
Li Ronghao's "Wumeizi Sauce" was spit on, and the character is facing collapse?

author:o Oh oh East

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Since Jay Chou's retirement, the Chinese music scene has gradually declined, making people sigh that the river is declining. The former benchmark is no longer there, and the former immortal fight scenes are also a thing of the past. For those who cherish the memories of youth, Internet celebrity songs seem to be an unorthodox form of music that is difficult to resonate with them. Therefore, people can only find other ways to satisfy their musical tastes, such as enjoying tracks such as "Secondhand Moon Season".

However, Li Ronghao's cover action changed this situation, he chose to cover Jay Chou's unpopular song "Bell in the Opposite Direction" 22 years ago, which made many music fans turn to him. Previously, Li Ronghao has released a series of popular singles, including "Li Bai", "Sparrow", "Model", "Young and Talented" and "Ace Wrongdoer", etc., these songs are full of charm and can instantly capture the hearts of listeners.

Li Ronghao's "Wumeizi Sauce" was spit on, and the character is facing collapse?

Recently, Lee Ronghao released a new single "Plum Sauce", which is said to have a light melody and sweet lyrics comparable to candy. After this song was covered by Liang Yuying, it set off a cover boom and was in the limelight. Traffic became a business opportunity, and on a shopping platform, the search volume of products with the same name as the song skyrocketed hundreds of times.

Although the song became popular, it was not immune to criticism. Some people think that the lyrics are superficial, the melody is ordinary, and everything is just a rigid set for rhyme, and it seems that the Chinese music scene has fallen to this point. However, Li Ronghao cannot be blamed personally, the problem lies more in the atmosphere of "entertainment to death" and people's unconscious pursuit of traffic. Online platforms have lowered people's aesthetic standards, and in the absence of golden songs, singers seem to be able to become a fan simply by releasing songs at will.

Li Ronghao's "Wumeizi Sauce" was spit on, and the character is facing collapse?

Some netizens expressed dissatisfaction with this, calling these songs "ugly to death" and complaining that people's tastes are no longer indescribable. It is also believed that some songs copied Jay Chou's "Romantic Phone", which caused more controversy.

So, is Li Ronghao also caught in the "Charlotte troubles"? Will he never be able to walk out of Jay's shadow? This question may be worth pondering. For Li Ronghao's past, more details need to be searched by themselves, and we may as well leave it to readers to discover by themselves.

In the entertainment industry, if virtue is not matched, it will bring disaster. That's why the winner of the first season of "There is Hip Hop" was banned and could not even perform in the night show. As public figures, their words and deeds should serve as role models. Wrong values should not be conveyed because of personal mistakes and actions. Moreover, those who wear the garb of high-quality idols should maintain noble ethics. The public has a keen eye for fire, and the overall online public opinion is positive. If an entertainer makes an absurd mistake, then he will suffer public outrage, because information spreads very quickly on the Internet.

Li Ronghao's "Wumeizi Sauce" was spit on, and the character is facing collapse?

To sum up, although Lee Ronghao's music has attracted many fans, it has also caused controversy. His songs became popular in the traffic era, but they raised people's questions about the Chinese music scene and made people think about the true connotation of music. At the same time, artists should always keep in mind morality and good behavior, because their words and actions will affect more people. Both singers and audiences should cherish and adhere to true musical values in order to create more classics in the music world.

Li Ronghao's "Wumeizi Sauce" was spit on, and the character is facing collapse?

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