
Lung nodules are not uneliminable, this recipe for reusing black plum is not confidential, help one is one!

author:Director Lu of the Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Wumei, don't look at it, it's not good-looking, it's not very good-looking, and it's often ignored by people. However, it is this inconspicuous small fruit that is a rare little expert in improving nodules, especially for pulmonary nodules, which can be called the "natural enemy" of pulmonary nodules.

Ume, sour in taste, flat. Belong to the liver, spleen, lungs, and large intestine meridians. "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Collect the lungs and astringent intestines, stop coughing and diarrhea for a long time, and vomit for all." ”

Lung nodules are not uneliminable, this recipe for reusing black plum is not confidential, help one is one!

Wumei has the effect of constricting the lungs and intestines, dispelling dampness and generating Jin. It is undoubtedly a great blessing for those patients with lung deficiency who have been coughing for a long time. In the classic formula of traditional Chinese medicine, the figure of black plum can often be seen, and it is often compatible with medicinal materials such as banxia, almond, and ejiao, which is the famous "Yifu San".

And when it comes to treating damp phlegm and cough, black plum is also an indispensable herb. At this time, it is often compatible with medicinal materials such as banxia, orange red, poria cocos, licorice, etc., which is the "Erchen Tang" commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. In this recipe, the amount of black plum is not much, but its effect on constricting lung qi should not be underestimated. Compatible with medicinal materials such as banxia and orange red, it can not only disperse dampness and phlegm, but also astringent lung qi, so as to avoid excessive dryness and heat and damage to righteousness. This kind of compatibility method of scattering and harvesting is really ingenious.

Lung nodules are not uneliminable, this recipe for reusing black plum is not confidential, help one is one!

Today I will share a tea substitute, which is mainly made of black plum, and people with lung nodules can drink it often!

Ume Tea:

Black plum, hawthorn, tangerine peel, appropriate amount of brown sugar

Method: Wash the above ingredients, put them in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for about 15 minutes, and finally add an appropriate amount of brown sugar.

Lung nodules are not uneliminable, this recipe for reusing black plum is not confidential, help one is one!

The taste of black plum is sour, which not only makes people appetizing, but also has the effect of strengthening the spleen. It also astringents the lungs, promotes saliva production, and helps the body remove moisture, laying a solid foundation for good health.

Hawthorn is a good medicine for digestion and stagnation, which can effectively reduce the metabolic burden of the body and make the body more relaxed.

Tangerine peel has the effect of drying dampness and dissolving phlegm, strengthening the spleen and regulating qi, and has a good effect on regulating the dampness and qi in the body. Brown sugar, on the other hand, can invigorate blood stasis, nourish blood, and is an indispensable beauty product for female friends.

The combination of black plum, hawthorn, tangerine peel and brown sugar not only tastes great, but also is a healthy enjoyment. Each of them has a unique pharmacological effect, which cooperates with each other to better exert their respective effects.

Lung nodules are not uneliminable, this recipe for reusing black plum is not confidential, help one is one!

This year, a patient was diagnosed with pulmonary nodules for 10 months, and the ground-glass nodules in the lower lobe of the right lung were saved by 12mm, and the ground-glass nodules in the upper lobe of the left lung were saved by 8mm. There are also a small number of tiny nodules, less than 5 mm in size. The mediastinum is centered, and there are no abnormalities in the mediastinal large vessels and cardiac shadows.

The Western doctor directly recommended surgery, but he was afraid of the operation and was unwilling to do it, so he planned to come to see a Chinese doctor.

So I dialectically proposed:

Black plum, licorice, aconite, cinnamon branches, hollyhock, zombie silkworm, raw malt.

(Soak your feet in the above-mentioned black plum tea and warm bile soup)

However, they are all used in combination after strict syndrome differentiation, and the development of each person's condition is inconsistent, as well as the changes in the type of symptoms are inconsistent, and the individual body constitution is inconsistent, and the medication situation will also be different.

Lung nodules are not uneliminable, this recipe for reusing black plum is not confidential, help one is one!

The result?

Half a month later, his mental state improved significantly.

Therefore, we believe that no matter what the disease is, as long as the sleep is improved and the skin tone is improved, the problem will be solved gradually. As our complexion improves, the internal environment of the body improves, and the nodules in the body will naturally decrease.

I then continued to dispense the medicine, and after taking it for 4 weeks, I checked it again and found that the nodule had shrunk significantly. So I asked him to continue the follow-up, and after a few cycles of treatment, his symptoms had completely improved and the nodules were gradually gone.


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