
How to eat sour plum soup, turtle paste, and foods containing traditional Chinese medicine? What does it do? What to watch out for? The composition of sour plum soup is ume, hawthorn and licorice. Ume can quench thirst, hawthorn can strengthen the stomach

author:Huang Yaoshi's health handbook

How to eat sour plum soup, turtle paste, and foods containing traditional Chinese medicine? What does it do? What to watch out for?

The composition of sour plum soup is ume, hawthorn and licorice. Ume can quench thirst, hawthorn can be stomach to digest, licorice can replenish the spleen, clear heat and detoxification, so in the hot summer, and sweat a lot, drink a bowl of sour plum soup to quench thirst, very beneficial. However, if you drink cold cold, drink too much, or drink too cold sour plum soup, it is easy to damage the spleen and stomach, loss of appetite and even another kind of "yin and summer certificate", resulting in diarrhea, abdominal pain and other discomfort. Moreover, Ume contains more acidic ingredients, people with more stomach acid should not drink more, and drinks contain more sugar, and diabetics and obese people should not drink.

There are two kinds of turtle paste, medicine and food, and the medicinal turtle paste is made of turtle plate, raw ground yellow, soil poria, mianyin chen, honeysuckle, licorice, hemp seed and several herbs. Turtle board has the effect of nourishing yin and yang, strengthening muscles and strengthening bones, raw ground yellow, soil poria, Mianyin Chen, honeysuckle, hemp seed are all clear heat Chinese medicine, and the heat clearing strength is not small, so the drug turtle cream is a proprietary Chinese medicine, not suitable for use as a health care product or snack. It can be used for false fire irritability, mouth and tongue sores, constipation, hot drenching, red and white belt, skin itching, boils and sores and other thermal diseases. It is not advisable to drink strong tea after taking.

Food turtle balm is made of water, coconut fruit, red beans, white sugar, turtle paste powder (fairy grass, starch, poria sativa, honeysuckle, dandelion, licorice, grass turtle). The main ingredients are water, coconut nuts and other foods, and the content of medicinal turtle paste powder is very small. Therefore, the food turtle paste is completely different from the medicinal turtle paste formula, compatibility dose, etc. Food turtle balm can be eaten as a snack, and does not have the effect of curing diseases. #健康真知计划 #

The way to distinguish between drugs and food is very simple, on the one hand, the drug turtle cream can only be bought in pharmacies, on the other hand, the drug will have the logo of the national medicine quasi-word Z.

How to eat sour plum soup, turtle paste, and foods containing traditional Chinese medicine? What does it do? What to watch out for? The composition of sour plum soup is ume, hawthorn and licorice. Ume can quench thirst, hawthorn can strengthen the stomach
How to eat sour plum soup, turtle paste, and foods containing traditional Chinese medicine? What does it do? What to watch out for? The composition of sour plum soup is ume, hawthorn and licorice. Ume can quench thirst, hawthorn can strengthen the stomach
How to eat sour plum soup, turtle paste, and foods containing traditional Chinese medicine? What does it do? What to watch out for? The composition of sour plum soup is ume, hawthorn and licorice. Ume can quench thirst, hawthorn can strengthen the stomach

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