
Sour plum soup became unexpectedly popular, is the raw material plum the fruit of plum blossoms?

author:Shangguan News

Recently, the sour plum soup brewed in a Chinese medicine store

Unexpected popularity

It has become a "healthy" cool drink in the beverage industry

Sour plum soup became unexpectedly popular, is the raw material plum the fruit of plum blossoms?

Sour plum soup is a classic Chinese medicine drink, also known as Wumei soup, mainly composed of plum, hawthorn, tangerine peel, mulberry, licorice, rose, mint, etc., can quench thirst, eliminate appetite, clear heat and relieve heat, help converge vitality.

"Ume" and umei compote used in Ume soup

Is it made of the same fruit?

Generally speaking, plums are divided into ornamental plums and edible plums, which are processed from green plums to make Chinese medicine or snack preserves.

The "Umei" used in Ume soup is a medicinal Ume, which is smoked from immature green plums and is a famous Chinese medicine.

The preserves eaten as a snack are pickled from ripe plums.

Is "Ume" the fruit of plum blossoms?

Generally, ornamental plum blossoms planted in park green spaces have bright flowers and rich colors, most of which are artificially selected varieties, and their fruit set rate is extremely low, which is still different from the fruit plums we eat daily.

Sour plum soup became unexpectedly popular, is the raw material plum the fruit of plum blossoms?

Ripe plums

Sour plum soup became unexpectedly popular, is the raw material plum the fruit of plum blossoms?

In addition to the sour plum soup

Try it in the dry autumn

These drinks

It is used to relieve dry autumn weather

Chrysanthemum tea

Efficacy: Clear the liver and clear the eyes, and have a certain effect on eye strain, headache, high blood pressure, etc.

Method: Brew with five or six chrysanthemum flowers, add a little honey when brewing, the taste is better.

Sour plum soup became unexpectedly popular, is the raw material plum the fruit of plum blossoms?

Goji Tea

Efficacy: nourishes kidney, nourishes liver, moisturizes lungs, brightens eyes, strengthens muscles and bones, improves fatigue.

Method: Only a dozen goji berries are needed, and heated water can be brewed.

Sour plum soup became unexpectedly popular, is the raw material plum the fruit of plum blossoms?

Rose tea

Efficacy: Cool blood, nourish the face, improve dry skin, aid digestion, eliminate fat.

Method: Use a few roses to brew and drink with boiling water, you can add an appropriate amount of honey to adjust the taste.

Sour plum soup became unexpectedly popular, is the raw material plum the fruit of plum blossoms?

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Source: Chenshan Botanical Garden

Blossom Sea Ecological Park


Editor: Big Garfield

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