
Cough and panic, black plum can not only be made into black plum sauce, but also has 5 major effects

author:There is no cure for suffering

Ume, as a valuable medicinal material in traditional Chinese medicine, has been highly regarded since ancient times. Not only does it make a delicious black plum paste, but it also has a lot of medicinal properties. Below, we will introduce you to the 5 major effects of Ume.

First, black plum has a cough suppressant effect. The black plum has a sour and astringent taste, enters the heart, liver and kidney meridians, and has the effect of astringency and cough relief. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the cause of cough is mostly the disharmony of lung qi, and Wumei can reconcile this qi, so as to achieve the effect of cough suppression. For symptoms such as cold cough, phlegm, and cough, black plum has a certain curative effect.

Cough and panic, black plum can not only be made into black plum sauce, but also has 5 major effects

Second, black plum has the effect of stopping panic. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, palpitation is mostly caused by insufficient blood flow and abnormal heart function. Ume has the effect of nourishing blood and calming the nerves, which can regulate heart function and increase cardiac contractility, thereby improving the symptoms of palpitation. Especially for people suffering from palpitations, palpitations, insomnia and other diseases, black plum is an important medicinal material.

Cough and panic, black plum can not only be made into black plum sauce, but also has 5 major effects

Thirdly, black plum can regulate the spleen and stomach. Ume has the effect of strengthening the stomach and eliminating appetite, which can increase the secretion of gastric juice, improve digestive function, and improve symptoms such as loss of appetite and indigestion caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach. At the same time, black plum also has an astringent effect, which can reduce the secretion of gastric acid, and also has a certain therapeutic effect on gastric ulcers, gastritis and other diseases.

Cough and panic, black plum can not only be made into black plum sauce, but also has 5 major effects

Fourth, black plum has a laxative effect. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, black plum has a sour and astringent taste and can moisten the intestines, and has the effect of moisturizing dryness and laxative. The pectin, cellulose and other substances in black plum can increase intestinal peristalsis, improve constipation, and prevent intestinal diseases such as chronic colitis.

Fifth, black plum also has an antioxidant effect. Ume is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and carotenoids, which can remove free radicals in the body, reduce oxidative damage, and delay aging. In addition, black plum also contains a variety of minerals, which can maintain the acid-base balance in the body and enhance the body's ability to resist diseases.

In short, black plum is not only a delicious fruit, but also a valuable Chinese medicinal material. Under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine theory, we can use black plum to treat symptoms such as cough, palpitation, weakness of the spleen and stomach, constipation, etc., and black plum also has an antioxidant effect, which helps to delay aging. However, as a medicine, black plum should also follow the principle of moderate medication and should not be consumed in excess. If you feel unwell, it is recommended that you consult a TCM professional and take medication as prescribed.



1. Zhang Lin, Chen Zhonghua. China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information,2012,19(12):61-62.

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