
People are not old, the eyes are blurred first, 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, tonify the liver, benefit the kidneys, and clear eyes, you must know: in today's society, electronic products are prevalent, young people's vision is reduced, bring glasses early, old

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

People are not old, the eyes are blurred first, 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, tonify the liver, benefit the kidneys, and clear eyes, you must know:

In today's society, electronic products are prevalent, young people's vision is declining, early to wear glasses, the incidence of cataracts and glaucoma in the elderly is increasing year by year, today Sun Yaoshi will introduce you to 3 proprietary Chinese medicines for the prevention and treatment of eye diseases:

1. Amber Eye Pill:

The ingredients are amber, chrysanthemum, green leaf seed, huanglian, huangbai, zhimu, dendrobium, rehmania, wheat dong, tiandong, codonopsis (remove the reed), citrus husk (remove the bran and stir-fry), poria, licorice, yam, bitter almond (peeled and stir-fried), angelica, Chuanxiong, cooked ground yellow, goji berry, sand seed, dodder seed, cistanche (wine burnt), eucommia (charcoal), antelope horn powder, buffalo horn concentrated powder. Fang Zhong cooked rehmania, rehmania, cistanche, eucommia tonify liver and kidney deficiency to cure its roots; Goji berries, dodder seeds, and sand seeds nourish the liver and kidneys, benefit the shrewd eyes, to treat their symptoms, and the combination of seven flavors can nourish the liver and kidneys, clear eyes, and specimens. Tiandong, Mai Dong, Zhimu, and Dendrobium nourish yin and clear heat, and curb the trend of virtual fire and inflammation: Huanglian, Huangbai clear heat and ephemeral fire, and use it together with yin nourishing medicine, without the risk of bitterness and yin. Use codonopsis, yam, poria to strengthen the spleen and qi; With angelica, Chuanxiong nourishing blood and blood, combined with qi and blood double supplementation, supplement the function of liver and kidney. Amber, buffalo horn, antelope horn, green leaf seed, chrysanthemum clear heat and cool blood, flat liver and bright eyes; Bitter almonds and citrus husks regulate qi machines, replenish deficiency without stagnation, and inject essence and blood to nourish the eyes; Licorice has the effect of harmonizing medicines. The combination of various drugs plays the effect of tonifying the liver and kidneys, clearing heat and brightening the eyes.

Clinically, amber pills are used to treat faintness caused by liver and kidney deficiency and inflammation, no abnormalities outside the eyes, no pain and discomfort, only the vision is dim, accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, waist and knee soreness, fine pulse count, red tongue and less moss; Chronic retrobulbar optic neuritis and optic nerve atrophy see the above symptoms. For the treatment of liver and kidney deficiency, eye fluid failure, old or weak, liver and kidney insufficiency, tearing in the wind, or tearing can also be seen indoors, flushing the tear duct examination, the tear duct is still unobstructed, and there is no wind and tears for a long time; Poor lacrimal suction function is seen in the above symptoms.

2. Tribulus terrestris pills:

The ingredients are sand seed, astragalus (honey burnt), dodder seed, chia (bran stir-fried), baiju (bran stir-fried), yam, white lentils, poria, angelica, and tangerine peel. Fangzhong Shayuan Zi tonifies the kidney and fills the essence, nourishes the liver and bright eyes, and supplements astragalus

Spleen and qi, lifting clear yang, two medicines combined, spleen and kidney together, rising yang and shrewd eyes, a total of jun medicine; Silky seeds nourish the liver and kidneys, fill in the lean pith, and replenish the kidney and astringency; Baishu, yam, white lentils, poria invigorate qi and strengthen the spleen, and help the spleen and kidneys to replenish the spleen and kidneys, and combine them into a courtier's medicine; Angelica nourishes blood and invigorates blood, tangerine peel awakens the spleen and opens the stomach and makes the whole party supplement without stagnation, which is an adjuvant. The combination of various medicines plays the role of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the kidney, invigorating qi and brightening the eyes.

Clinically, Tribulus Terrestris Pills is used to treat visual faintness caused by spleen and kidney insufficiency, qi deficiency and deficiency, manifested as normal eye appearance, barrier-free facial color, conscious vision loss, dim and obscurant, dizziness, fatigue, waist and knee soreness, less food and loose stool, light tongue and less moss, weak pulse; Optic nerve atrophy is seen in the above symptoms.

3. Jinhua Mingmu Pill:

The ingredients are cooked ground yellow, dodder seed (stir-fried with salt), goji berry, schisandra, white peony, huangjing, astragalus, codonopsis, Chuanxiong, chrysanthemum, cassia seed (stir-fried), psyllium (stir-fried), Mimon flower, chicken inner gold (stir-fried), golden buckwheat, hawthorn, cohosh. Fang Zhong ripe ground yellow nourishes yin and blood, nourishes essence and fills the pith, dodder seeds and wolfberries nourish the liver and kidneys, benefit the shrewd eyes, and the three medicines play the function of tonifying the liver and kidneys, nourishing the yin and bright eyes, and are the jun medicine. Liver and kidney deficiency, lack of qi and blood, so astragalus, codonopsis, huangjing, schisandra to supplement the qi, take white peony, Chuanxiong to nourish blood and blood, six medicines qi and blood double supplement, help jun medicine to cure the root, a total of medicine. In addition, chrysanthemums, mimon flowers, cassia seeds, psyllium, and golden buckwheat clear the liver and clear the eyes and retreat the membrane; Chicken gold and hawthorn consume food and strengthen the stomach, dissolve stagnation and accumulate, to prevent too much nourishment; Then enter the cohosh to lift the Qi of Qingyang and combine it as an adjuvant. All the drug symptoms and root causes are treated together, and the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys and retreating the eyes is clear.

Clinically, Jinhua Mingmu Pill is used for the treatment of early and middle senile cataracts caused by liver and kidney deficiency, sperm and blood insufficiency, eye loss, and membrane obstruction, and the symptoms are blurred vision, dizziness, tinnitus, waist and knee soreness.

4. Brightening sheet:

The group consists of Codonopsis, Angelica, Goji Berry, Poria, Maidong and Wuwei

Seed, Yuanzhi (licorice water), calamus, peony peel, zeppelin. Fang Zhong Dang ginseng tonifies qi, angelica nourishes blood and blood, and the two medicines are used together to replenish qi and blood, which is a jun medicine. Goji berries are used to replenish the liver and kidneys, benefit the shrewd eyes, strengthen the spleen and qi, wheat dong nourishes yin and vitality, schisandra nourishes qi and vitality, and the combination of the four medicines can enhance the power of jun medicine and tonic medicine, and is a courtier's medicine. Yuanzhi, calamus calms the mind, peony peel invigorates blood and disperses stasis, ze diarrhea seeps wet and discharges turbidity, and the three drugs of sulfur disperse and discharge, which can make the whole party supplement without stagnation, and it is used as an adjuvant. The combination of various medicines can play the function of nourishing qi and blood, nourishing the liver and kidneys, and calming the eyes and mind.

Clinically, light enhancement tablets are used to treat myopia in adolescents due to liver and kidney insufficiency, qi and blood deficiency caused by myopia or shortness of the near distance, the symptoms are gradually decreased distance vision, near vision is normal, can not long-term vision, dry and uncomfortable. It is also related to bad hygiene habits such as partial food, snacks, sour and sweet foods and drinks, eating out of touch, reading and writing posture with eyes that do not meet hygiene requirements, watching TV too closely, and taking too long, etc., which are more common in adolescent groups.

People are not old, the eyes are blurred first, 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, tonify the liver, benefit the kidneys, and clear eyes, you must know: in today's society, electronic products are prevalent, young people's vision is reduced, bring glasses early, old
People are not old, the eyes are blurred first, 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, tonify the liver, benefit the kidneys, and clear eyes, you must know: in today's society, electronic products are prevalent, young people's vision is reduced, bring glasses early, old
People are not old, the eyes are blurred first, 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, tonify the liver, benefit the kidneys, and clear eyes, you must know: in today's society, electronic products are prevalent, young people's vision is reduced, bring glasses early, old
People are not old, the eyes are blurred first, 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, tonify the liver, benefit the kidneys, and clear eyes, you must know: in today's society, electronic products are prevalent, young people's vision is reduced, bring glasses early, old
People are not old, the eyes are blurred first, 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, tonify the liver, benefit the kidneys, and clear eyes, you must know: in today's society, electronic products are prevalent, young people's vision is reduced, bring glasses early, old
People are not old, the eyes are blurred first, 3 proprietary Chinese medicines, tonify the liver, benefit the kidneys, and clear eyes, you must know: in today's society, electronic products are prevalent, young people's vision is reduced, bring glasses early, old

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