Yangkang.

2. Secondly, Shengmai Drink is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription that replenishes both qi and yin and enhances the body's immunity. It contains ingredients such as red ginseng, wheat dong, and schisandra, which can help the body recover quickly and improve fatigue.

3. In addition, ginseng su drink is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription that benefits the spleen, protects the lungs and prevents lung infection. It contains ingredients such as Codonopsis, perilla leaves, and Pueraria lobata, which can relieve symptoms such as cough and phlegm and protect lung health.

4. Finally, Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription that strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and improves one's own physical fitness. It contains ingredients such as Huoxiang, Perilla, Angelica Angelica, etc., which can tone the stomach and intestines, relieve symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and make you feel more comfortable.

The above four aftercare pills can help you remove the residual toxins from your body and sweep away all the sequelae, but be sure to choose the right medicine according to your own situation and follow the doctor's instructions when using it. If you have any other questions, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss!#中医# #健康#

Do you still feel unwell after Yangkang? Today I will share with you the four major aftercare medicines, so that you can easily remove the residual poison in your body and sweep away all the sequelae! 1. First of all, the jade screen is scattered
Do you still feel unwell after Yangkang? Today I will share with you the four major aftercare medicines, so that you can easily remove the residual poison in your body and sweep away all the sequelae! 1. First of all, the jade screen is scattered
Do you still feel unwell after Yangkang? Today I will share with you the four major aftercare medicines, so that you can easily remove the residual poison in your body and sweep away all the sequelae! 1. First of all, the jade screen is scattered
Do you still feel unwell after Yangkang? Today I will share with you the four major aftercare medicines, so that you can easily remove the residual poison in your body and sweep away all the sequelae! 1. First of all, the jade screen is scattered

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