
Liver and blood deficiency, nails will produce this "change"!4 flavor medicine, tonify liver and blood, calm the mind!

author:Chinese medicine liver disease Hao Yaming

There is a saying in "The Emperor's Inner Canon": "If there is anything inside, it will be outside." In fact, it means that the problems that arise inside our bodies must be manifested externally, such as through our hair, complexion, tongue, palms, and even fingernails.

"Fingernails can also tell if the body is healthy?"

Yes, today I will talk to you about how to see if your liver is healthy from the nail cover.

Liver and blood deficiency, nails will produce this "change"!4 flavor medicine, tonify liver and blood, calm the mind!

“肝主疏泄,主藏血,主筋,其华在爪。 ”

Our nails, muscles and bones need to be nourished by liver blood, if the liver blood is sufficient, then the nails will be flat and full, uniform color, ruddy and shiny, hard texture, no obvious layering......

On the contrary, there will be shriveled, not rounded, dull, and some friends will have a lot of vertical lines on their nails.

If liver and blood deficiency is not intervened in the early stage, as the disease worsens, it will cause the following discomforts:

1. Insomnia and dreams

Liver and blood deficiency, nails will produce this "change"!4 flavor medicine, tonify liver and blood, calm the mind!

Blood is the material basis of "God", and when blood deficiency cannot nourish the spirit and the soul is not kept, patients are prone to sleep problems. The specific manifestations are: difficulty falling asleep, unsteady sleep, neurasthenia, waking up at the slightest movement, dreaming, physical fatigue during the day, and no mental ......

2. Weakness of limbs

Liver and blood deficiency, nails will produce this "change"!4 flavor medicine, tonify liver and blood, calm the mind!

As mentioned earlier, when the liver blood is not enough to nourish the muscles and bones, it will cause numbness in the limbs, unfavorable flexion and extension, often feel soreness and weakness, unable to move for a long time, and when the weather is cold, it feels like the wind is drilling in the cracks of the bones, and some friends will even have convulsions.

3. Blurred vision

Liver and blood deficiency, nails will produce this "change"!4 flavor medicine, tonify liver and blood, calm the mind!

If the liver is deficient, it will cause dry eyes, blurred vision, soreness in the eyes, decreased vision, tears in the wind and other discomforts, and some more serious friends will also have burning eyes and pain around the orbit.

In addition to the above 3 discomforts, friends with liver and blood deficiency will also experience dizziness, loss of appetite, belching and other discomforts, and some female friends will also have less menstrual flow, light color, and even amenorrhea.

What should I do? "Deficiency is supplemented", and then I will introduce you to a small recipe for tonifying liver and blood, and a simple 4 flavor medicine can make you up from head to toe, from the inside to the outside!

Siwu soup

Liver and blood deficiency, nails will produce this "change"!4 flavor medicine, tonify liver and blood, calm the mind!


Rehmannia 12g, Angelica sinensis 10g, White peony 12g, Chuanxiong 8g.

(This is the original dose, only for popular science sharing, and it needs to be added or subtracted clinically according to the patient's situation.) )


Nourish yin and nourish blood, nourish blood and regulate menstruation.


Rehmannia Rehmannia: Sweet and warm and thick, into the liver and kidney meridians, moist and greasy, can nourish blood and nourish yin, benefit essence and fill the marrow, and is an important medicine for nourishing yin and blood, so it is reused as a Jun medicine.

Angelica: sweet and spicy in nature, mainly into the liver and heart meridian, can replenish blood and activate blood, regulate menstruation and relieve pain, and moisten the intestines and laxative. Compatible with the familiar land, it not only increases the power of blood, but also stagnates the blood camp, and is used as a medicine.

White peony: Suppresses liver yang, nourishes blood and regulates menstruation, collects yin and stops sweating, softens the liver and relieves pain, and can enhance the function of the original recipe to nourish yin and replenish blood;

Chuanxiong: Xinwen rises and disperses, can invigorate blood and qi, dispel wind and relieve pain, and Angelica sinensis is in harmony with the power of blood, and make the medicine replenish blood without stagnation of blood, and the two drugs are adjuvants;

The combination of the four medicines, feminine and pungent and sweet, complementing the middle and the line, replenishing the blood without stagnation of blood, and doing the blood without hurting the blood, together become the function of tonifying blood and regulating blood.

Of course, this is only a basic formula, if you still have qi deficiency, you can add ginseng and astragalus to the original recipe to replenish qi and generate blood;

If you have blood stagnation and blood stasis, you can add peach kernels and safflower on the basis of the original recipe, and replace white peony with red peony to strengthen the power of the original recipe to invigorate blood and remove stasis;

If you are cold, you can add cinnamon, ginger, and Wu Ying to the original recipe to warm the blood;


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